The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2638: It should have something to do with the reform of the imperial examinations

He is quite familiar with Jinyang Palace and this land in Shanxi.

In the past, my own father first came over after the eleventh year of the great cause, and was transferred to Shanxi Hedong as the consolation ambassador, where he quelled the crime and made many meritorious deeds.

After that, Yang Guang asked his father to attack the Turks together with Wang Rengong, the governor of Mayi County. At that time, they had very few soldiers and horses, so how could they be Turkic opponents with strong soldiers and horses.

With the sophisticated armaments of the Great Sui Dynasty, they also possessed the technique of horseback and archery no less than that of the Turks.

This elite cavalry followed Li Yuan in the conflict with the Turks and was victorious, and at the end of the twelfth year of the great cause, he defeated the Turks.

Until the thirteenth year of the great cause, his biological father was appointed to stay behind in Taiyuan, Jinyang Palace Supervisor, and finally became the highest military and political officer in this area.

As a result, the old Li family can seize the world in the future and obtain a base of their own.

This Taiyuan, which is now Jinyang, has naturally become the land of Longxing of the old Li family.

And in the early years, it was Li Shimin, the Erlang, who followed his father's military career.

The eldest brother Li Jiancheng and the third younger brother Li Yuanji stayed in Luoyang until their father decided to raise an army to rebel.

Seeing that the old and the young were having a good time there, Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun smiled and left quietly, and got up in the Jinyang Palace.

"Husband, we have been in Jinyang for some days. Are you going to continue the northern tour, or stay in Jinyang?"

Empress Zhangsun took her husband's arm and walked slowly, while Li Shimin shook his head slowly.

"Let's take a look first. After all, this trip out, my husband is thinking, something must be done, otherwise, this trip to the North will be a waste of time."

"Husband, do you think they will really move?"

"Hehe... Guanyin maid, before, I didn't dare to be sure of my husband, but it was the imperial examination reform that Cheng Saburo tinkered with."

"The sinister tricks in it can be said to be piercing the vital points of those aristocratic families."

"If they can't grasp this opportunity, wait until next spring to implement the policy to improve the imperial examination system.

At that time, they can only watch helplessly, the power of the aristocratic family will gradually decline. "

"Therefore, those aristocratic families in the Tang Dynasty, in order to protect their interests.

In order to continue their families that have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, they will definitely do something. "

Speaking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh.

"It was a fluke to say that because of Wang Xuance's incident, the husband's appetite was aroused."

"I just wanted to meet Wang Xuanceqing, but considering that Ke'er and Cheng Sanlang should be familiar with him, I called them."

"As a result, I don't know why the topic was skewed to the imperial examinations, but Cheng Saburo was talking nonsense again..."


Having said this, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the strange smile of the maid of Goddess of Mercy, and Li Shimin couldn't help but wipe his face.

"Well, at that time, my husband mistakenly thought that this kid was talking nonsense, but he didn't think about it.

The improvement of the imperial examinations that had troubled the husband and even the important ministers in the DPRK for many years was solved by this kid's light and fluffy words. "

"I was a husband at the time, and I didn't know what to say, alas..."

After listening to her husband's words, Empress Zhangsun shook her head helplessly.

"Husband didn't expect it and it's normal. After all, this imperial examination system has been in existence for decades since the previous dynasty. Countless smart people want to improve it, but they can't get in."

"He, Cheng Sablang, is not a gentleman who likes to read poetry and books. Who could have imagined that he also has the means to the imperial examination system."

Hearing his beloved wife defending himself, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty warmed his heart, smiled heartily and nodded again and again.

"That's right, Guanyin maid, your words can be regarded as speaking of the husband's heart..."

While the husband and wife were joking in a low voice, a fast horse galloped to the gate of the Jinyang Palace.

Soon, a large inner guard picked up the letter written by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and ran towards the depths of Jinyang Palace.


Zhao Kun took the letter, and his expression changed abruptly after hearing the whispered whisper of the inner guard.

Looking back at His Majesty, who was still smiling with Empress Changsun over there, he finally got up and strode forward.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to announce."

"Huh?" Li Shimin turned his head in amazement, and his heart jumped when he saw Zhao Kun's gestured look.

Empress Zhangsun glanced back and smiled sweetly at her husband.

"Husband, since you have something to do, go ahead and do your work. The concubine just happened to go over to see Xiao Sizi."

"Okay, then the husband will go first, and then come back to visit you."

Li Shimin nodded and saw that Empress Changsun left with the company of Hushang Palace.

Then he turned around and looked at Zhao Kun. "whats the matter?"

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness entered Yangzhou, Jiangnan Road at the end of last month, and stayed in Jiangdu Palace. That night, a large number of killers attempted to murder His Royal Highness."

"Fortunately, General Cheng had already made arrangements. His Royal Highness did not spend the night in Jiangdu Palace, but returned to Yangzhou Wharf..."

While speaking, Zhao Kun took advantage of the situation and handed the letter written by Prince Li Chengqian to Li Shimin.

The Emperor Tang pursed his lips tightly, opened the letter impatiently, and carefully read the contents of the letter.

Zhao Kun stood aside and did not dare to disturb. At this moment, he could clearly feel that although His Majesty did not say a word, the cold light in his eyes was really heartwarming.


Inside the house, Ma Zhou, Fang Xuanling, Li Ji and other three confidants gathered here.

At this moment, the news of His Royal Highness's assassination in Yangzhou, Jiangnan Road, was already known to the three in front of him.

There are actually so many dead soldiers, the arrangement is meticulous, the arrangement is meticulous, this is definitely a plan and then move, wanting to kill the prince in one fell swoop.

Such a big deal, to say that there was no collusion between the officials of the court and the central government, and that Yangzhou officials participated, UU read www. is simply not possible.

But it is precisely because of this so great that the three people in front of them are silent for a long time, or they don't know how to evaluate this matter.

Li Shimin, who had regained his composure, stroked his long beard and asked gloomily.

"The three Qing families, what did you see?"

As His Majesty's confidant, Fang Xuanling, who has been standing in the phase for more than 20 years, was the first to answer.

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of the old minister, I am afraid that such arrangements are aimed at not only His Royal Highness Prince..."

"It should have something to do with the imperial examination reform."

Ma Zhou, who has always had no good feelings for the aristocratic family, heard Fang Xuanling's words, and was immediately unhappy. If he could clearly say something, he would say it in secret, but considering the background of the prime minister, Ma Zhou simply went straight. local.

"What the Prime Minister said is very true, Your Majesty, I feel that this matter, those aristocratic families must be involved in this matter, and only they have the ability and skill to achieve this level."

"First, His Royal Highness has always been at odds with aristocratic families. Second, His Royal Highness has strongly supported the reform of the imperial examination."

"If it is said that the reform of the imperial examination system will damage the interests the most, it must be the aristocratic family."

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