The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2619: You don't even want to feel better, even if you lose your life, it's like..

The Zheng family is located in a villa outside Luoyang City, and five gray-haired old men are sitting around a water pavilion at this moment.

There are wide water surfaces in all directions here, and there is only one promenade, which extends from the shore to the water pavilion.

And the clan elders of the Zheng family were also in line at this moment, and the other four stood up and stomped their feet.

I dare not say that the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty will be shaken three times, but it will definitely stir up a turbulent wave in the court.

Because they are all the speakers of the top aristocratic families in the Tang Dynasty.

They gathered here, of course, not because they have nothing to do here to brag and fart, but because His Majesty is going to leave Beijing for a tour of the north.

The crown prince has already gone on a tour to the east, Luoyang, the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty, will be supervised by Jin Wang Li Zhi in the next few days.

And Changsun Wuji, the uncle of the country, and Yun Guogong Zhang Liang, one Wen and one Wu, served as auxiliary ministers.

The reason why His Majesty chose Zhang Liang is that Zhang Liang is one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion, and he has won His Majesty's trust.

In addition, Zhang Liang has been serving as the governor of Luoyang before, so it is natural for him to be the assistant minister of the military position.

As for letting Changsun Wuji serve as the auxiliary minister, it goes without saying.

The brother-in-law of His Majesty, the uncle of the King of Jin, and at the same time, a very prestigious and talented minister.

"...His Royal Highness is on a tour to the east, and Li Erlang has to accompany him personally because the Supreme Emperor wants to return to the land of Longxing.

This may be our last chance..."

"Yes, if Li Erlang had been living in Luoyang, we would have no chance, but now, we will do nothing."

"When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming next year, once the reform of the imperial examination system is completed, how can we still have a foothold in the court?"

"Li Erlang has always been extremely jealous of us. When he compiled the "Clan Records" in the past, he was furious because of the sorting, and he personally ended up..."

"Then, indulge in all kinds of gossip and rumors that are not good for us and other aristocratic families, and damage the reputation of our families."

"I've sworn to be incompatible with him..."

"Okay everyone, now is not the time to complain, but should think about how to do it?"

"If you have any news, let's talk about it one by one. Let's discuss it carefully and see if we can find a good opportunity from it."


"The old man received news from each other. In the past half a year, Li Erlang has frequently summoned the imperial physician and some alchemists. Although they acted secretly, how could they hide it from all eyes and ears."

"Furthermore, he also ordered people to bring out the Tianzhu alchemist Naer Suo Pomei who was originally detained in the Luoyang government office.

Brought to Huangzhuang outside the city, let him refine the elixir day and night in Huangzhuang.

It can be seen that Li Erlang's body and bones are probably not what they used to be, that's why he thought of using the alchemist's medicine to prolong his life..."

"Everyone still remember that Li Erlang has been assassinated several times, just when he went to Jiucheng Palace to escape the summer heat, he encountered several assassinations."

"If it wasn't for his fate, I'm afraid it would be now..."

"Don't you mean that we can do the same thing? No, no, Li Erlang is leading all of you to make a northern tour.

If you want to send an assassin to kill him in the army of thousands of horses, even if all the dead soldiers from our family come out together, it will be difficult to touch him. "

"Then we can try to deal with another target. The prince Li Chengqian who is currently on the east tour."

"No, the land of Shandong is the root of all the families. If Li Chengqian really happens to happen in the land of Shandong."

"Aren't you afraid that Li Erlang will go crazy? This is a vicious person who dares to slaughter all his brothers."

"If Li Chengqian really died in the land of Shandong, how could the Shandong clan still be as peaceful as this?"

"Brother, don't worry. My younger brother will naturally not do such things that are harmful to others. Then the Li family will go to the south of the Yangtze River after inspecting Shandong."

"If something happened to him in the south of the Yangtze River, no matter how resentful Li Erlang may be, he would hardly blame us."

"But in this way, the clans in the south of the Yangtze River may suffer."

"In exchange for Li Chengqian's life, a group of Jiangnan aristocratic families who have long been far away from the center of the court.

In exchange for great changes in the court, making it difficult to implement the imperial examination reform, it is worth it. "

"...That's right, the great families in the south of the Yangtze River have long since declined. I don't think there is anything wrong with using them in exchange for the survival of the great families in the Central Plains."

A group of old people who are dying and dying are pointing to Datang here, even in their eyes.

The lives of the emperors and princes of the Tang Dynasty seemed to be only in their thoughts, and whether the political situation of the Tang Dynasty was stable or not, and the people's livelihood and sufferings of all the people in the world had nothing to do with them.

What they care about is whether their family can continue to exist and be the upper class like it has been since the Qin and Han Dynasties. Can keep pace with the imperial court.

Even, in their eyes, the dynasty should be an obedient towering ancient tree.

This towering ancient tree should allow the aristocratic family to be below, to shelter from the wind and rain, and to avoid all kinds of dangers safely.

Moreover, the towering ancient trees have to provide them with fruits to feed their hunger, and they are allowed to cut down the branches to build houses, and they will also chop them up as firewood for warmth.

And when one day, this towering ancient tree is no longer willing to allow these greedy people to take from it without limit.

These aristocratic families couldn't help being furious, we only eat your flesh, peel your skin, drink your blood, and cut off your hands and feet.

But let you continue to live, are you still not happy? who do you think You Are?

Since you don't want to give it, you don't want to make our aristocratic family feel better, then you don't want to make it better, even if it's a loss of life, so what?


It took Cheng Chubi less than two accumulate more than a hundred catties of salted cicadas.

Finally, on the third day, Cheng Chubi, who was the Luoyang Commander of the Tang Dynasty, also joined the team sending off His Majesty's Northern Tour to Monan.

However, in order not to disturb the people, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty came out directly from the round wall gate in the north of the Luoyang Palace, which is the Ziwei Palace.

Cheng Chubi, a group of brothers, and Seventh Sister all came here early. In addition, Wu Wang Li Ke, the adult prince, went to the palace to see him off.

After all, he is his own son, so it is normal to have this privilege.

As for the whole Cheng family, as well as the friends of the Cheng family, it was absolutely buzzing.

The rest of the people, etc., all avoided it, as if they were afraid of getting some bad luck.

And that Li Dezhen, who was forced by His Majesty, had no choice but to bite the bullet and half-pushed to join the Shaoqing of Taipusi, was spitting at Cheng Sanlang crazily at the moment.

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