The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2949: The emperor of the Tang Dynasty who wanted meat buns to beat dogs...

As soon as these words came out, all the Great Tang Wuxun all set their sights on this confident and calm Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who seemed to be able to keep his face unchanged even in the face of swords and axes.

Cheng Sanlang, who was so idle that he wanted to yawn, immediately brightened his eyes when he heard this, ouch... Sure enough, my luck is good, and my father-in-law really started.

"I don't know how Your Majesty wants to divide the troops to deal with it?" Li Jing, the military **** of the Tang Dynasty, saluted Li Shimin, then raised his finger to the sand table in front of him.

Li Shimin's eyes fell on the sand table, stroking his long beard, as if he was thinking about something, Cheng Sanlang, who was already refreshed, couldn't help stretching his neck and leaning forward.

At this time, Li Shimin glanced at the generals in charge of the army. In front of him at this moment, two brothers Li Jing and Li Ke, two brothers Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche, two brothers Li Daozong, Yu Chigong, Qin Qiong, Ashinasheer, Su Dingfang, Niu Jinda, Qi What should I do...

Then, Cheng Sanlang's head popped out suddenly, and Li Shimin's face turned dark immediately, and he glared at the bastard.

Cheng Chubi could only touch his nose resentfully, then slipped back to Li Shimin's back and stayed there quietly like a chicken.

In the end, Li Shimin's eyes fell on Li Jing, the military **** of the Tang Dynasty.

"Old Li Aiqing, how many soldiers and horses are given to you, can you win quickly?"

As soon as this remark came out, although all the arrogant soldiers of the Tang Dynasty rolled their eyes neatly, at least no one opened their mouths to fight.

After all, Li Jing's meritorious service in his life, and he is an elder, if he stood up, others would be ashamed to compete with him.

Hearing this, Li Jing pursed his lips a little excitedly, and after bowing to Li Shimin, he stood in front of the sand table and meditated for a few breaths.

"Your Majesty, I need 30,000 elites. It is best to hand over 5,000 cavalry to my minister. I am sure that I will defeat Gao Huizhen within two days."

"Why Gao Huizhen and not Gao Yanshou?" Li Shimin's words were asked for the sake of many civil and military people who could not justify Li Jing's statement.

But seeing Li Jing smiling confidently and calmly, he tapped his fingers lightly on the edge of the sand table and said.

"I have been studying the dispositions of the many generals in command in Goguryeo, as well as their past battles.

That Gao Yanshou has always had a calm personality, and he is also very cautious in using troops in battle. He was ordered to delay our main force of the Tang Dynasty.

He will definitely try again and again carefully. It is not difficult to defeat him, but it is quite difficult to defeat his teacher severely.

And that Gao Huizhen has a bold personality, he uses troops fiercely, and likes to take risks, so Gao Huizhen is more likely to be defeated..."


Cheng Chubi was also convinced when he heard it, not only his words were well-founded, but also the characters of those Goguryeo generals were analyzed very well.

No wonder he was able to win every battle and was respected by many famous generals of the Tang Dynasty, the God of the Army of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, nodded frequently, his eyes flickered for a long time, and then he spoke.

"Old Aiqing's words are very much in line with my wishes, and I also feel that the two Goguryeo reinforcements should be divided and attacked."

"One army is to lure Gao Yanshou into entanglement. This army does not need many soldiers and horses, 10,000 is enough. Only in this way can Gao Yanshou think that he has an opportunity to take advantage of.

The other army quickly defeated Gao Huizhen with thunderous force, and then returned to the north. The two armies attacked Gao Yanshou together, which should solve the current crisis. "

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, Li Jing stood up on his own initiative, saluted Li Shimin and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the enemy's soldiers and horses to fight with that Gao Yanshou."

Li Shimin smiled calmly, shook his head slowly, and then patted Li Jing's shoulder heavily with his big hand.

"I decided to lead the enemy's soldiers and horses to fight with Gao Yanshou, and hand over the main force of my Tang Dynasty to Aiqing."

"What?!" The expressions of all the generals changed.

Li Shimin raised his hand, pointed to the tip of his nose and said proudly.

"For everyone here, only if I show up can Gao Yanshou focus on entanglement with our army and not help Gao Huizhen."

Hearing this, Cheng Sanlang nodded slightly in agreement.

That's right, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty only led a small number of elites to flaunt their heads and limbs in front of the 70,000 to 80,000 Goguryeo soldiers and horses.

No matter how scheming Gao Yanshou is, if he sees that the soldiers and horses around the emperor of Tang Dynasty are weak, he will definitely spend his money next time.

However, a person like him is very cautious, so he must think that there is some conspiracy here.

In short, as an excellent medical worker who has studied psychology, Cheng Chubi felt that the old man's sensitive sense of war chose the right enemy to deal with.

If it's that hot-tempered Gao Huizhen, hehe... Maybe those pants... Huh? There seems to be some misunderstanding.

It should be that maybe the whole army will come out and attack directly with the whole army. In that case, it will be easy for meat buns to beat dogs, and there will be no return.

A group of great Tang Wuxun ministers tried to persuade him one after another, but the problem was that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty had reasons and plausible arguments. The important thing was, except for him, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

And who else can make those Goguryeo barbarian generals so excited that they can't move their legs?

Cheng Chubi's eyeballs rolled sluggishly, and he was about to speak, but Li Jing was silent for a long time, then bowed to Li Shimin again and said in a deep voice.

"Although your majesty's strategy is clever, it is extremely risky and must not be done. According to my minister's opinion, you should choose a good general and use your majesty's ceremonial guard as bait."

"And His Majesty personally led the army to attack Gao Huizhen. After Gao Huizhen was defeated, he sent his troops northward, and the two armies joined forces to attack Gao Yanshou."

As soon as this remark came out, a group of civil and military officials praised Li Jing's strategy, after all, His Majesty is a man of gold, so there must be no loss.

If something goes wrong, they, a group of important civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty, will not be redeemed after a hundred deaths.

Li Shimin was very distressed, but there was nothing he could do. After all, all the ministers strongly opposed it. The important thing was that Li Jing's argument was also reasonable.

As long as there is a good general who can use the guard of honor of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to confuse the enemy, this trick has never been used in the past.

And the emperor's ceremonial Without the approval of the emperor, who would dare to make it, and who would dare to take the risk?

Moreover, Li Jing proposed that he be the commander of the army that lures the enemy.

"Your Majesty, although the old minister is old, he is confident that he can deal with Gao Yanshou and buy time and opportunity for His Majesty to wipe out Gao Huizhen's troops. Please allow His Majesty."

Speaking of this, Li Jing simply kowtowed to the ground, as if he would not get up unless he agreed.

At this moment, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty just stood there in embarrassment. Originally, he wanted to take a risk with his blood boiled, but Li Jing's actions won the unanimous approval of all the civil and military people present.

Anyway, in a word, if you want to do this, Your Majesty, it is not impossible, but you must be in the army with the largest number.

The smaller army can only let other people be the coaches.

Even Zhao Kun had no choice but to prostrate himself to the ground at this moment. After all, His Majesty wanted to take risks, and as a subject, he had to stop it.

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