The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2869: Datang needs a Japanese shovel that needs to be imported...

After all, all kinds of precious metals on the Japanese island are the good things that Datang desperately needs.

Besides, Wa Island is not far from Datang, and now the industry and commerce of Datang has become more and more developed.

It is absolutely suitable as a dumping place for Datang's industrial and commercial commodities, and it is also an excellent relay station for Datang to develop ocean shipping.

But a unified Japanese island, it is easy for Datang to lose control of the Japanese island.

However, if the Tang Dynasty directly destroyed the Japanese country, it would divide the entire Japanese island into several countries, and then the Tang Dynasty would station a small number of troops here to pacify and monitor it.

Then through the dumping of a large number of commodities, it is enough for the Japanese countries to mine hard to exchange for various living materials.

As long as Lao Tzu is alive, as long as the Han and Tang firms are still engaged in international trade, the life and death of the Japanese islands can be firmly in the hands of the Tang Dynasty.

Until one day, the minerals on the Japanese island will be almost dug, I am afraid it will be a hundred years later.

At that time, a Japanese island with no mineral resources on the land, even a handle of iron, needed more time from overseas.

How big of a threat is this to Datang? Of course, there will also be gangsters who are both exemplifying and giggling.

But those things related to Cheng Saburo, he can see it after a hundred years, it is already very good.

If a hundred years later, faced with not even a single iron ore, and the Japanese island is still in a state of division, it can't deal with it, then it can only blame the descendants of future generations for their own disappointment.

Of course, there are some things that can be said and some things that cannot be said, but Cheng Chubi is still very clear.

Facing the eloquent Cheng Sablang's well-founded elaboration and explanation, Fang Jun and Wang Xuance both breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Cheng Saburo's approach, although it makes people feel a little weird, but after his explanation, it is indeed very reasonable.

Too much Japanese country is disobedient, and it is naturally fine to pacify it. I am worried that the Japanese country will fall into civil strife and disrupt Datang's foreign trade economy.

Therefore, support those wealthy families who have a very harmonious relationship with the Datang (Han and Tang Dynasty) and let them share the Japanese island.

In this way, even if there is chaos in the Japanese island in the future, among the many vassal countries, no one will be willing to obey the other, and he will pinch the blood first.

And the Tang Dynasty can calmly arrange repression, which is far easier than dealing with a unified Japanese country.


The carrier pigeons fluttered high over the Japanese island, and the wealthy people from all over the island, as well as the shopkeepers of the Tang, Han and Tang dynasties who made friends with the wealthy people from all over the island.

He could only bite the bullet, assume the identity of an informant and a lobbyist, and begin to do ideological work with the leaders of the wealthy family.

Of course, more of them are heroically smashing with interests, smashing the opponent's eyes with gold stars, and their hearts are like a deer, basically there will be no problems.

In the early morning of the next day, with the help of Cheng Saburo's Eagle Dog, the big companion who had not rested all night, carefully crafted a book of restoration of Shanyin.

With the seal of Shanyin that was carved by someone overnight, stamped on this carefully written national letter, and presented it to Cheng Sanlang in front of the Tang navy generals.

And weeping bitterly, telling that under the bullying of the Japanese country, the Shanyin country lived a life that was better than death, and the whole Shanyin royal family lived a hard life as slaves and maids.

Even his elder brother Changde, in order to protect the Daban clan in San'in, is still imprisoned in the prison of the Japanese country, and he does not even dare to commit suicide, for fear that the brutal Japanese country will use this as an excuse to pacify the Daban clan.

Cheng Sanlang and the other officials of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the generals of Xinluo, all heard the sad story of the listener, who was saddened and shed tears.

Cheng Chubi graciously helped the lord of Shanyin, who had been bullied and even had his arm chopped off by the Japanese, and did not dare to take revenge.

Tell the other party that the Tang Dynasty will definitely be the master of the small countries who love peace and are submissive to the Tang Dynasty.

After negotiation, the Tang Navy left a batch of weapons and armors that had been captured before and handed them over to the lord of Shanyin.

On the second day, the lord of Shanyin also issued a book against Japanese, raised the flag of Shanyin high, and started the road of Shanyin to follow the Tang Dynasty.

Afterwards, Cheng Chubi led the Tang and Xin coalition forces, left the Shanyin Kingdom, and set off in the next direction.

After careful consideration, the final decision was made, except that the main island of Washima was divided into eight countries.

In addition, Kyushu Island was established as the country of Hyuga, while the island of Shikoku was established as the country of Awa, and the northernmost island was directly called the country of Ezo.

After such a score, the eleven wealthy clans who had an excellent relationship with the Han and Tang dynasties were truly exposed to rain and dew.

As for other people's opinions, hehe, Cheng Chubi didn't think there was any problem, and labelled those who had opinions as fellow party members of the Japanese royal family, hehe...

Next, Cheng Chubi could be said to be non-stop, along the coast of the Japanese country, with those wealthy families who were in fierce conflict with the imperial army of the Japanese country at the moment, and had good relations with the Han and Tang merchants.

In less than half a month, the Shanyin, Shanyang, and Beilu kingdoms were re-established, and the flag of righteousness was held high to seek the forerunners of the Tang Dynasty.

Dongshan Kingdom, Donghai Kingdom, Beihai Kingdom, Hyuga Kingdom, Awa Kingdom, Nanhai Kingdom, etc. responded one after another.

After experiencing the fiasco, the eldest brother Zhong, who returned to the Japanese island in shock, heard that the wealthy tribes of the Japanese island had established a country, and immediately ordered all the remaining soldiers to set off immediately and rush to the Bird City.

On the second day after the elder brother led the remnants of the defeated generals to leave, Cheng Sablang led the Tang and the new coalition forcefully and finally landed on this pier.

Bing Feng, pointing directly at the capital of the Japanese king: Bird City.


At this moment, in the city of Asuka, it can be said that the clouds are miserable, and all the relatives of the Japanese emperor are gathered in the palace at this are all six gods and no masters.

Emperor Xiaode, sitting silently in the center, looked at the courtiers on the left and right, he clearly saw that there were a lot less civil and military people entering the court today.

This made Emperor Xiaode look up to the sky and sigh helplessly, and it was normal for the Daban clan, the Mobu clan, and the Abu clan to betray him.

After all, the imperial court ordered them to hand over all kinds of gold and silver mountains that they had dug up.

It can be said that these three clans have been completely cut off from the imperial court. In addition, there is the Nasuwo clan since the Suwo entered the deer and was killed.

Brother Zhong intends to exterminate the Suwo clan, and the Suwo clan has also become the mortal enemy of the imperial court.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they raised troops to help Tang, but other noble families such as the Jushi clan and Jingbu clan also betrayed one after another, but it was unexpected by Emperor Xiaode.

Just when Emperor Xiaode was worried, he finally heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

Emperor Xiaode saw Big Brother Zhong, the crown prince who was older than him, and strode forward with a look of disgust...

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