The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2604: What is Lao Cheng doing? I'm sharing my worries for Your Majesty

Your Majesty, what does this mean? It's hard, because this good strategy he came up with on a whim was blocked by a cadre of ministers.

Feeling annoyed, are you going to find someone to clean up and vent your anger?

All the vulgar warriors, from the very beginning to now, have been making up mud tires and wood carvings.

There is no way, the imperial examination is the jurisdiction of the gang of civil servants who talk like a bird.

Even if they want to make trouble, they can't make trouble, but it's not that there are people who make trouble out of nothing.

Yuchi Gong stared at Changsun Wuji with disgust on his face, and whispered.

"What's the matter with the fat man? He is so close to His Majesty, and now His Majesty's intentions, he actually refuses, what is the matter."

The voice was not loud, but the rough gentlemen could hear it clearly, so they didn't care, after all, the eldest grandson Wuji was already fat.

In private, these rude gentlemen who are not afraid of meat and meat will call this eldest grandson official in such a veiled way.

"Does it even need to be said? I'm afraid it's someone else who is thinking about something else..."

Li Ji laughed, his eyes bright like an old fox.

Cheng Mou, who was so idle as hell, heard the old brother beside him squeak, and couldn't help but push his elbow against him.

"Brother, you are also one of the six ministers. Since the official department is so busy, why don't you volunteer to take the job?"

"...Lao Cheng, can you stop making trouble, what's the matter with you putting me on the errand of the Ministry of Personnel?"

Li Ji's face suddenly turned black. Lao Tzu is the Ministry of Military Affairs, and it specializes in taking care of your vulgar warriors, okay?

Cheng Yaojin and Li Ji's murmurings were not small, but they were not small, and they turned their heads in unison in an instant.

A pair of eyes full of disgust and contempt all fell on General Cheng's cheeky face.

"Look at what old Cheng is doing?" Cheng bit his golden eyes, and suddenly became excited.

"Lao Cheng, I am sharing the worries of Your Majesty. Your Majesty is willing to improve the means of selecting scholars in the imperial examinations for the sake of the talented people in the world. This is a very good thing."

"As a result, hehe... It's like this and that kind of embarrassment.

If Your Majesty made Lao Cheng the Minister of Officials, Lao Cheng would dare to answer this errand, who would dare? "

"!!" The civil servants, whose stomachs were full of twists and turns, brushed the ground as black as a pot.

Changsun Wuji, who was the first to bear the brunt, was almost so angry that he had an **** fissure, and he was so angry that hemorrhoids recurred.

His lips were trembling, and he didn't know how to refute this vulgar warrior.

Li Shimin stared blankly at Cheng Yaojin, his eyelids twitching wildly, but the words of this Chaos Party messenger made his heart very bright.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he swept across the dark-faced Changsun Wuji, whose lips were trembling.

Li Shimin knew very well what kind of tactics Changsun Wuji was playing, which was delaying.

At least during the period when he was in charge of the Ministry of Personnel, he continued to be able to secretly form a good relationship with those aristocratic families through the flawed imperial examination methods.

This made Li Shimin very unhappy, but it was not easy to attack on the spot, and there was a rift with his uncle and brother in this situation.

Therefore, Li Shimin was thinking about whether he should change to a minister of officials, but then, it would make those ministers understand that he was not satisfied with Zhangsun Wuji's answer.

I still remember that Cheng Saburo once made a crooked sentence before, feeling that the Ministry of Personnel already had great power, and such a major event as the selection of officials from the imperial examination should not continue to remain in the Ministry of Personnel.

Cheng Sanlang's father suddenly had such a confrontation with those ministers here, but it provided Li Shimin with a new idea.

He can solve this problem without even having to replace the official ministers.

Just as Li Shimin was thinking, Cheng Yaojin was already arguing with those guys.

"Enough, shut up!" Li Shimin, who had already thought about it, suddenly slapped the table on the table and shouted loudly.

General Cheng Cheng, who was besieged but was still able to escape unscathed and triumphantly pleaded guilty to His Majesty, Shi Shiran returned to his position.

The gang of Ziwenchen were angry on both sides. After all, he and others were once again turned into a background board by Cheng Yaojin's cheeky face.

Li Shimin stroked his long beard and nodded slightly towards the eldest grandson Wuji.

"Wuji, what you said is very true. Indeed, the Ministry of Personnel is the head of the six departments, and it is in charge of the appointment and removal of officials in the world, examinations, promotions, awards, and transfers."

"Originally, the affairs are heavy, and the method of reforming the imperial examination system really requires a lot of thought before it can be accomplished."

Hearing these words, Zhangsun Wuji felt relieved, and hurried out to Li Shimin to express his gratitude.

"I would like to thank Your Majesty for being sympathetic to the officials of the Ministry of Personnel..."

The eldest grandson Wuji was about to continue to tout the wiseness and generosity of this old friend twice, but heard Li Shimin speak again.

"Let's be flat, because I didn't think about it carefully. The Ministry of Personnel is the most important task, and it is the head of all the ministries. Therefore, I feel that one of the six ministries in the Three Provinces of the Tang Dynasty is just in charge of the imperial examination."

"???" Zhangsun Wuji raised his head in astonishment and looked at the smiling Li Shimin.

My mind is a little out of order, and I don't even understand what this brother-in-law means.

As for the other ministers, they all looked stunned and dumbfounded, and then they all turned their attention to Li Ji.

Li Ji himself was also stunned, standing on the spot with his mouth slanted and his eyes slanted, careful that his belly was bumping like a deer.

Could it be that, Your Majesty is really willing to listen to Lao Cheng's rude words, and actually put the work done by the literati to our Ministry of War?


"..." Li Shimin didn't expect that after he said such a sentence, everyone would go to see Li Ji instead of continuing to look up to the wise and wise self.

After coughing unwillingly, he spoke in a deep voice, breaking the awkward silence. UU Reading

"Dou Luqing, I intend to entrust the imperial examination to the Ministry of Rites, what do you think?"

Li Ji, whose heart was like a deer, had a black line on his face, opened and closed his mouth silently, and rolled his eyes angrily.

The rest of the ministers all looked at Dou Lu Kuan, the Minister of Rites, who was also dumbfounded.

The son of Lutong, the Duke of Nanchen County in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the nephew of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, and the mother of Princess Changle.

The Doulu clan was originally a branch of the Murong clan of the Xianbei people. Later, Murong Chang, the king of the Northern Territory of Yanbei, surrendered to the Northern Wei Dynasty and was granted the governorship of Changle County. Since then, the surname has been Doulu.

Dou Lukuan, who finally reacted from the shock, hurriedly responded to Li Shimin with a salute.

"Your Majesty has a life, and there is no reason for the minister to refuse to obey. The old minister is willing to do his best."

Seeing Dou Lukuan like this, the minister, whose expression changed drastically, couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Changsun Wuji's face was also faintly blue, but he couldn't speak. 12330/10548326

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