The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2783: The master of the house who has made up for it...

, the fastest update of the first family of the Tang Dynasty! Not far away, there is a heroic eagle soaring in the sky, sweeping the world with its unruly eagle eyes.

This sky is its home field. It seems to be able to dominate the creatures of this world. With its sharp eyes, it can see every grass and tree below this sky, even a mouse.

But soon, the eagle eyes it looked around suddenly stopped...

It saw that, at some point, a pitch-black ball appeared in front of it, and there was a large hanging basket underneath.

Inside that hanging basket, there are three living creatures with very strange shapes.

It looked like three upright, white cones with human heads, all of them looking at him slyly.

The eagle suddenly became flustered, what the **** is this? so afraid……

Accompanied by a somewhat flustered sharp eagle chirping, this eagle, which was originally flying, suddenly became panic-stricken and flapped its wings there.

However, its actions not only failed to stop the advance in time, but even caused it to lose the support of the airflow.

Just screaming in panic, being carried by inertia, it slammed directly into the hot air balloon, and then fell softly.

Coincidentally, when the wind blew, it did not fall directly to the ground, but was blown into the bamboo basket.

"..." The three adults wrapped in quilts silently watched the eagle that was knocked unconscious and fell into the basket.

Cheng Chubi didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he looked at the eagle who had obviously been knocked out.

"This... it must have been frightened by us, right?" Li Shimin sucked in his nose and said thoughtfully.

As a person who knows that capturing and harming animals under national secondary protection is a crime, Cheng Sablang's head is shaking faster than a splashing drum.

But soon after noticing the suspicious gaze cast by his husband, Cheng Chubi quickly forcibly argued.

"This eagle was clearly photographed by his husband, Long Wei. He was so frightened that he passed out in a panic. He has nothing to do with his son-in-law."

"... Zhao Kun, let's tie it up first, don't hurt it."

After receiving His Majesty's order, Zhao Kun threw the quilt, took out a leather cover very swiftly, put it directly on the eagle's mouth, and then started to tie it directly.

Cheng Saburo was amazed by the proficiency and quickness of his movements. "Father-in-law, are you planning to tame this thing?"

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth couldn't help but lift up proudly, and he shook it very dignifiedly and reservedly.

"This kind of wild eagle is very common. The old man just wants to wait a while to see if it is hurt, and then go back and let it fly."

I don't even think about it, the old man has been playing with birds for many years, and what kind of bird has never been played before, even a wild eagle, the old man still can't see it.

When Cheng Sanlang and Li Shimin descended to a height of less than 50 feet from the ground, the quilts on their bodies had been taken off and repackaged.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty regained his former majesty and restraint, and heard Cheng Sanlang's detailed description of what the Immortal Basket could do.

This thing is naturally a good treasure. If it is used in war, such a thing is raised in the barracks of the Tang Dynasty, and if it is matched with a thousand-mile mirror, it is a hundred miles away, and even a mouse can't hide it.

And it enables Datang Wu Ben to check the enemy first, and calmly deal with the land of intruders.

In addition, during the siege battle, if you put this thing up, the commander-in-chief of the Tang army can pass this thing.

Observing the deployment of the enemy's troops in the city, the weak link in defense.

You can even use this thing to command the flying thunder cannons that Cheng Saburo made to bombard the enemy in the city.

Furthermore, if the defenders have this thing, they can clearly see the enemy's every move outside the city, calmly dispatch troops and adjust their defense strategies.

Of course, in addition to being used in war, it can also be used in a large number of civilians.

For example, the shipping of the Tang Dynasty, with this thing, it is possible to discover islands or land dozens of miles away.

It can also be used to observe the unpredictable weather above the ocean and avoid the imminent danger in time.

As for pirates of unknown origin, Datang's ships can also adjust their formation in time, or escape calmly, or set up arrays to attack the enemy.

Listening to Cheng Sablang's spit and the flying stars explaining the function of this immortal basket, Li Shimin had to admit that Cheng Sablang's brain is indeed alive.

The many functions he thought of can be said to be refreshing.

Li Shimin patted the frame armrest of the hanging basket, and looked at the majestic Luoyang in the distance, with a lot of emotion.

"With this thing, there is also the flying thunder cannon that you tinkered with to destroy a city.

Where else is there in the world that my Tang Dynasty can't go to, and what kind of city is there that my Tang Dynasty can't break. "

Hearing that one person destroys a city, Cheng Chubi quickly took a look out of the corner of his eye and glanced at his father-in-law. Fortunately, his expression was not hypocritical. It seemed that he was really just sighing, not laughing at himself as an honest man~www.wuxiaspot. com~ But these words really reminded Cheng Saburo, if the Tang Dynasty wanted to attack that Goguryeo, hehe...

After Li Shimin stepped out of the immortal basket with the envy of the officials, he told the officials proudly that the scenery in the sky is unique.

Afterwards, Zhao Kun appeared in front of and behind people holding an eagle with a very loyal expression, and everyone's eyes widened.

What's the matter, His Majesty is hiding the bird again? Well, after all, His Majesty has a bad habit of hiding birds in his clothes, and he once suffocated birds.

Fortunately, Cheng Saburo, a good son-in-law, stood up in a timely manner.

"Just now when His Majesty ascended to the sky, a soaring eagle in the sky was photographed by His Majesty Tianwei.

He was so frightened that he fell down in front of His Majesty, shouted and kowtowed, and was reluctant to leave for a long time. "

"Your Majesty pity Qi Zhong, and fear to drive him away, hurting the heart of the eagle, so Er specially brought him down."

"..." All the civil and military officials exaggeratedly widened their eyes and grinned, looking at this serious and eloquent Cheng Saburo with shock.

His Majesty's expression seemed to be a little embarrassed at the beginning, but he quickly regained his composure, stroking his long beard admiringly and smiling without saying a word.

As a living creature that had just been confounded by his own son's ascending to heaven, Mr. Fang Xiangye jumped out at the first moment.

He gave His Majesty a very excited salute, and then said loudly in a very infectious voice.

"Your Majesty ascends to the sky, and once the dragon's eye shines, he is a rebellious iron-winged raptor, and he must also submit to the Son of Heaven..."

"My minister congratulates His Majesty on swallowing mountains and rivers, galloping vertically and horizontally, congratulating me on the great Tang Dynasty for thousands of years, and the prosperous age for everlasting..."

Seeing that Fang Xiangye was so cheeky all of a sudden, the ministers were caught off guard at first, but they quickly reacted, and all the flattery was thrown at this wise and powerful Tang emperor.

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