The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2443: Is there only one book among the scholars of Datang...

Cheng Chubi asked the college to send a few carts to carry all the soft furniture in the house rented by Wang Fangyi into the carts.

Send them to the dormitory area dedicated to the teachers of the college near the college, and let their mother and son live there together with their old servants.

As for the evil slaves of the princess's mansion, they were naturally handed over to the Luoyang police officers who came and escorted them back to the Luoyang prison.

Cheng Chubi looked at Wang Fangyi who hurried to accompany his mother's placement after saying goodbye to him, and then turned his head and said to Li Ke. Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke suspiciously, always feeling that this kid was talking nonsense.

"At the end of autumn, at the end of autumn, let alone in the north, even in the south, the lotus leaves have already withered, where are the ghost lotus leaves?"

"Hehe, that is Brother Chubi, you don't understand. The Xuandu Temple was originally called Tongda Guan, which was built in the old city of Chang'an in the third year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and was originally named Tongda Guan.

Legend has it that when Daxing City was built in the previous dynasty, it was moved to the present place in the second year of Kaihuang.

When the Xuandu Temple was built, it was discovered that there was a hot spot in the current site of the Xuandu Temple. "

"Regardless of the changes of the seasons, the area of ​​about an acre is always warm."

"At that time, I thought that there was some strange treasure in the ground. I dug several feet, but no good treasure was dug up."

"The soil dug out is also ordinary soil, so the first Xuandu Guanzhu transformed the excavated hot land into a lotus pond."

"The lotus flowers there are said to have come from Jiaozhi as a tribute that year. In this lotus pond, which is warm as spring all year round, it just happens to bloom undefeated."

Cheng Chubi's face immediately dropped, and he wiped his face with a complicated expression. day!

This is really a noun. The sun in the late autumn has not illuminated Cheng Chubi's cold heart at the moment.

Why does the broken place have floor heating, why does your mother have this kind of undefeated lotus that blooms all year round.

Cheng Chubi was so angry that he wanted to take the big **** and jump at Xuan Du Guan to dig the lotus pond directly.

Raising his head and looking towards the two unlucky turtles, Cheng Chubi's eyes were a little wet.

I always feel that my salary is showing signs of fluttering.

Cheng Chubi raised his hand, pulled Fang Jun's hand aside, and patted the tortoise with scriptures engraved on its back with a heavy heart.

If they're just dying, you can't even give them CPR or artificial respiration.

But they have died heroically, what to do? Cheng Chubi really felt a little troublesome when he looked at this large tortoise.

Fang Jun beside him was making bad ideas.

"Brother Chubi, it really doesn't work, let's quietly throw it back."

"Thank you for being able to tell, but Xuanduguan knows that the old Cheng family took this tortoise."

"Even if you throw it back, in a few days, the Taoist priests in the temple will see that the tortoise has lost its breath. Tsk tsk..."

"Even Xuanduguan wouldn't dare to provoke the old Cheng family, but my father and mother went to Xuanduguan for a walk, do you think those Taoists would make a few words?"

Seeing that brother Chubi was so worried that he wanted to shave off his head and hair, Li Ke couldn't help laughing and laughing, and suddenly came up with a bad idea next to him.

"Brother Chubi, why don't you make a fake one?"

"Fake?" Cheng Chubi narrowed his eyes, looked at Li Ke with his head tilted, and patted Li Ke's shoulder lightly with his big hand.

Although this idea is still very bad, but it is like pulling a pad on the back, this feeling is really good.

Cheng Chubi laughed and couldn't help grinning.

"Thank you, brother, for this good plan, I will listen to you."

"Whether it's successful or not, there is a share of credit for you, virtuous brother."

Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi who suddenly began to smile, and always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what the problem was.

Fang Jun's reaction was a bit slow, but as the son of Fang Da Xiangye, his way of thinking was still very flexible.

"Two brothers, are you going to fake the tortoise?"

"The fake ones are not alive. What if the people in the Taoist temple see the flaws?"

Cheng Chubi laughed and smiled confidently. "How about seeing the flaws?"

"As the saying goes, people don't move, officials don't rectify, as long as you can find a way to get those old cows out of their way."

"Then there will be no problem."

"Also, we can put a fake tortoise in the lotus pond first.

When I found a spirit tortoise that was about the same size, such a scripture was also written on the back of the tortoise. "

"And then replace the fake one secretly, won't it be perfect?"

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Li Ke and Fang Jun raised their thumbs towards Cheng Chubi with convincing expressions on their faces.

It was almost enough to shout 666 to express their heroic wisdom towards Brother Chubi.

Well, I was really looking forward to it. I just wanted to see how Brother Chu Bi was bragging and fooling people to make those Taoist priests in Xuanduguan take it seriously.


Next, the three young people squatted in the Imperial Physician's Office and began to work How to come up with a spirit turtle that is both fake but not too fake.

"Such a big turtle is really hard to find, and it's almost winter, the turtles are hibernating in their nests, and it's not easy to catch them."

"So now we can only make a fake, but what kind of material do the two brothers think is better?"

"Wood." This is the suggestion given by Li Ke. "The wood is light and easy to carve."

Fang Jun gave different opinions.

"Little brother thinks that the stone is better. The stone sinks a little bit, but it won't float in the water."

Cheng Chubi smacked his mouth and nodded. "If the wooden turtle is floating around, it's easy for people to see that it's a fake."

"But if it is a stone turtle, the color is wrong. This turtle is yellow-brown in color. Such a stone is really hard to find."

Hearing this, Li Ke nodded in agreement, but soon became worried again.

"Then what should we do, wood is not good, stone is not good, can we still use copper and iron?"

Cheng Chubi looked at the spirit tortoise that had farted, looked at his yellow-brown tortoise shell, and the brown on his tortoise's body.

If it is cast with brass, it is not impossible, but it is so big that if it is solid, it is impossible to do it without a hundred or two hundred pounds of copper.

Cheng Chubi, whose heart almost dripped with blood, suddenly had an idea when he thought of how one or two hundred jin of copper coins would become such a piece of shit.

"If you have it, cast it out of brass, and cast a bronze turtle with a hollow inside.

Then when the time comes, put some mud on it or something, and it will be almost the same as the real thing. "

Hearing this, I looked at the tortoise whose body was mainly copper-yellow, with brown in a few places.

Li Ke nodded, but there was still something he couldn't understand.


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