The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2611: As long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed

Chapter 2618 As long as I'm not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed (please subscribe for tickets)

Cheng Chubi dared to say this, not only based on the experience of later generations, but also based on his own experience.

Whether it was the Han and Tang Dynasties, or the Jinyang Printing Bookshop, or the Zhao family's Liulifang, they had all encountered delusional thieves who wanted to steal a master, or who wanted to spend money to steal secret recipes, or who were mechanical thieves.

Although some of them were big families in the Tang Dynasty, or those merchants, there were also a few cases where those Japanese people made a lot of money.

And Cheng Chubi came to find out before that, among the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty, there were actually people who wanted to go to the weapons supervisor to study. How can this be called study? It's almost like trying to steal a teacher.

Fortunately, the Tang Dynasty in this era attached great importance to military equipment, and ignored the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty from Japan.

However, ignoring it now does not mean ignoring it in the future. You must know that the Japanese sword will be the inheritance and extension of the Tang sword technology in the future.

There are still many good treasures. In those days, China used a broad mind and relied on the Japanese to come to study and obtain them.

The result was the revolt of the Japanese pirates that followed for hundreds of years.

It was not many years after that, the battle of Baijiangkou, but Cheng Chubi remembered it clearly.

After Cheng Chubi and Li Ke left the room, they didn't go far before Li Ke asked.

"Brother Chubi, little brother, I'm a little strange. Could it be that the Japanese country offended you?"

"The feeling to my brother seems to be more than just the reasons you said."

"Haha... He didn't offend me, it was our Han and Tang firms who offended us."

Cheng Chubi groaned, feeling very uncomfortable.

As soon as he heard that it was actually related to the Han and Tang dynasties, Li Ke immediately cheered up.

"What do you mean, is it possible that we have a problem with our business on the Japanese island?"

"Just two days ago, there was news from the Japanese island that we found Jinshan in the Douzhou area, and we have already negotiated with the wealthy family in Douzhou."

"As a result, the news of Jinshan was leaked. Now, the lord of the Japanese country has sent an envoy to ask the Wubu clan to hand over the Jinshan, and not to be handed over to my Han and Tang firms to operate."

"What?! Again, it's Jinshan again?!" Li Ke's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was furious, and his eyebrows were raised upside down. "What do you mean, you can't do business with my Han and Tang firms, why are they?!"

Cheng Chubi immediately let out a laugh, squinting his eyes like a bandit who was about to rob the Dao, but unexpectedly found that there was someone who had attacked Li Ke before him, who was so furious.

"Because they call themselves the Son of Sunrise, and because they sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty to steal lessons from the Tang Dynasty, I, the Tang Dynasty, never cared about it."

"..." Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi with a dark expression on his face, but he was so dumbfounded by Brother Chu Bi's rants that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Li Ke suddenly thought of something, grabbed Cheng Saburo, and laughed arrogantly.

"Brother Chubi, when you commented on the temperament of the Japanese people, you quoted Zheng Guogong's comments on the Eastern Turkic tribes in the past, and you used it just right."

"...Wait a minute, this is what Zheng Guogong Wei Zheng said?" Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke with a look of astonishment.

No, this sentence should be, um, I saw it on the Internet, but I really don't know who it came from.

"Of course, brother, can you still use such a thing to deceive Xiongtai?"

"..." Cheng Chubi thought of the strange expressions of the two traitorous officials in front of him and Wang Xuance when he had just made this comment.

And those brazen flattery, which made Cheng Chubi feel that he could not only dig out the three rooms and one hall with his toes, but even excavate all Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.

After wiping his face, Cheng Chubi snorted and continued to stride forward. No one exposed these **** on the spot. Hmm... stop, stop, as long as I'm not embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed.

Cheng Sablang's self-emotional regulation function is very powerful, and his face is calm as usual after walking a short distance.

But soon, Li Ke realized something was wrong. "Hey, Brother Chubi, where are you going?"

"My dear brother, I suddenly found a problem. I have already taken over from your father the important task of cleaning up that Goguryeo by all means."

"But there is still a big problem, that is, I am just a Luoyang order, and I have no right to deal with Zhufans at all."

"In this way, it will greatly affect the various strategies I am planning, so I want to enter the palace, and I hope your father can put more burdens on my brother."

"For example, let me join the Honglu Temple and become a chief official responsible for the affairs of the peninsula and the Japanese island."

Looking at Brother Chu Bi, who spoke with a straight face, Li Ke suddenly showed a sudden realization.

With a face full of heart and sincerity, he raised his thumb towards Cheng Saburo.

"Gao, it's really high, I have to say, Brother Chubi, your brain is turning fast and turning thiefly."

Cheng Sanlang, who had already strode to the gate of the government office, sighed helplessly and spread his hands.

"No way, who made me the chairman of Han and Tang Commercial Bank, how can I protect the interests of our Han and Tang Commercial Bank if I don't take on this heavy responsibility?"

"Yes, yes, what Brother Chubi said is very true. Apart from brother Chubi, my younger brother really can't think of anyone else who can take on such an important task."

Cheng Chubi nodded in agreement and smiled confidently.

"But Brother Chubi, since you're looking for my father to do serious business, I'm too lazy to enter the palace and get scorned."

Cheng Chubi reluctantly looked at this royal courtesan who clearly wanted to steal and play tricks.

"I said, virtuous brother, you are wrong. When you have credit, you are more active in entering the palace than anyone else. When you have no credit, you shrink faster than anyone else."

"Brother Chubi, the younger brother is a little uncomfortable, but don't worry, the younger brother will be waiting for you at the Cheng Family Restaurant diagonally opposite the palace. Today's meal for the younger brother is finally complete, right?"

Seeing Li Ke's hippie Cheng Chubi shook his head helplessly.

After all, he is a prince, and again Li Shimin's cub, so he can't beat him up and sneak into the palace, right?

Cheng Chubi stepped down the steps, took the reins, turned over and jumped onto the horse's back, seeing Li Ke still standing on the steps.

I just took a few steps and thought about it, but I couldn't help but look at Li Ke again.

Goosebumps goosebumps to see Li Ke, the king of Wu with a face like crown jade. "Brother Chubi, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, my brother, hurry up. If I leave the palace for a while and go there and can't see you, hehe..."

Cheng Chubi hurried away on a horse, after all, this is definitely not suitable to say now.

Li Ke's words gave Cheng Sanlang a bold idea. Of course, this was also for the sake of His Royal Highness, who was so idle all day long that he kept stabbing knives in his ribs from time to time.

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