The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2594: Summoning Zhao Guogong... that's all, I will send an embroidery envoy to meet...

After going through Zhu Xiang's work, Li Shimin raised his head, and his eyes didn't seem to show the slightest emotion.

Cheng Sanlang and Li Ke, two bold and careful cheeks, were horrified.

In the end, Li Shimin said in a hoarse voice.

"You guys go down first. The old man is a little tired and wants to take a good rest. Well, if I have something to call you back, go ahead."

Cheng Sanlang and Li Ke cautiously saluted the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and then walked carefully towards the Wencheng Hall.

After leaving the Wencheng Hall all the time, the two of them quickly walked away for a distance and then slowed down their pace in relief.

"Brother Chubi, just now my father's expression was so scary, it felt like he was going to kill someone..."

Li Ke turned his head to look in the direction of Wencheng Hall with lingering fear, and even his tall beer belly was almost scared out of his abdominal muscles.

Cheng Chubi nodded in agreement. He was also under a lot of pressure from the atmosphere just now, for fear that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty might become ill.

But fortunately, he finally controlled his temper. As long as he can control it for the first time, there should not be too many problems.

"This time, your father will definitely be able to contact each other and want to understand more things."

"What our brothers need to do is to ignite the lead. As for the follow-up, it depends on what your father wants to do."

"Yeah, after all, this matter also involves my cheap uncle, hehe..."

Li Ke smiled coldly. Regarding the discussion of Wang Xuance in the hall that day, Cheng Saburo had informed Li Ke of the news he had received from his biological father, General Cheng.

If you don't know that King Jingzhao's threat was made, maybe this matter is still clear.

However, from the coercion of King Jingzhao to the changing situation in Luoyang City, those ministers and workers attacked with a unified caliber and belittled Wang Xuance's achievements.

Li Ke believes that as long as his father's brain is normal, he will definitely be able to react, and he can even think more thoroughly and understand than himself.

Now, he and his brother Chubi have completed most of the plan for recommending talents for the country. After the conclusion, it is up to the father.

The two stayed outside the Wencheng Hall for a while, and after making sure that there was nothing unusual, they walked side by side towards the palace gate.

Arriving outside the palace gate, looking at the pedestrians in the street market, Li Ke on the side couldn't help but reach out and touch his stomach.

"Brother Chubi, just now the younger brother is so frightened that I always feel a little uncomfortable. Why don't we find a place and fill our stomach first."

"Also, eat and drink to suppress the shock." Cheng Chubi nodded in agreement. "I always feel that your father is blown away, tsk tsk tsk...I really look forward to the follow-up..."

"Can you be polite to my father as a junior?"

"Can you be as sincere to me as you are to your own brother?"

"...Let's not talk about such a heavy topic, walk around, and quickly find something to eat."


In the empty Wencheng Hall, Li Shimin slowly paced in the hall, slowly reviewing everything in his mind.

When Wang Xuance was fighting in that day, there was no sound at all in the court, and he didn't even look over there.

The only thing I can let myself know about is probably the memorials that Wang Xuance passed on through the hands of Ren Yaxiang, the prefect of Jinsha Prefecture.

Even if the court knew that Wang Xuance was taking revenge for the envoys of the Tang Dynasty in Tianzhu Continent, the court only expressed its indignation towards the Central Tianzhu Kingdom. That's all...

And the impeachment wave that was like a stormy sea did not really appear for a long time.

Estimated the time calculation, it should be around when Wang Xuance returned to Chang'an. So infer this...

Something must have happened to make the attitude of the court officials, Wang Xuance, who originally intended to be treated coldly, change drastically.

Today, I learned from Ke'er that Wang Yong, the head of the King Jingzhao family, once went to the night party to meet Wang Xuance, but Wang Xuance sternly refused the olive branch that the other party extended.

It must have annoyed the Lord of King Jingzhao, and everything after that naturally became reasonable.

King Jingzhao is also a very important member of the aristocratic family, and is closely related to the Taiyuan Wang family.

After Wang Xuance categorically rejected the other party, he would definitely annoy the King Jingzhao.

And with the power of King Jingzhao in the court, plus the help of those famous and famous families, under the joint efforts, a trend of attacking in groups naturally formed.

These, with the ability of those aristocratic families, can indeed be done.

Li Shimin carefully recalled the small court meeting in Wencheng Hall that made his final decision.

The one who really changed his mind was not someone else, but his close comrade-in-arms, the elder brother of Guanyin Maid, the eldest grandson Wuji.

Li Shimin pursed his lips tightly, his expression seemed so complicated, and whispered in a low voice.

"Wuji, how can you do this? I have tolerated you before..."

As a close comrade-in-arms and a good brother, Li Shimin has always believed in Zhangsun Wuji's ability, but at the same time, he also knows each other extremely well.

However, Li Shimin also found clues about this good brother jumping between his own sons repeatedly.

It's just that Li Shimin has been comforting himself, because he is the child's uncle, so he has a preference, just like himself?

However, after this period of time, I began to pay attention to the childish slave, and I was shocked.

In recent years, this good brother has had a very close relationship with the childish slave, well... Even because this child is very filial and close to the elders, there is nothing to be proud of.

After all, he is not only his close comrade-in-arms, but also the queen's elder brother and the child's uncle.

But now, he was quietly hiding it from himself and joined hands with those aristocratic families who he hated the most and regarded as dynasty moths. UU reading

This is definitely a very dangerous signal, and Li Shimin's breathing suddenly became heavier.

Zhao Kun stood outside the gate of the temple, and from time to time quietly surveyed the temple with the corner of his eye.

I only saw His Majesty walking slowly in the hall with his hands behind his back, stopping from time to time, as if he was contemplating something.

After a full quarter of an hour passed, Zhao Kun heard His Majesty's low command.

"Zhao Kun, summon Zhao Guogong... that's all, quickly order the embroidery envoy to see me."

Hearing such an order, Zhao Kun's eyelids jumped wildly, but he hurriedly walked away without hesitation.

In less than an hour, several fast horses left the palace from the north of the palace city, and two of them galloped straight towards Chang'an.

In addition, there were several riders who were looking east, and then went straight to the south, bypassing Luoyang. What they need to go to is Huangshui County, Rongzhou, which is located on Lingnan Road.

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