The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2599: Husband-in-law, give an example, for example, which loophole is not...

Li Shimin is also very fortunate in his heart. For a king, talents are rare, and people like Wang Xuance who are both civil and military, courageous and resourceful, can be called great talents.

The important thing is that, at the age of standing, the future prospects may also be a leading figure in the courtroom.

The most important thing is that his background, like Ma Zhou, is also from a poor family.

The carriage did not go directly back to the palace, but actually slipped to the Peony Pavilion restaurant. Cheng Chubi and Li Ke were very honest and went up to the private room on the top floor with the cheerful husband in front of him. Cheng Chubi took a sip of the grapes, picked up a pomegranate and started peeling it.

"What does it have to do with my little brother?"

"Brother, did you forget that this thing you prepared for me, brother fool..."

Li Dezhen laughed, took out the porcelain bottle from his arms, and shook it towards Cheng Chubi.

"This is one of those treasures that you gave me before I left Chang'an, idiot brother. Speaking of which, it's thanks to you, virtuous brother..."

"If it wasn't for this thing you gave me, I'm afraid it would be more difficult to travel south this way, and after reaching the middle of Linyi Country."

"It was the exquisite glazed products you gave and dedicated to the city lord, so that we were able to obtain rice seeds and the Han people who cultivated rice for three seasons returned to Jiaozhou."

"Those people in Jiaozhou want to repel mosquitoes, they can only burn the grass and smoke it, or smear it with the smelly grass juice."

"My dear brother, you are not only fragrant but also refreshing.

Not only can it prevent mosquito bites, but if you are bitten, you only need to apply this thing. "

"It's amazing to be able to remove swelling and itching."

"Brother Yu, after I arrived in Tejiaozhou, I once took out a few bottles as gifts and gave them to Governor Gu.

Dudu Gu was very fond of this thing, and even specifically asked about the origin of this thing.

If the people in the Jiaozhou Dudufu area, they can have this thing to repel mosquitoes.

It will definitely make the people and the soldiers guarding the border more peaceful. "

"Now that we want to grow pepper there, we just need the help of Governor Gu."

"In that case, if we can..."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but move in his heart, and glanced at the shopkeeper Mo.

Shopkeeper Mo hurriedly gave Cheng Chubi a respectful salute and was sincere.

"Cheng Taichang, the villain is originally from Lingnan, and his business is mostly in the area of ​​Jiaozhou Dudufu, or in Linyi, Ryukyu, and Boni."

"The business is not too big, but it is still a little bit of money."

"The villain has received a lot of favors from the second son of Li. Now I heard that Cheng Taichang and you have big business to do,"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi's heart moved.

"Your Mo family even does business with Ryukyu and Bo Ni, that is to say, your Mo family has a sea boat that can go to the South China Sea?"

Seeing that Cheng Taichang seemed to be very interested in this aspect, Shopkeeper Mo was instantly refreshed.

"Exactly, our Mo family has several generations of traders. From the Central Plains, we sell silk and other items to neighboring countries, and we also collect some special products we need from these countries."

Cheng Chubi touched his chin, looked at Shopkeeper Mo, and looked at Li De Prize.

Li Dezhen nodded, indicating that Mr. Cheng Chubi, the shopkeeper Mo, was not bragging, and the situation should be roughly the same.

Cheng Chubi looked at Shopkeeper Mo, as if he saw an indispensable link in his future plan.

"Why, shopkeeper Mo is also interested in our business?"

Hearing Cheng Chubi's remarks, Shopkeeper Mo's expression changed, and he was ecstatic, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Cheng Taichang, villain, I am willing to offer 20,000 guans, just to be able to get into the last one."

Hearing this, Rao was Li Dezhen drinking, and he couldn't help shaking his hand, and turned his head to look at Shopkeeper Mo.

"I said Mr. Mo, you are really generous. You have to spend 20,000 yuan without blinking your eyes."

Shopkeeper Mo's heart was dripping blood, but on the surface he seemed very impassioned.

"The villain is a businessman, and I know that the business you want to do must be a big business, even if it is 20,000 yuan, it will not return the capital.

Being able to get on the line with you young masters, as long as there is something bad that leaks out of the fingers in the future, it will be useful for a lifetime. "

"Don't be in a hurry, come and come, tell me about your Mo family's maritime business, how many ships there are, and how many times a year they travel south, tell me..."

Seeing that Cheng Taichang was so interested, Manager Mo ordered about seven ships from Mo's firm, all of which were about 3,000 stone.

Mainly run to Bo Ni country, and sometimes run to Quanzhou or even reach Yangzhou as far as the north.

Listening to the meaning of this shopkeeper Mo, Datang and Datang still have a boat of thousands of materials.

However, most of those boats are flat-bottomed boats that travel in rivers and canals, and are not suitable for sea navigation.

Cheng Chubihuti was interested, and even asked them how to tell the direction at sea.

Only then did I know that the sea boats at this time use the stars and the sun to distinguish the direction of the sun when it is sunny at this time.

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes for a long time, and finally made a final decision.

"I can call the shots and give you two shares, but you don't need your 20,000 yuan. Cheng has a condition."

Originally, I thought that if I smashed 20,000 yuan, I would be able to drink a bowl of soup, but I didn't expect that Cheng Taichang gave a bowl of porridge, and he didn't want any money.

Shopkeeper Mo looked at Cheng Chubi with a bewildered expression, and Li Dezhen was also sluggish, and some did not understand what Brother Chubi meant.

"You need to take your Mo family's maritime business as a shareholding. Our Han and Tang Dynasty business accounts for 60%. If you want, then you will be allowed to become a shareholder."

Throwing down these words, while shopkeeper Namo stayed on the spot and turned his eyes into confusion, Cheng Chubi said towards Li Dejian.

"By the way, Brother De Zian, I forgot to tell you some good news just now.

Your Majesty has already agreed on behalf of Her Royal Highness Princess Jinyang to take a stake in our Han and Tang business. "

"Princess Jinyang also wants to become a shareholder?" Li Dezhen couldn't help taking a breath.

"My darling, I said that you are very capable, brother, since you can make your majesty nod this head."

Cheng Chubi quickly waved his hand, UU reading himself has no ability to talk about the sinister Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

"This is not my credit, but His Highness's own pleasure."

Shopkeeper Mo felt a rush in his head. Li Dezhen had faintly revealed before that there was a royal relative in this Han and Tang firm.

Now there is another Princess Jinyang, how could he not know the reputation of this Highness?

I heard that His Majesty's preference for this princess is far more than that of all children, and it is still the husband and wife who are still raising them personally.

At a young age, there were several imperial villas that His Majesty had bestowed upon His Royal Highness Princess Jinyang, which was inferior to even Princess Li Lizhi of Changle.

And now she has actually become a shareholder of this Han and Tang firm. Could it be that her own Mohs firm's ships can match the interests here?

Shopkeeper Mo also thought of the mosquito repellent invented by Cheng Sanlang, as well as what was revealed by Li De Award.

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