The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2498: Fortunate to enter the villain, treacherous flattery, flattery...

In the Wencheng Hall, Li Shimin looked at Cheng Sanlang and Li Ke who were sitting in front of them as quiet as chickens.

He sighed helplessly. "That day, the disabled old man and the layman Di Que were your Xu Jingzong and Li Yifu, right?"

"No, my husband, it's me and His Royal Highness King Wu." Cheng Chubi raised his hand and pointed to Li Ke beside him without hesitation.

"...The old man won't punish you, so what are you afraid of?" Li Shimin said with a smile. "Could it be that the old man can laugh at you?" Li Chengqian stretched out his head and glanced at the fire in the stove, and said justice to the steward Mo Gong.

"Find someone to try it out, Gu is also very curious, how can a push or pull can blow the wind."

The steward Eunuch Mo agreed and called a handyman who was in charge of the bellows.

The handyman was a little frightened by the wand, but he sat there honestly.

Then I saw him holding the handle with both hands, pulling and pushing...

Everyone saw that there was a fire in the eyes of the stove, and a flame suddenly burst out.

Then, as the handyman stopped, the flames withdrew into the eyes of the stove like a shy little girl.


"Continue, I won't say it, you are not allowed to stop." Li Shimin's tone-shifting voice sounded.

When the handyman heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly gritted his teeth and tried to push and pull up. Then, two princes, two important ministers, and His Majesty the Emperor of Tang.

They all saw a raging flame jumping out of the stove, claws and claws.

No matter whether the handyman is pushing or pulling, the flame will only drop slightly at the moment when the handyman stops, and it will almost remain at the highest point when it works.

This time, everyone stared straight at the rising flame, unable to speak for a long time.

Li Shimin stared blankly at the rising flames, and in his heart it could be said that 10,000 horses were galloping back and forth.

This thing can actually blow the wind. The important thing is that the wind of the drum is not small. What is even more maddening is that this thing does not affect the blowing at all, whether it is pushed or pulled.

"Zhao Kun!" Li Shimin suddenly shouted.

Zhao Kun, who was also stunned by Gu Feng, froze in his heart and replied loudly.

"The minister is here!"

"Quickly go and summon Du Shaofu, the supervisor of the young mansion, to come here, tell him, let him bring a few skilled craftsmen from the supervisor of the young mansion, go quickly."

Li Shimin's orders also made Ma Zhou and Fang Xuanling wake up.

This bellows, which can blow air regardless of whether it is pushed or pulled, is definitely a smelting weapon.

Fang Xuanling bowed solemnly to Li Shimin and had to say with admiration.

"It's still Your Majesty's wisdom. It's just as His Majesty said. If you don't see it, you really don't know. That kid Cheng Saburo treats treasures as ordinary objects."

"I didn't expect it either..." Li Shimin himself shook his head helplessly.

"The main thing is this kid, you don't even know how his brain grows.

Either on the way to make trouble for demons or moths, or on the way to tinker with the baby. "

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengqian and Brother Li Ke burst out laughing and turned their faces away.

Fang Xuanling and Ma Zhou could not help laughing.

Seeing that these nobles did not leave, the well-informed Ning Zhong had already ordered people to bring the mats and tables, and they brought refreshments.

Let these few rest here and drink tea, waiting for the officials and craftsmen of the Shaofu Supervisor to arrive.

Fang Xuanling took a sip of the tea soup and looked at the flame that was still rising freely under the constant push and pull of the handyman.

"Your Majesty is so far-sighted, I can't wait.

Now the minister finally understands why His Majesty supports Cheng Sablang so strongly in setting up Cheng's University. "

Li Shimin shook his head angrily and sighed.

"I have no choice but to, after all

As far as that kid's virtue is concerned, I can't throw him to the Imperial College..."

As soon as these words came out, the whole group of people laughed out loud.

"Father, do you want my son to call Brother Chubi over here?" Li Ke also grinned happily for a long time before realizing that the inventor of the bellows was still killing pigs there.

"Don't be busy for now, wait until the young mansion supervisor arrives." Li Shimin shook his head and rejected Li Ke's proposal.

Mainly because before the professionals arrived, Li Shimin was not willing to let Cheng Chubi mess up his mind with serious nonsense in front of him.

Du Shaofu led several of the most outstanding craftsmen from the Youshang Department, the Shaofu Supervisor, and hurried towards the East Palace.

Although he didn't quite understand why His Majesty called him here, why he had to bring skilled craftsmen with him, there was only one possibility after thinking about it.

That is to say, maybe His Majesty wants to make a treasured sword for His Royal Highness, or a pair of excellent armor.

However, after they entered the East Palace, they went straight to the place where the flamboyant Dianshan Kitchen was, and they couldn't help being a little confused.

When Li Shimin saw that Du Shaofu was leading five skilled craftsmen, he could not help but sighed in relief and pointed to the other side.

"It's finally here... Du Qing come over quickly, I asked you to bring them here, I want you to take a good look at this thing..."

Following the direction pointed by Li Shimin's big hand, Du Shaofu and the others saw a rather oddly shaped stove, and a rectangular wooden box lying on a thick slate.

"Come on, add some new carbon to the stove, and make that bellows move."

Following Li Shimin's orders, the handyman of Dianshan Kitchen threw a few pieces of charcoal into the stove, and then started to pull up the bellows.

In just a few clicks, you can see the conspicuous and eye-catching flame mixed with the sparks of fiery carbon bursting out of the stove.

"This, this... is this actually used for blowing wind?" Du Shaofu's eyes glared like copper bells at the moment.

An old craftsman with white beard and hair, but a strong body, walked around the entire stove with his hands behind his with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"This is impossible, there must be a blowing machine, otherwise how could the wind be so continuous..."

"Your Majesty, can you allow Caomin to test the firepower?"

A craftsman came closer, stretched out his hand to feel the heat of the flames that jumped out, and looked at Li Shimin with anticipation on his face.

Du Shaofu reminded the craftsman who seemed to want to come here to show his superb blacksmithing skills with a black line on his face.

"Old man Liu, don't make a fool of yourself, this is the East Palace Dianshan Chef, where the ingredients are cooked, not the Shaofu Supervisor."

For a while, the area around the stove was like a vegetable market, and the skilled craftsmen of the Shaofu Supervisor could hardly keep their composure.

Du Shaofu shook his head in disbelief.

"The blower equipment I use in Datang is all made of leather and wood.

The minister even saw the blasting equipment used by the Turks in the grasslands. It is a large skin bag for blowing air to smelt metal, and the effect is extremely poor. "

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