The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2412: Um! Brother Cheng 3, you are so kind to me...

Li Shimin's father and son and General Cheng Da's father and son were in the front hall, chatting word by word over the delicious food of the Cheng family.

From time to time, the servants of the Cheng family would come over to report what the situation was, and they just ate and drank for more than an hour.

This kind of bland repetition continued until it was almost dark, and Cheng Fa rushed over to the ground. Facing the suspicious gazes of the two, Fang Xuanling also sat down and said sternly.

"The two of you must also know that Cheng is too often?"

Zu Guang nodded and smiled.

"Cheng Taichang's name, in Chang'an City, almost everyone knows it, and everyone knows it, and I can't be spared."

"I don't know how the two of you feel about Cheng Taichang? It doesn't matter, the two just speak bluntly.

We are just chatting in private, and we will definitely not spread it out. "

Fang Xuanling's actions made these two more and more incomprehensible, but they also knew the personality of this Fang Xiangye.

Now that they have said this, they both stood on a more fair stand and praised the talented Cheng Taichang.

"Then the "Changan Xunbao" has not been recruited for a period of time, especially the persuading student union in the issue of "Changan Xunbao" that just came out not long ago, it really expresses the aspirations of my generation of scholars. "

"And the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" serialized in the "Chang'an Xunbao" is even more wonderful, which makes the official love it."

"Every time the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" serialized in the "Chang'an Xunbao", the lower official will transcribe it for future study and appreciation..."

"It's a pity that Luo Guanzhong, the author of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", is not well-known, otherwise Zu would definitely come to the door to make friends.

People who can write such wonderful articles are really extraordinary people. "

Fang Xuanling breathed a sigh of relief after seeing these two's expressions, at least they were not disgusted or disgusted with Cheng Saburo's feelings.

In this way, I am more confident to convince the two of them. Fang Xuanling couldn't help thinking of the news that His Majesty had intentionally leaked before.

"Speaking of this "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", this old man knows some little secrets... It's about the author."

Hearing this, Zu Guang and Assistant Hu both eyes lit up and looked at Fang Xuanling.

"He is the third son of Duke Lu's mansion, Shaoqing of Taichang Temple."


"It's actually him..." Zu Guang's eyes widened, and after a long time, he patted his thigh with a look on his face.

"It turns out that, with Cheng Taichang's talent, he was able to write the "Three Character Classics", and he was able to make such a good couplet of persuasion.

It is not surprising to write such a magnificent "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". "

Assistant Hu also nodded in agreement, but his doubts became more, and the two of them were called here by Fang Xiangye.

He didn't talk about the real business, but only talked about Cheng Taichang. What does that mean? Could it be that the next thing to talk about has something to do with Cheng Taichang?

At this time, I heard Fang Xuanling speak slowly.

"Have you two heard about the Cheng University that Cheng Sablang intends to set up?"

Seeing the two continue to nod, Fang Xuanling smacked his mouth, and then got to the point.


"Cheng's University, founded by Cheng Sablang, is not very popular with some people, so it has been approaching the beginning of the school year, but it has not been able to find enough teachers."

Fang Xuanling paused and gritted his teeth secretly before speaking.

"Your Majesty intends to help him, so, this old man will invite the two of you to come over and discuss."

Zu Guang and Assistant Hu's eyes widened exaggeratedly. What do you mean by that? His Majesty wanted to help Cheng Taichang and help him find a teacher.

That means, the two of us are about to be kicked out of the bureaucratic class, and will we go to work for Cheng Saburo?

Seeing the black lines on their faces, the expressions on their faces, Fang Xuanling spoke soothingly.

"Don't get me wrong, the old man means that the official rank of the two will remain unchanged. The two only need to go to Cheng's University to teach students for three years."

"Of course, within these three years, the salary of the two of you at Cheng's University will be three times your current salary."

"Three years later, I will naturally resume my post as an official and return to mathematics. If it is done well, Your Majesty will naturally not be stingy..."

"As for the study of mathematics, I will leave it to the other two academic officials. Fortunately, there are not many students in mathematics, and they can handle it."

Looking at Fang Xuanling who was talking to him, Zu Guang involuntarily wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Then what are you and Assistant Hu, stop your salary and stay on the job, and then go to help His Majesty with private work?

Does this count as a corner that His Majesty the Tang Emperor dug himself?

"In addition, there is one more thing, the old man knows, Dr. Zu, you have learned from your father, and you have a family background. I don't know how many people in the world want to worship Dr. Zu."

"However, because of the system of the School of Mathematics, many talents are blocked from outside, which is really embarrassing."

"If you are a professor of mathematics at Cheng's University, those talents who had no way to study can be considered to be able to get what they want."

Hearing Fang Xuanling's words, Zu Guang couldn't help but feel a little excited. Yes, their ancestor's family was a math family, and Zu Chongzhi was the most famous one among his immediate ancestors.

Zu Wei, the son of the ancestor Zu Chongzhi, is also an astronomer and mathematician who has left a deep impression in the history of mathematics.

His grandfather Zu Zong Ru did not have much achievements in mathematics, but his father Zu Xiaosun relied on his talent in mathematics and rhythm.

He solved the problems of tuning and the twelve-rhythm palace, and in his generation, he also learned from his father in math and rhythm.

However, I prefer mathematics, so I took root in the Guozijian Academy of Mathematics and stayed there for more than ten years.

And the prestige of their ancestors in the mathematics world, UU reading www. is definitely the leader. Countless math talents want to worship the entrance wall.

However, his Zu Guang was a court official, so naturally he didn't have much time to accept disciples. However, there are very few talents who can enter the mathematics and learn mathematics.

His ancestral position was low and low, and naturally there was no way to change it. At most, in his spare time, he gave some advice to some young people who came to study.

This made Zu Guang, who was very happy to preach and teach, quite regretful, but there was nothing he could do. After all, whether the court paid attention to arithmetic or not, this was not the decision of a scientific research and technical talent like him.

Thinking of this, Zu Guang, who was already a little moved, couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at Assistant Hu, who was beside him.

When Assistant Professor Hu saw Zu Guang's gaze, he knew that this familiar colleague was already moved, and he nodded lightly to express his opinion.

Zu Guang nodded and saluted Fang Xuanling sternly.

"If Cheng Taichang is really willing to make a promise to teach arithmetic in the university.

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