The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 802: The mother's condition is not very good, she shed a lot of blood...

Cheng Chubi followed Li De to Deng Zhubo's mansion, just to see the carriage in front of him stopped, and Wu Meiniang and Li Wenpo walked out of the carriage.

There is another one, the personal Shang Palace of Empress Changsun.

Cheng Chubi also hurriedly got off his horse and stepped forward to see him.

The Shang Gong hurriedly returned a gift, and glanced at Wu Meiniang and Li Wenpo who were beside her.

"The old man can't be the gift of Cheng Taichang. Today, I heard that Deng Zhubo's daughter-in-law had a dystocia. The old man was ordered to lead the martial doctor and Li Wenpo to help Cheng Taichang."

Cheng Chubi naturally understood the reason, and immediately realized what was the reason. It must be because he was worried that Cheng had not done the actual operation.

That's why Uncle Li's family was afraid of accidents when they were going to operate on his daughter-in-law, so they would use this method.

Not only did Li Ke, a very professional and excellent royal instrumentalist, also dispatched the Shanggong next to Empress Sun.

Cheng Chubi could also understand the actions of the emperor's family. Besides, saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level float.

This master Deng’s daughter-in-law had a dystocia. As a doctor herself, since she encountered it, she would definitely think about solving the problem.

Cheng Chubi glanced at Cheng Guang, Cheng Liang, since both Wu Meiniang and Li Wenpo were here, that was the best.

After all, it is better to be a female assistant for things like C-section.

Cheng Chubi smiled tacitly with this Hu Shanggong, and strode towards the door of Deng Master Bo's Mansion, which had already opened its doors.

Not too far away, I ran into a middle-aged scribe who came with Li Ke to greet him.

Cheng Chubi just greeted a few words immediately.

"Now is not the time for nonsense, Master Deng Bo, if you are willing, then Cheng is willing to perform surgery on your daughter-in-law."

Deng Zhubo, who had been instilled by Li Ke with the idea that an operation can cure all diseases, nodded and replied without hesitation.

"Then there will be Lao Cheng too often, and you will do your best to live my daughter-in-law's life."

"That's good, let's go over," Cheng Chubi nodded, strode forward, and came to the delivery room with little effort.

"Mei Niang, you and Wen Po will go in first after changing clothes. Then disinfect the parturient's abdomen...

By the way, you, Mrs. Lao, go in and comfort your daughter-in-law, tell her, just relax, and Cheng will surely save her life. "

As Cheng Chubi, a great and famous doctor of the Tang Dynasty, commanded Ruo Ding here, soon, the house of Lord Deng, who was still in a mess, quickly settled down.

Li Wenpo, who was dressed in white clothes and a white hood and a white mask, came to the door a little nervously.

"Cheng Taichang is ready, but the mother's condition is not very good, she shed a lot of blood..."

Having kept everyone away from the delivery room, Cheng Chubi was wearing surgical gowns at the door of the delivery room, and his eyes fell on Cheng Liang and Cheng Guang brothers.

"Take this syringe and let the female martial artist draw some blood. Cheng Guang, Cheng Liang, you are responsible for matching the blood type of the parturient. Once it is matched, you should send in two hundred milliliters as soon as possible."


Cheng Guang took the syringe handed out from the delivery room, took out the test tube from the instrument box, and began to prepare for matching.

Cheng Liang copied an empty syringe and raised his voice.

"Come here, everyone is standing in a row, don't be afraid, just draw a little blood from you to save the life of the mother..."

These two are veterans who have experienced first aid on the battlefield, and they are extremely proficient in blood matching work.

As the noise continued outside, Cheng Chubi had stepped into the house and saw the operating table put together in the center of the room with two tables and a door panel.

There are nearly thirty candlestick oil lamps that can be lit around, and it finally makes the outdoor light shine to the point where surgery can barely be performed.

It's just that at this moment, even the sheets on the temporary operating table have been soaked with blood.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi's brows couldn't help but close, and he heard Zhao's slightly crying voice.

"Cheng Taichang, save my daughter-in-law, she..."

"Shut up! Now all you have to do is to comfort your daughter-in-law and let her cheer up and stop falling asleep."

Cheng Chubi glared at the Zhao family viciously, and the middle-aged woman was so scared that he dared not put a fart.

Cheng Chubi's gaze fell on the pregnant woman's abdomen, and his gaze swept across the pregnant woman's face. His too young face looked extraordinarily haggard at the moment.

Cheng Chubi didn't say much, and now it's better to start quickly. Picked up the syringe dedicated to the acupoint embedding.

Start with the usual suitable acupoints, find suitable acupoints for embedding, and relieve the pain of the patient.

Acupuncture to relieve pain is a common item in Chinese medicine, especially in ancient times when there was no painkiller.

These pain-relieving acupoints are naturally derived from Sun Simiao, who never returned to Jiangnan and has not received any news.

After embedding the acupuncture points, Cheng Chubi breathed a sigh of relief and flushed his hand with saline.

After the pregnant woman's abdomen was pressed slightly, Cheng Chubi's calm and almost cold voice rang.


Wu Meiniang, who was already standing in front of the placed instruments, took the scalpel and took a photo of Cheng Chubi's hand without hesitation.

Shang Gong on the side couldn't help but look anxiously. "Cheng haven't given her anesthetic yet."

"She's in a state, she can't stand it at that time, shut up."

Under the gaze of a group of women, Cheng Chubi lifted weight gently to cut a fifteen-centimeter-long incision above the pregnant woman's sacrum.

With such a stab, the woman who was in a semi-comatose state just convulsed.

Seeing this scene, Zhao was still standing there trembling, not knowing what to do, rolled his eyes, and fell directly to the ground.

Cheng Chubi only glanced slightly. "Stupefied and doing something, quickly get people out, don't affect my operation."

Deng Zhubo, Deng Dalang, and Li Ke all stood in the doorway and waited nervously.

"Not suitable, not suitable, not suitable...who else, hurry up!" Four people were matched in succession, and their blood types were not suitable for the parturient.

Cheng Guang couldn't help feeling a little anxious now, and shouted loudly.

"I, try mine..." Deng Dalang gritted his teeth and stretched out his arm. Li Ke, who was next to him, saw such a scene, and he felt compassionate.

"There is this king, try to get this king."

"His Royal Highness, just smoke ours..." Li De and other guards of the Wu Palace quickly stepped forward to stop them.

As the uterus was cut open, Cheng Chubi saw the fetus in the womb clearly, his whole body had begun to turn blue, and immediately reached into the uterus and lifted the fetus upside down.

This scene fell into the eyes of Wu Meiniang, Li Wenpo and Hu Shanggong in an instant.

Seeing Cheng Chubi stretched out his hand, he took out a mass of dirt from the fetus's mouth, and then turned his big hand into a water-holding type and slapped it on the fetus's back.

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