The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2640: Ladies and gentlemen, why must Li Chengqian preside over the overall succession...

After pondering for a long time, Hu Suiliang frowned, and then gave the order in a deep voice.

"You go to the imperial doctor's residence and stare to see when he will come back, go..."

After the follower left, Xi Suiliang, who had no more thoughts on practicing calligraphy, picked up the pen and began to write hard.

After more than half an hour, one of Hu Suiliang's personal accomplices, riding the night, quietly left Jinyang City and ran towards the due south.

And this Imperial Doctor Zhang never returned to his residence in Jinyang City. It seemed that he had already made up his mind to stay in Jinyang Palace for a long time.

And there are quite a few people who do everything possible to inquire, wanting to know the physical condition of His Majesty.

According to unreliable sources, His Majesty has not been in good health these days, and has been taking the medicine stone from the alchemist that day.

And that day, I received the news of the assassination of His Royal Highness the Prince in Yangzhou, Jiangnan, and woke up after fainting from anger.

The body is obviously a lot worse, and the medicine stone of the Tianzhu alchemist has not been much effective. Therefore, Zhang Imperial Physician Ling is now in charge of nourishing the body for His Majesty.

Hearing such news made all the civil and military officials and workers feel more and more panicked.

And it's not over yet, for another two days, all those military officials with heavy troops were summoned by His Majesty into Jinyang Palace.

After that, Qin Qiong, Xue Wanjun, Niu Jinda, Li Kashi and many other generals left the Jinyang Palace, and everything remained as usual.

However, they suddenly summoned the military ministers into the palace, and after they were released, these sub-wuchens did not return to live in Jinyang City.

Instead, they all stayed in the great camp of Zhuwei, which already explained the problem.

However, everyone knew about this clearly resembling Sima Zhao's heart. In other words, an ominous cloud began to hover over the heads of a group of civil and military officials stranded in Jinyang.

And more and more ministers began to make small movements in private.


"Master, Your Majesty has already lived in Jinyang, and I have sent letters from my family to urge my master..."

"Go back to do what, at this time, even if the old man returns to Jinyang, what can he do?

Don't they know the attitude of the emperor towards me and other aristocratic families? "

Wang Kui was quite angrily sent out a few pats on the case, hating that iron is not a steel.

"Now that the prince is assassinated, I am afraid that the entire Tang Dynasty will be turbulent. How can you join forces with the families to resist this storm if you are not in Luoyang?"

Just as Wang Kui was impatiently teaching the housekeeper a lesson, the two housekeepers rushed to the door with a tired, sweaty messenger.

"Master, something big happened in Jinyang... The third master asked the villain to send a letter to the eldest master."

"There's something big..." Wang Kui's heart throbbed when he heard it, and after he hurried forward to receive the letter, he couldn't wait to open the envelope.

In the blink of an eye, those eyes that had been drooping for many years and were almost squinting suddenly turned round.

Looking at the letter blankly, for a long time, there was an expression on his face that looked like he was crying, but also looked like he was smiling.

"Could it be that the ancestors have manifested themselves?"

"???" The butler on the side looked at his master's face with a dazed expression, and the old chrysanthemum face began to twist with excitement.

What do you mean by that, sir? The ancestral tomb of the Wang family in Taiyuan has smoked? Or is it because the blue smoke is so large that the tomb is cracked, so that the master can say such strange words.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the third master burns a few knives less when he worships the ancestors, which makes the ancestors ask the third master to dream that he is not sure.

Just when the butler was thinking wildly and his mind was in a mess, he saw his master put the letter back into the envelope with his slightly trembling hands.

After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he grinned at the messenger.

"Come on, tell the old man well what happened that day..."

After learning what happened in Jinyang Palace, Wang Yong, who was so excited that he couldn't help himself, carefully stuffed the letter into his arms.

He strode towards the outside of the house, giving urgent orders as he walked.

"Let's go, immediately go to the Zheng family courtyard outside the city. By the way, you go to inform the old friends on behalf of the old man, and let them rush over to meet as soon as possible."

"Let's just say that the old man has great news, so they must come."


"Is Your Majesty unconscious on the spot?" Zheng Yuanshou stood up with a look of astonishment on his face, and snatched the letter from Wang Kui with his hand.

Several other old men who arrived one after another were also excited at this moment as if they had won the grand prize.

The prince Li Chengqian was safe and sound, and the Zhao Guogong wanted to cut himself off, which made them worried.

But now, such news suddenly came from the Wang family's mansion in Taiyuan in the north. It was like sending carbon in the snow.

"This, Li Erlang's body has actually reached such a point?"

"Could it be fake? Or is it Li Erlang's plan?"

"Any plan? He, Li Erxiang, comes from a monarch who claims to be benevolent and righteous. The king died outside the country, and the prince is not in the capital. This is a major event that will cause turmoil in the world.

"Yes, what Mr. Lu said is very true. If he is not really seriously ill and it is difficult to summon his servants, why should he be so secretive?"

"You all remember that Li Erlang had already started taking the medicine stone from that day's alchemist.

What is that thing, UU reading old man thinks that everyone should be very clear. "

Zheng Yuanshou looked at the letter carefully, and his ears were full of the excited arguing of the big clansmen.

"Everyone, everyone..." Zheng Yuanshou, the landlord, said, finally controlling the situation.

"Li Erlang hasn't found out who wrote it yet. What's the benefit of him pretending to be sick at this time?"

At this moment, all the people present at the scene fell silent.

"Furthermore, if we want to know if he is really getting worse, we just need to keep an eye on the prince."

"If he is seriously ill and difficult to manage, he will definitely order the prince to return to the court immediately, and he will not let the prince continue to stay in the south of the Yangtze River and stay away from the center."

"Old Zheng's words are reasonable, but even if he is really seriously ill, the crown prince rushes back to Luoyang and sits in the center."

"Even if Li Erlang died, it would be the crown prince Li Chengqian who inherited the great lineage, and treats the big family with the same attitude as his highness and his father."

"Hehe... everyone, why do you have to have Li Chengqian preside over the overall situation and inherit the throne?"

Wang Kui, the patriarch of the Taiyuan Wang clan, who had been silent until now, suddenly said such a sentence.

Directly let all the people look at the lord of the Taiyuan Wang family with a gloomy smile at the moment.

"Wang Kui, what do you want to do? Don't forget that the troubled world is also a disaster for aristocratic families like me."

"It is absolutely impossible, wise brother, you must not have such thoughts. Although my family holds nearly half of the officials in the world, we have no military power at all."

"Do you think Wang is trying to change the dynasty?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not, the old man suddenly had a bold idea."

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