The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2405: Madam, the reason why it is so amazing is because you are about to give birth...

"Why don't we go back first and lie down for a while?"

Seeing Li Mingda's face relaxed, as if nothing happened. Cheng Chubi felt a little relieved, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

Li Mingda flattened his mouth and started shaking his little head in anger.

"No, brother Cheng San, please let me down, and you'll take me to see the things you planted."

Seeing this little cutie, who was about to become a mother, huddled in his arms, Cheng Chubi hurriedly complied with tears and laughter.

"Cheng Chengcheng, my little ancestor, go, let's go now, but you don't have to come down, I'll carry you over there." At Fangkou where the Cheng family lived, Li Qi and Tai Qiong's eldest son Qin Huaidao rode on their horses. , while bragging and spanking.

However, most of the time it was Li Qi, the older man, who was turning his mouth. Qin Huaidao looked at him with admiration and bragging about how awesome his hound was.

I can't wait to be like this elder brother, and also raise a few famous dogs at home, and go hunting and bird hunting with me.

However, he only dared to think about it. In the past, when his father was in bad health, he was almost obedient to himself.

But for some unknown reason, since his father's recovery, his discipline has become more and more strict, and he has even personally instructed himself in martial arts every three weeks.

This made Qin Huaidao, who used to be a bit playful in the past, work lazily after being cleaned up by his father many times.

Now, under the care of his father, he has grown into a promising young man in the Tang Dynasty...

And he successfully infiltrated the young shareholder circle of Datang Hantang Commercial Bank and became a little brother.

Although in the past few years, the most capable and the most troublesome Cheng Sanlang is not in Chang'an.

However, every time a group of fox friends and dog friends get together, the topic will always mention Cheng Sanlang, Jun Ge'er, and Wu Wang Lige, the three old drivers.

After all, they did great things in Luzhou, one after another, and were well received by their elders.

My father Qin Qiong sometimes regrets it. If my son Qin Huaidao was a few years older, he should have gone to Luzhou to polish it.

And Qin Huaidao also admired the three Xiongtai, especially after hearing that these three Xiongtai not only made political achievements.

Moreover, Fang Erlang led the army and horses, and in the defensive battle of Yazhou, he played energetically and was rewarded by the court and the military.

As for the most capable Cheng Sanlang, not to mention his deeds even more envy, jealousy, and hatred of the older brothers who worked in the Han and Tang dynasties.

Not to mention his reputation in Luzhou, and even in the entire south-central region of Jiannan Road, he is definitely the kind that can stop children from crying at night.

I heard that the Han people, almost every household enshrined his portrait.

In addition, he led a crowd of rabble soldiers to assist Yaozhou in the night.

He successfully captured the most important pass and hub in the southern part of Jiannan Road in the Tang Dynasty, which had fallen into the hands of Tubo during the Wude period: Jianchuan City.

Destroyed Tubo's ambition to attack in two ways and invade the rich and prosperous land in the central and southern parts of Jiannan Road in the Tang Dynasty.

The Tibetans, who had long coveted the central and southern parts of the Jiannan Road in the Tang Dynasty, not only lost their troops, but also lost their footholds in the south to invade the Tang Dynasty.

According to the information received by the imperial court, the Tubo prime minister Shang Nang heard that his nephew Shang Jie and the three thousand Tubo elites had disappeared, and after withdrawing their troops and returning to the country.

He vomited blood on the road, and when he returned to the capital, he was already suffocated, and he was afraid that his life would not be long.

Hearing such a thousand miles of attack, Qin Huaidao and the disciples of the martial arts family were very excited, and they all beat their chests and feet. Why was Cheng Saburo, the king of demon moths, created these classic battles, and why wasn't he himself?

Well, before the big guy's envy, jealousy and hatred dissipated, a piece of news refreshed everyone's three views.

Valley Cave

The trio of demon moths, because they were so idle, played cards all night in the Grand Governor's Mansion, but they were caught by the teacher of His Royal Highness King Wu, Quan Wanji.

When the impeachment arrived in front of His Majesty, His Majesty was furious, and let these three guys go back to Chang'an.

When they heard the news, a bunch of friends were really dumbfounded, until the three of them returned to Chang'an.

Brother Jun continued to stay in the army, and it was already officially entered into the military sequence of the Tang Dynasty.

And His Royal Highness King Wu, the swinging prince, is still the same. As for Cheng Sanlang, tsk tsk...

He jumped up and down in Chang'an as an unemployed vagabond. First, he was thrown into chaos by His Majesty and the Emperor Taishang with weapons, and finally he had to climb a tree to save his life.

Later, it was rumored that General Cheng Da asked His Royal Highness Princess Jinyang to marry him. As a result, His Majesty was furious and fined him a year.

Well, this is not the end, and then Cheng Sanlang, as the chairman of the Han and Tang Commercial Bank, will go to Luoyang to give His Majesty the Emperor Taishang the Palace of Nations.

A series of dazzling, jaw-dropping and dazzling events made Qin Huaidao finally understand.

Why are you Xiongtai there saying that there is no Cheng Saburo in Chang'an, what do you mean by half the fun?

And just yesterday, the two demon moths, Chubi brother and Weide brother, spread heroic posters and called a group of brothers to go to Duke Lu's mansion.

It is said that it is a big matter about Brother Jun's life-long affairs, and it is necessary for the big guys to gather at the Duke Lu Mansion to discuss.

No, Qin Huaidao, who lived not far away, rode with Li Qi. Just at the gate of the square, I heard shouting from behind.

"The two virtuous brothers stay here and come for the sake of my brother..."

Li Qi and Qin Huaidao turned their heads and saw Li Zhen and Li Siwen coming on horseback.

The two hurriedly greeted the two of them, and Li Qi couldn't wait to hear it.

"The two brothers came at the right time. I wonder if the two brothers know, what exactly do Cheng Sanlang and His Royal Highness King Wu want to do?"


Li Zhen shook his head helplessly, playing with the whip in his hand.

"I don't know, huh... what those two want to do, you can't always reason about it, let's go and see today.

If it's just nonsense, our brothers will rush away. "

"Otherwise If it is blocked in the mansion of the Duke of Lu, I am afraid that I will have to go in straight and come out sideways."

"Brother Jun's words are reasonable, but since they used the life-long event of Brother Jun as an excuse, is it possible that they are going to let our brothers have a good time on the day that Brother Jun gets married?"

Brother Yiqian, while guessing, rode his horse towards Duke Lu's mansion.

In a small amount of time, a large number of the sons of the ministers and the disciples of Wu Xun gathered at the gate of the Duke Lu's mansion.

In the grass market not far from the gate of the house, a group of neighbors were very interested and talked a lot.

"Yo... I haven't seen such a lively scene for a long time. It seems that today, the Duke of Lu is going to hold a banquet again."

"That's not, sigh, I don't know what's going on with these honorable children, as well as those noble princes.

Every time I enter Duke Lu’s mansion, I can only come out sideways, but I’m still exhausted and defeated, tsk tsk…”

"Who let their old Cheng family's delicious food and wine be our big

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