The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2569: Wang Zhubo will be an 8th rank official and put on a red...

Cheng Saburo and a group of friends and friends lined up in a row.

He stared blankly at the head of the Ouchi guard who had clearly robbed his precious treasure, and the giggling guards drifting away.

"Your father is too much, isn't he?" Cheng Chubi couldn't help but spit out a grotesque while looking at Li Ke who was beside him.

"Look at what he did? Our brothers are here to eat and drink while enjoying the ceremony of offering prisoners.

Not only did your father fine us our salary, but he even robbed me of my baby. Is there any reason for this? "

"Brother Chubi, that's what my father did, not me. Why are you staring at me?"

Li Ke stepped back a little with a dumbfounded expression on his face, to avoid Brother Chubi deliberately spraying Xingzi at himself to retaliate against him.

Cheng Chubi glanced back at the direction of Luoyang City with a sullen expression on his face. He never imagined that there would be no demons and moths at such a distance.

Even if he was fined, he should be fined. For him, it is considered that there are too many fleas and no itching, and too much debt is not to worry about.

But the old man who doesn't talk about martial arts even took away the good treasure he just got. How can this make sense?

"Oh... that's all, don't watch it, go, brothers, let's go drink and eat meat."

"Will this not be very good, after all, we have all been fined?" Li Qi turned his head to look at Luoyang City with some guilt.

One of Yuchi's twins, who was beside him, slapped Li Qi's shoulder and said happily.

"What are you afraid of, kid? You've already been fined. If you don't eat or drink, won't you be punished for nothing?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the noble and noble children took it seriously, and they all gathered there, drinking small wine and eating barbecue.

Li Ke also let go completely. Anyway, his father has been punished, so what else can he do? After taking two sips of wine, he continued to sigh.

When the binoculars were placed in front of Li Shimin, all the civil and military officials who were a little bored waiting for the prisoner here gathered around.

Curiously, I looked at this kind of binoculars, which were different from monoculars, and looked more sturdy and sophisticated.

After hearing that Zhao Kun stated Cheng Sanlang's description of this thing. Li Shimin, who had been in the army for half his life, suddenly lit up, "Oh, I didn't expect that Zhao Kun actually snatched back a good treasure.

After Zhao Kun had set it up, Li Shimin put his eyeballs on the eyepiece...

He saw it, he saw those **** who had just been fined for a month's salary, and they were eating and drinking in high spirits at the moment.

The expressions of one and two are so enjoyable, they actually eat like a skewer, these little bastards.

Li Shimin swallowed Xingzi with a black face, and stood up angrily.

Forget it, I've been fined once, and I can't be fined twice in a day.

Neither reward nor punishment should be too frequent.

Although all the ministers were eager to try, but at this time, the team of prisoners had already arrived.

Li Shimin instructed Zhao Kun to put this treasure away first, and then strode to stand in front of the parapet, and the ceremony of offering prisoners officially began...


Wang Xuance felt that this was the most glorious moment in his life, even in Tianzhu Continent.

The scene where Alonashun, the lord of Zhongtianzhu, led thousands of horses to kneel and pray, was not as shocking as it is today.

Above, the wise and powerful Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, standing on the parapet, delivered a passionate speech.

He reprimanded the Zhongtianzhu country for not talking about martial arts, and for being blind and fooling around.

At this moment, Alona Shun, although he has once again put on the gorgeous robes of his Tianzhu kings inlaid with various colored gems.

But he could only bow down on the wide concrete pavement in an extremely embarrassed and frustrated manner, burying his head in listening to the instructions.

Although at the moment of being attacked by Wang Angel, Alonashun only had a vague idea of ​​regret in his heart.

But after the powerful Zhongtianzhu Kingdom was destroyed by the coalition forces led by Wang Angel, it lost its land and lost its people.

Alona has asked to surrender several times, but Angel Wang is not a bird at all, because the other party has only one condition.

You crawl over for Lao Tzu, go back to Datang with a certain Wang, and confess your mistakes and repent to His Majesty the Tang Emperor.

At that time, Alona Shun was already afraid, he had already begun to be afraid, and he had already understood his end and ending.

But the desire to survive made him want to struggle desperately. As a result, the entire Zhongtianzhu was in ruins, and his entire family became prisoners of war.

Even the fate of his own allies is no better than himself...

The grand and sonorous voice of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty echoed loudly above.

Although among the more than 20,000 Tianzhu prisoners of war, only a few people could understand what the emperor of the Tang Dynasty meant.

However, the Datang iron armored elites surrounded by dense forests and the cheers like a tsunami filled their hearts with fear and regret.

When His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty finished his speech, above the tower and below the tower, the uniform sound of Tang Wansheng seemed to be torn apart even by the clear sky.

Even if they were standing on a hillside a few miles away, Cheng Sablang and the others, who had begun to watch the fun with a telescopic mirror, were still full of enthusiasm.

When the excitement passed, the team of prisoners continued to move forward. Cheng Chubi and others returned to the bonfire again, and they continued to eat and drink.


"Doctor Sanchao? Are you sure you heard correctly?" Li Ke looked at Li Min who came to report the news with disbelief on his face.

"Your Highness, there can be no mistake." Li Min said somewhat helplessly.

"When I heard the news at the time, the end general also felt unbelievable, and asked several people to ask, only to know that it was true."

After Cheng Sanlang put down the bamboo token in his hand, he walked over and asked Li Minyi.

When I heard the reward of the rank official of the Sanchao doctor, I couldn't help but grin. "That's it?"

"I heard that the lord Bo Pei goldfish bag was also rewarded, as well as 100 Jinwu De Tongbao, 1000 Silver Wude Tongbao, a mansion, thousands of acres of fertile land, and a lot of silk and satin, in fact, UU reading wwwww should be gone."

"The Sanchao doctor is from the fifth rank, the thirteenth rank of civil servants..."

Li Ke grinned after saying the rank of the Sanchao doctor.

"It seems that in the future, this Wang Zhu Bo will be wearing a red robe as an eighth-rank official."

Cheng Chubi raised his head and let out a long sigh, presumably this time.

This Wang Xuance, who has received such a reward, must be in a rather complicated mood.

He was still staying in Nahonglu Temple, and he was still a small master of the eighth grade.

It's just that the rank officials have been raised from the fifth rank, and just happened to have the qualification to wear the red robe.

If that Wang Xuance was just a mediocre lucky guy, he would definitely burst into tears with excitement. Unfortunately, he is not…

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