The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2517: This kid, never forgets to live...

"Your husband is really, this is advertising, and the method is simply elusive..."

Empress Zhangsun opened her mouth, and it took a long time before she tried to use more neutral words to express this full of grooves.

Although Li Mingda also felt that these banners were a bit irritating, she silently praised her husband's good ideas.

After all, my husband has talked about how to use the opening ceremony to make money. In my husband's words, it is taken from the people and used for the people.

After all, there are not many capable officials like Husband in the world.

After all, who would have thought of using such a banner to harass people, and then using such a banner to advertise.

As expected of the husband he met with his own eyes, Li Mingda's bright eyes turned into two crescent moons.

"Mother, third brother Cheng is also trying to increase his income. After all, he spent a lot of money for the transportation inside and outside Luoyang City."

"Brother Cheng has been impeached a lot for this reason, saying that Brother Cheng has acted recklessly and recklessly in Luoyang."

Hearing his daughter-in-law defending Cheng Sanlang's kid in a low voice, Empress Changsun rolled her eyes helplessly.

Alas... the girl is outward, this is really not wrong. This girl, with her elbows turned outward, was about to turn to the land of Longyou. If this is used in smelting and forging, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Hearing the comments and comments of Du Shaofu and those skilled craftsmen, Li Shimin couldn't help but have a smug smile on his face.

At this moment, when he heard shouts from not far away, Li Shimin turned his head and saw that the kid Cheng Chubi was already walking.

On the trolley behind him, the pigs that have been treated almost the same have been divided into two pieces.

The snow-white fat and the blood-red flesh were so striking.

Cheng Chubi looked at the large group of people around here with a confused look.

Even Li Shimin, Fang Xiangye, Ma Zhou and others are all squatting here. What the **** is going on here?

Seeing Cheng Chubi's dazed appearance, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing and waved over there.

"Nephew Chubi, come here first, and explain your bellows to the skilled craftsmen of the young mansion supervisor."

Cheng Chubi glanced at the fat pig pushed past him, a little unhappy.

"Can you change the time, uncle, I haven't finished processing the pork. What if everyone is hungry if I don't hurry up and finish it?"

"..." Everyone turned their heads in unison, looking at the plausible Cheng Saburo.

Fang Xuanling raised his hand to cover his forehead helplessly. Why is this kid's brain so strange, is it important to have such a good baby that benefits the country?

Li Ke greeted him dumbfoundedly. "Brother Chubi, I'll delay you for a little while, don't rush to eat."

Cheng Chubi glared angrily at the bad prince who usually came to the mansion to eat and drink.

"You're not in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, okay? Do you know that you want to eat the best roujiao?

The meat has to be stewed for enough time. Would you like to eat raw meat for you after the delay? "

Li Shimin laughed in anger at this time, pointed at Rujian and poked at it, his eyes widened and he shouted.

"Okay, why are you doing so much nonsense, it's not impossible to eat late, hurry up and bring it to the old man."

Seeing Li Shimin staring at him unwillingly, his tone became a little depraved.

Although Cheng Chubi was unhappy, he really didn't dare to confront the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty who was wearing epic equipment.

"Come on here... Uncle, don't be annoyed, little nephew, I am also thinking about everyone's stomach. After all, missing the meal time is not good for the stomach."

"..." Li Shimin turned his face away with a black line, mainly because he was afraid that he could not help but shoot his toes, which would easily affect the unity of the ruler and his subjects.

Seeing Cheng Chubi coming, the five craftsmen and the Du Shaofu all gathered around and asked questions.

Cheng Chubi also answered their questions one by one. As for the question that they couldn't think about riding, Cheng Chubi probably explained the principle to them.

"Cheng Taichang, can you let them take this bellows apart to see the structure inside."

"No!" Cheng Chubi's expression dropped. "If you want to see it, you can move back to the Shaofu Supervisor when I finish cooking."

"This thing is sealed with wax and glue. You are going to open it. Where can I find wax and glue at this time?"

This time, Li Shimin didn't know what to say, but in the face of this unparalleled cooking genius in the Tang Dynasty, he could only persuade him earnestly.

"Nephew Chubi, let them take a look... Zhao Kun, hurry up and find some wax and glue.

After a while, they saw it, and they just re-sealed it. "

With Li Shimin talking next to him, Cheng Chubi had no choice but to open the bellows and let them look at it.

In fact, this thing is very simple, as long as you have seen it, you can understand its structure.

Cheng Chubi, an extraordinary Southwestern culinary genius, is very good at cooking, but the problem is that cooking requires a lot of firepower.

And just by encountering the fire sticks from the back kitchen of the Cheng family, frying an egg is like something, and if you want to stir-fry the waist flower or something, it is even more impossible.

In order to give full play to his culinary talent, Cheng Chubi came up with this relatively common thing in the countryside.

Naturally, in order to meet the dietary needs of this very eloquent prince with ribs, he also gave Dianshan Chef a meal.

Fang Xuanling looked at the plausible Cheng Saburo with a strange expression on his face.

"...So, nephew Chubi got this thing out just to make a dish."

Cheng Chubi heard the contempt in Fang Xiangye's tone, and immediately whispered unhappily.

"My little nephew, I don't use it for cooking, can't I play with it blowing bubbles?"

Ma Zhou was immediately shook his head in disbelief and couldn't help but whispered a sentence in His Majesty's ear.

"This kid, I don't know what other ministers are, but his ability to destroy things is really first-class."

Li Shimin nodded in agreement. "Okay, nephew, do you know that you are a powerful weapon for smelting and forging."

Cheng Chubi heard this and glanced at the ancient people who were making a fuss. What could he say?

This kind of wooden box is actually ordinary, but it is up to them to use it first, and then I will wait to set up a physics laboratory in the university.

When the time comes, I will see if I can negotiate with His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and focus on research funds to specialize in all kinds of good treasures that benefit the country and the people.

In this way, we can not only produce dazzling results, but also let everyone in the world see the benefits.

I believe that as long as it is operated properly, soon, a powerful country in science and technology will become the motto of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. tsk...

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