The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2647: This official must impeach him, tomorrow must impeach...

Lu Siqing couldn't help but light up his steps, raised his waist slightly, and walked over there.

Then, I heard a faint popping sound and a silent sound coming from the public room.

Immediately, Lu Siqing and Zhao Sicheng looked at each other, and the smiles on their faces were very serious.

A few steps closer.

"Yes seven!" Pop! Loud tossing sound.

"Don't..." a deflated cry.

"Don't..." a numb cry.

"Continue to the two." Pop!

"don't want."

"Neither do I..."

"Hey hey, bomb, a..."

The smile on Lu Siqing's face quickly stiffened, Nima, playing a card, and again, no, no. Can you be more serious?

This is the special Honglu Temple, the official yamen of the 28th scriptures, not the 2nd hanging yamen of the special imperial physician's office.

Although Lu Siqing was full of anger, when the door of the public room was pushed open, His Royal Highness King Wu stood up with a beer belly and smiling.

Lu Siqing could only squeeze out a smile, and bowed respectfully on the ground.

"Please see His Royal Highness King Wu."

"Why does Lu Siqing have time to hang out in Xiao Wang's public house, but what's the matter?"

Li Ke, who is good at dancing with long sleeves, returned the salute with a smile and asked curiously.

"There is indeed an important matter, the Japanese envoy has another official document, which was originally passed on to the lower officials.

However, I heard that His Royal Highness King Wu finally found time to come to my Honglu Temple today. "

"Recalling what His Highness once said, he was ordered by His Majesty to be in charge of the diplomatic affairs of the peninsula countries and the Japanese country.

So I came here specially to see His Highness, and by the way, I asked His Highness to deal with it. "

Listening to these insinuations, Li Ke unknowingly took the official document on the ground.

"There is Lao Lu Siqing. Since this is the case, Xiao Wang will deal with it as soon as possible. By the way, should Lu Siqing come in and sit down?"

As soon as Li Ke stepped aside, Lu Siqing saw Cheng Saburo, who was sitting in the house with the bamboo token in his hand, showing himself an embarrassed but polite smile.

"It turns out that Taibao Xiaocheng is also here. If that's the case, I won't bother you anymore, let's say goodbye..."

Cheng Chubi stood up with the good card, walked to the door, and whispered curiously.

"Why do I think this Lu Siqing's expression seems disappointed, what is he disappointed about?"

"I don't know, little brother, maybe I think it's too rare for the two of us to be on duty."


"...What do they mean?" Li Ke looked at the diplomatic document in his hand, and his face darkened.

This group of people from the Japanese country still wanted to hand up the credential that had been rejected by him and Li.

Cheng Chubi, who was standing on the side, also saw the content, and was immediately happy.

"Yo, it seems that they really don't care about you. You have already rejected it, but you still come."

With a black line on his face, Li Ke shook the official document in his hand and said angrily.

"These gang of dog thieves from the Japanese country are simply unreasonable. They should be told to go directly back to the Japanese country."

Cheng Chubi's eyes lit up when he heard Li Ke's words, and he slapped Li Ke's shoulder again.

"Don't, virtuous brother, just let them come over tomorrow and have a good chat..."

"...Brother Chubi is really talented, so when should we let them come and wait?"

"Let them come over early tomorrow morning, it's our business whether they come or not, it's their business whether to wait or not."

"But if they can't wait for someone, they will start making trouble, isn't it good?"

"What are you afraid of, this is Honglu Temple, and it's not Wu Wangfu."



In the early morning of the next day, the Japanese envoy Jishi Xiongmalu and the deputy envoy Heimalu rushed to the outside of the Honglu Temple quite anxiously and waited.

At this moment, after Cheng Chubi and Li Ke met, they went straight out of the east gate and headed for the ferry of the Yellow River.

After arriving at the ferry port, he boarded the boat and headed north, and Zhao Kun had a good night's rest in the mansion of King Wu as early as yesterday.

Has quietly left Luoyang, went straight south, and went straight to Yangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River.

He also needs to rush to Yangzhou to meet the prince Li Chengqian and General Cheng, and send the secret decree of His Majesty to these two.


By noon, and before His Royal Highness King Wu could wait, the hungry Japanese envoys had to take shifts and eat and wait.

Until it was getting late, Lu Siqing, who had been busy with official duties for a day, took four steps and came to the gate of the official ya.

Then I saw the withered faces of the Japanese envoy Kishiyomaro and the deputy envoy Kuromaro, and their eyes were staring at this side.

"What's going on here?" Lu Siqing asked left and right with a confused expression.

"Siqing, these two were ordered by His Royal Highness King Wu to wait for His Royal Highness King Wu."

"What about His Royal Highness King Wu?"

"Uh... didn't come."

Lu Siqing glanced at the two Japanese envoys who were obviously stupid, and then looked at the officials behind him.

"Didn't come? Then His Highness asked people to come here and wait..."

"Xiaguan also doesn't understand. I have already asked them both before, and they are very sure that His Highness asked them to come here today."

"Okay, maybe our Highness is so busy playing cards with Cheng Saburo that he forgot about the serious business."

"That's it, UU reading you go and inform these two people to let them go back quickly and let them come back tomorrow."

"Your Majesty understands."


In the early morning of the next day, Jishi Xiongmalu and his deputy Heimalu simply entered the yamen of Honglu Temple, and sat and waited in front of the palace of His Royal Highness King Wu.

From early morning, until noon again, Jishixiongmalu and Heimalu finally couldn't bear it anymore, wept bitterly, and begged to see Lu Siqing.

After Lu Siqing listened to the report of the Sicheng, he was really a little hairy when he was busy with official business.

"In that case, Zhao Sicheng, please go to the Wu Wangfu quickly. Tell His Royal Highness Wu Wang, and the Japanese envoy will wait at the official office as instructed by him."

"No matter what he wants to do, he has to give someone an explanation."


"Not here?" Zhao Sicheng looked at the manager of the Prince Wu's mansion in front of him with a bewildered expression.

The steward nodded expressionlessly.

"Yes, my Highness, I left in a hurry yesterday morning and have not returned yet."

"Dare to ask Your Highness where he said he was going?"

"Hehe... Zhao Sicheng, what you said, where my Highness likes to go, is it something that a little butler can inquire about?"

The steward rolled his eyes angrily.

"If my highness returns to the mansion, I will report the news brought by you to Zhao Sicheng to your highness, and I will not send it far."


When Lu Siqing heard Zhao Sicheng's reply, he immediately blew up Mao, and slapped the case with rage and said angrily.

"It's unreasonable, this is simply unreasonable, since the Japanese envoy was called to wait at Honglu Temple, but he actually disappeared and didn't even return home."

"Even if he is a prince, he can't be so slack and dereliction of duty."

"This official must impeach him, and he must be impeached tomorrow!"

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