The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2628: Accompanied by His Royal Highness, He Jia, headed to Jiangdu Palace first

A joyous event to celebrate the departure of the relatives and the success of the Cheng Family Banquet, where the playful children were able to release their stubborn nature.

The eldest brother Cheng Chumo stood at the front of the steps with a sense of accomplishment.

As if at this moment, he had already felt the sense of accomplishment of his father watching his colleagues, like dead dogs, being slammed on the door and carried on the carriage to flee in embarrassment.

"Brother, let's go, my mother shouldn't rest now, let's hurry up and inform my mother, and tell my mother about it."

Cheng Chumo also reacted and nodded, and the second brother led a group of brothers to continue to be responsible for the ceremony of seeing off guests, and the two brothers hurried towards the inner courtyard.

Fortunately, my mother, Cui Shi, was mentally prepared before, and her sister Cheng Qibao had already reported the matter first.

"Okay, to be able to get the favor of this strange woman is also a blessing to our family's Qibao."

Cui's face was full of pampering and joy.

"Then let's delay for a day or two, and my mother will go to discuss with Mrs. Li for a day or two to determine when it is appropriate to be a teacher."

"Let's leave Beijing and go to Shandong again. We'll wait for this matter. After we come back, girl, you will learn the art of martial arts with Mrs. Li attentively."

"Well, thank you mother, my daughter knows."

"I don't know where your father is driving with the prince now..."

"Dalang, Saburo, in the days to come, you have to be careful."

Looking at the worried mother, Cheng Chubi opened his mouth and comforted.

"Don't worry, mother, father is in command of the army to accompany the prince, and there will be no problem with safety.

Moreover, His Majesty is wise and martial, planning and planning for a long time, even if something happens, the situation will soon subside. "

Cui raised his head and looked at the eldest Cheng Chumo and the third Cheng Chubi in front of him.

The eldest Cheng Chumo's personality can be regarded as the most calm of the six brothers in the Cheng family, and it can be said that he is also the most reassuring eldest son.

And the old third Cheng Chubi, can be regarded as the most outstanding of the old Cheng family, whether it is talent or ability, I am afraid that it is difficult for the entire Tang Dynasty to be the same.

It's just that this kid is just too troublesome, but fortunately, his ingenuity allows him to always avoid danger.

"I don't want to say that there are too many mothers. I just hope that you two brothers will take good care of your family and take care of your brothers. In case..."

The elder brother Cheng Chumo already had a plan in his mind and replied directly.

"Don't worry, mother, after mother leaves, the boy will let the younger brothers go to the village to train the family. The Cheng family is a family of martial arts, and you must not forget the ability to eat."

"In this way, if something happens, they can leave calmly."



In the land of the south of the Yangtze River, the sun is scorching hot. At this moment, General Cheng is wearing a jacket, carrying his hands on his back, and standing under the awning.

Feeling the cool breeze blowing, at this moment the boat is still traveling on the canal dug in the front.

Cheng Yaojin looked at both sides of the canal. At this moment, the elite troops of Youtunwei were slowly marching along both sides of the canal.

Guarding this small fleet, Cheng Yaojin turned his head to look behind him, and the tallest and majestic ship became more and more striking.

That was the boat that His Royal Highness and his wife were on. At this moment, a horse came from the shore, and the scout cavalry climbed onto Cheng Yaojin's boat.

"Master, there is another fifteen miles of waterway, and the fleet is about to reach Yangzhou City."

"Yangzhou Zhu Shishi, and a group of Yangzhou officials, are already waiting for the Prince He to drive at the pier outside Yangzhou."

"Where is the front army?" Although General Cheng was not wearing armor, he was wearing a jacket.

But that's it, standing on the bow of the ship, his powerful aura, and his notorious reputation as a powerful force, are enough to make all Zuotun guards obedient and obedient.

"Commander, the former army arrived at Jiangdu Palace early this morning. They are guarding Jiangdu Palace, and they sent a ranger to patrol around Jiangdu Palace."

Cheng Yaojin stroked his thick beard like a steel needle, frowned for a while, and then said.

"The army behind the order must arrive at the Yangzhou Wharf at dusk today. The commander will command the central army and continue to accompany His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to Jiangdu Palace."


Seeing the messenger cavalry galloping away after landing, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but sighed.

On this long journey, it was very stable when we were in the borders of Shandong.

But since he entered the Jiangnan realm, Cheng Yaojin already felt something was wrong.

In particular, the news brought back by those who were sent out to explore the horse made General Cheng very worried.

He couldn't help but recall the scene when His Majesty secretly summoned himself into the palace for a detailed discussion before leaving Luoyang.

His Majesty revealed his plans a little, and repeatedly told himself that he must protect the safety of His Royal Highness.

From that moment on, the wily General Cheng had already understood that His Majesty wanted to take a big bet.

And His Royal Highness is a bait, but not a bait, but fortunately, His Royal Highness is a high-ranking person who is good at taking advice.

For his own advice on safety, he will follow it, and he will never be petty.

On the contrary, there are a few thorns in the gang of officials in the East Palace, and they are chattering all day long, which is really annoying.

But they didn't dare to squeak in front of their own face, not to mention the respect of their dignified generals.

For a few words, it is too cheap to compete with a few small officials in the East Palace.

The most important thing right now is the safety of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and let go of these few eyesores.

It's not too late to let the third child who is like a duck in water in the East Palace go back and clean up.


Yangzhou Zhu Shishi, who is leading the Yangzhou civil and military affairs, as well as the gentry and celebrities, are all gathered at the Yangzhou Wharf at this moment.

Looking up at the end of the canal, I can already see a fleet coming here.

On both sides of the strait, the Datang Zuotunwei elites were guarding both sides of the fleet and strode towards this side.

An official behind him approached Zhu Shishi in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, the lower official has heard that His Royal Highness has a gentle personality and treats people with kindness, but that General Cheng, who is in charge of His Highness's safety..."

"This official understands, UU reading However, as long as I don't provoke this General Cheng, I think he will not deliberately embarrass me."

"Okay, it's almost here, let all the officials cheer up and welcome the Crown Prince Hejia."

The crown prince Li Chengqian, who was dressed in Chinese robes, was standing on the deck at this moment. On the top of the building boat, he played the prince's flag and honor.

And beside him, all the officials of the East Palace, such as Yu Zhining in the East Palace, Zhang Xuansu in the Shao Zhan, were all standing on the deck.

After months of wind, sun and rain, Li Chengqian, whose complexion was almost two shades darker on his face, showed a reserved and formulaic smile.

Looking at the officials and gentlemen of Yangzhou who have already bowed to the building and saluted...


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