The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 804: My grandma was talking about love with you, but you were talking to grandma...

Empress Changsun hasn't slept since she woke up. After a few words of persuasion, Li Shimin on the side fell asleep again in a daze.

After waiting for a long time, I heard someone knock on the door.

Empress Changsun glanced at her husband who was still sleeping, gently pushed open the door, and saw Hu Shang Palace, who had already returned to the palace.

After Hu Shanggong gave a salute to Empress Changsun, he quietly sent Cheng Chubi to the dystocia puerpera to perform an operation, saving the baby's life.

At the same time, it also saved the life of the lying-in woman who had lost much blood.

"...It's just that the childbirth daughter Ning Jiuniang lost too much blood after giving birth, and she hasn't woken up yet, so Cheng Taichang is still waiting there to avoid accidents."

"The doctor woman and Li Wenpo also stayed there to help Cheng Taichang."

Hearing this, Empress Changsun exhaled in relief, and showed an approving smile toward Hu Shang Palace.

"Well, thanks for your hard work, go and rest. If there is something, the palace will call you."

"Yes, the slave servant will retreat first..." Hu Shanggong, with a look of exhaustion, made a salute to Empress Changsun before turning around and leaving quietly.

Empress Changsun stared at the back of Hu Shang Palace in the distance, glanced at the maids and eunuchs who were standing outside the door, and then closed the door.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw her husband Li Shimin sitting up. "But Hu Shang Palace?"

Emperor Changsun came to the bed and said with a relieved smile.

"Yes, husband, Cheng Saburo has just taken action to rescue the daughter-in-law Ning Jiuniang of Deng Master Bo of the Ministry of Engineering, and also saved her child."

"Listen to Hu Shanggong's meaning, today, if it weren't for Cheng Sanlang, I'm afraid that Ning Jiuniang and her son would not be able to keep it..."

"It's so serious." Li Shimin's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

Empress Changsun leaned in her husband's arms and whispered in a low voice.

"Hu Shanggong said, that Ning Jiuniang just shed blood, I'm afraid it would have to be several kilograms, and the concubine's body was also terrifying..."

"It seems that Cheng Saburo really didn't speak big words in the medical way."

"Ning Jiuniang's age, although slightly younger than our daughter-in-law, can't be younger than a few months."

Speaking of this, Empress Changsun sighed lightly, her forehead lightly pressed against her husband's chest.

"The concubine is really more worried."

Li Shimin patted Empress Changsun's back with relief. "Well, Guanyin maid, our daughter-in-law will definitely be fine.

The boy Cheng Saburo has proven that he has this ability. "


When the sky was bright, the pregnant woman Ning Jiuniang finally slowly opened her eyes and saw her husband Deng Dalang by her side.

The pain from her body made her groan again when she regained her sanity.

"Juniang, Jiuniang, you are awake." Deng Dalang looked at Ning Jiuniang who was a plum and bamboo horse and opened his eyes, and couldn't help crying with joy.

"Husband, why are you here?" Ning Jiuniang tried to endure the pain in her body and asked in a low voice.

"Cheng Taichang confessed, let me look at you, wait a minute, quickly, ask someone to invite Cheng Taichang, my lady woke up..."

Cheng Chubi and Wu Meiniang walked into the house together, checked carefully, and after confirming Ning Jiuniang's condition, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As Zhao brought the little baby who was born less than a day ago, mother and child met, and Cheng Chubi came to the house.

Lord Deng Bo moved to Cheng Chubi repeatedly and thanked him again and again.

Cheng Chubi said politely towards Deng Dalang after a few polite sentences.

"Dalang Deng, your lady is in good condition, but you can't take it lightly."

"If you want your lady's body to recover as soon as possible, just follow the meal recipe I gave you to cook for your lady."

"After all, in these two days, I will take time to come over and check your wife."

"In addition, starting from the third day, let your daughter-in-law get out of bed and walk around."

"More activities can help her recover from the operation, don't you understand?"

Deng Dalang nodded and repeatedly said yes, and Deng Zhubo on the side also saluted.

"Cheng Taichang, don't worry, you saved Xiaguan's grandson and my daughter-in-law. If Xiaguan doesn't believe you, who else should you believe?"


Cheng Chubi turned over and jumped on his horse, and accompanied Wu Meiniang and Li Wenpo towards the palace.

Wu Meiniang was willing to stay with the Po Li Wen in the car, so she simply sat in front of her and rolled up the curtain of the car.

Seeing Cheng Saburo leading the horse and slowly moving forward with the carriage, he spoke extremely hypocritically and politely.

"Brother, you are also very tired, so don't give it away..."

Cheng Chubi looked at the excited and energetic girl Wu, and shook his head resolutely.

"It's okay, I'll just send you to the gate of the palace and then go back. I worked hard for you yesterday, and I'm still worried that you can't stand the scene.

With a pair of beautiful eyes, Wu Meiniang didn't leave Cheng Chubi's chiseled face, and said with a smile.

"In the beginning, Mei Niang was actually a little scared, but when I saw you there, I wasn't scared at all."

"Really?" Cheng Chubi touched his chin, and couldn't help but This is also true. After all, our Cheng family has the effect of protecting against evil spirits. "

"Chang'an City, at least almost half of them, are all portraits of our family."

Before the words were finished, Li Wen pooped, who was sitting deep in the carriage, and then quickly covered her mouth.

Regardless of the martial arts woman, or Cheng Taichang, she could not afford to be offended by her little stable woman.

"..." Wu Meiniang's face went dark in an instant, and a fierce light appeared in her originally beautiful eyes.

A special town house to avoid evil, your aunt is talking about love with you, but you are talking about supernatural beings with your aunt?

It wasn't long before Cheng Chubi was proud that he felt that the atmosphere was not right. Turning his head, he saw Wu Meiniang's fierce and hideous face.

Hmm...Although this girl Wu has a fierce look, she has her bulging cheeks and her cute red lips.

Looks so cute, love love...

"Mei Niang, you look so angry, you are actually quite cute." As a real person, Cheng Chubi has always been telling the truth.

"???" Wu Meiniang couldn't help but stunned, the original writhing anger, like a flower rain poured down on her head, fainted.

Wu Meiniang subconsciously touched her face that was starting to burn, and stared at Cheng Saburo in shame.

"You, don't think that you can talk fancy words, I won't be angry with you."

"Who is talking about rhetoric?" Cheng Chubi suddenly became unhappy. "This is a real word of conscience."

"Huh, I'm too lazy to care about you..." Wu Meiniang already felt that her face was no longer hot, but hot.

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