The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2590: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is all there, and this "Said Tang&quot

"Forget it, Brother Cheng San has already taken action anyway, it depends on what Daddy will do."

Li Mingda and Wu Meiniang were talking in low voices, and the little old man, as if he had endless energy, continued to crawling agilely there.

After the small head melon seeds hit the fence, the abnormal noises attracted the attention of Li Mingda and Wu Meiniang. They saw the little family raised their hands and patted their heads, patted the fence again, and then continued to climb happily. Cheng Saburo is either making a demon moth, or he is on his way to make a demon moth.

At the thought of this kid either jumping up and down, or playing cards in the Imperial Physician's Office.

Li Shimin couldn't help but laugh and cry, he really didn't know what to say about this kid.

If he did not suppress Chang'an, Li Shimin felt that he was afraid that he would receive a memorial to impeach Cheng Saburo every other day, making his vacation uneasy.

Rather than that, it would be better to carry him by his side and feel more at ease.

When Li Shimin thought of the eighth year of Zhenguan, the life and death of the Guanyin maid in Jiucheng Palace was hanging by a thread.

If this kid hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable, since that's the case...

Moreover, the father emperor is also old, and there is no highly skilled doctor to follow him, and he is really worried.

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth raised, stop, stop, let this kid go to Jiucheng Palace, anyway, he can hold back.

In case of three illnesses and two pains, with this kid around, it can also give people a lot of peace of mind.

I had been racking my brains before thinking about how to make the Jiaozhou Governor's Office be able to cultivate more fields and plant more three-season rice, which caused a headache.

Now, with this Cheng Jiali, it really solves the serious troubles of the confidant.

Just in the Jiaozhou area, 10 million mu of fertile land can be produced, and 70 million stone can be produced. I really hope this day will come soon.

While thinking about it, I saw Li Jizheng and Cheng Yaojin and the others giggling and bragging.

And Zhang Liang, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, was also muttering something to the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Then he motioned Zhao Kun to call Li Qing and Zhang Liang over.

When the two came to the front, Li Shimin nodded slightly and asked Li Ji.

"Li Qing, did the staff department send someone?"

"Your Majesty, as early as ten days ago, the Staff Fang Division has dispatched one staff member Lingshi, three Shulingshi, one Zhanggu, three map masters, and three sand table masters to Jiaozhou."

Li Shimin nodded with satisfaction, stroked his long beard and warned.

"Well, very good, remember to ask Gu Da and Gu Qing to cooperate, be sure to take care of the towns, fortresses, beacon towers and expeditions in the area of ​​Jiaozhou Governor's Mansion..."

"It must be detailed enough, and the land of Jiaozhou must not be lost. Zhang Qing, your people from the Ministry of Industry's Field Division are sent to Jiaozhou.

Be sure to keep a detailed record of the three-season rice cultivation in Jiaozhou.

In particular, let them inspect the various states and counties of the Governor's Mansion in Jiaozhou to see if it is really what Gu Qing said. "

"If all the prefectures and counties in the governor's office of Jiaozhou are suitable for planting the three crops of rice... Then I will no longer have to worry about the lack of food for the people within a hundred years of the Tang Dynasty."

"And the court can also operate the Jiaozhou Governor's Mansion for a long time, making it the southern border of the Tang Dynasty."


On the day of the big ploughing, there was a whole day of hustle and bustle, and then it was over. Li Shimin also patted his **** and returned to the palace with satisfaction.

But when he left, in the name of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he took over the Cheng Jiali of the old Cheng family. After all, such a good treasure.

I just took it to show my lady a novelty, and I just told my lady about today's interesting things.

Exhausted and excited, he just entered the palace through Xuanwumen, and from a distance, he saw Empress Changsun holding Li Mingda and waiting not far away.

Li Shimin quickly jumped off the carriage, strode over, and smiled and lifted Li Mingda, who was galloping, high up.

Seeing her husband's high-spirited appearance, Empress Zhangsun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward with a smile.

"The concubine sees her husband in such high spirits, it seems that today her husband must have won the first place in the field of farming."

"Haha... What Guanyin maid said is very true. Today, my husband not only won the first place, but also got a good treasure that can benefit all the people of the Tang Dynasty."

Hearing what his father Li Shimin said, Li Mingda, who was held by Li Shimin in his arms, tilted his head cutely and looked at his father.

"Good baby? Daddy, isn't your good baby me?"

"Yes, yes, you are daddy's good treasure. The good treasure that daddy said is Cheng Jiali for the people of the world."

"Husband, what are you talking about?" Empress Zhangsun looked at her husband with a bewildered expression, always wondering if there was something wrong with her hearing.

When Li Shimin thought of Cheng Yaojin's brazen brag scene in front of civil and military officials, he was quite invincible.

"Cheng Jiali, the old man Cheng Yaojin said that he invented a good treasure when he was working in the fields for the past few days. Hehe..."

When Empress Zhangsun heard this, she couldn't help but snort, quickly covered her red lips, and turned her bright eyes.

"If it is said that Cheng Saburo did it, the concubine can still believe it."

"Haha... as expected of a Guanyin maid, just like what my husband thought.

If this thing was made by the old guy Cheng Yaojin, the old man could swallow it. "

Li Mingda's eyes lit up immediately. "Dad, it turned out to be a good baby made by third brother Cheng?"

Li Shimin laughed, showing off his superhuman IQ towards his daughter.

"Forget it, even if this kid doesn't admit it, daddy can guess what's going on with his toes."

"Well, Dad is the most powerful one. Even Brother Cheng San is a little worse than Dad."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's expression was not quite right. But I don't know how to explain it.

The Empress Zhangsun quietly pursed her lips and hugged Li Mingda down, and then the husband and wife held Li Mingda cute like that.

While walking forward, I listened to Li Shimin's interesting stories about today's big farming.

Especially when I heard that the Cheng family, father and son, came together to carry the plow and the cow, and help the plow and whip the whip together. UU Reading

It made Empress Changsun and Li Mingda and their mother and daughter laugh.

Zhao Kun and the others stopped far behind, listening to the splendid laughter that came from time to time, all the guards and eunuchs were also very relaxed.

And Cheng Yaojin presented a good treasure today, and he was in the limelight today, how could a bunch of friends miss such an opportunity.

In the name of this, they called friends and friends, and in the name of eating the poor old Cheng family, they aggressively killed the old Cheng family.

Li Ke, Fang Jun, the twins of Yuchi, Li Qi, Li Zhen, Li Siwen, Niu Weituo, Chai Zhewei, Chai Lingwu, Liu Renshi, Liu Renjing and other brothers and sisters from the Cheng family also flocked.

Killing pigs and slaughtering sheep is a lot of fun, drinking a big bowl of drinking and eating meat in large pieces.

He drank until it was dark and unconscious, but today, Cheng's father and son fought tenaciously to the end.

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