The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 817: This crude martial artist, dare to be so, who does he think he is...

His Majesty the Emperor of Tang, who hugged his daughters and daughters and finally comforted his warm heart, saw the appearance of his beloved wife.

He almost grinned and said with joy, but considering the harmony of the husband and wife relationship, Li Shimin gave a dry cough in time.

"This kid, I really don't know what to say about him. Isn't this embarrassing..."

Empress Changsun couldn't help but nodded subconsciously, then she recovered and shook her head in disbelief.

"Ke'er, why did Cheng Saburo get up with the Taixue students again?"

"It's up to my husband to explain it to you." Li Shimin explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly.

He quickly asked the **** to take out the couplet that hadn't been long since the **** had put it away.

Empress Changsun didn't know what expression she should use to express her feelings except for shaking her head.

After a long time, Empress Changsun finally couldn't bear it, and uttered a sentence in a low voice.

"Cheng Saburo, this kid, is so talented when he picks up people, but usually he makes a lot of monsters..."

Li Shimin screamed out of joy directly, stroking her long beard and looking at the girl who had already been sitting in front of the case and was learning to read the five words of Yansuo Pond Liu with his third brother.

"This can only mean that this kid is like a drum. If you don't beat him, he won't know the squeak."

"Kuanyin maidservant, do you still remember the method of making salt he offered?

If it weren't for Chengqian's eating and finding that the taste was not right, the **** of Donggong's dining room only found out that it was the salt given by Cheng Saburo after inquiring.

I'm afraid this kid didn't even realize how important the salt-making method he used to make physiological saline was for the court and the people. "

"Nowadays, the salt-making method that has been promoted in all states of the world has been listed in various places.

According to this method, those states and counties that only produce toxic salt and bitter salt will finally be able to produce high-quality snowflake salt for the people to eat. "

"Let those people who suffer from unsalted food be grateful to the court."


"Nafu, this matter..." Empress Changsun pointed to the two couplets that were still being held high by the eunuch, and the paper placed on the case table, and looked at her husband.

Li Shimin hesitated, stroking his long beard and shook his head slowly.

"They are happy to make a fuss, let them make a fuss. Just like Cheng Saburo said, this kind of contest that does not involve physical harm is called Wen Dou."

"..." Empress Changsun looked at her husband's face with a happy smile. Okay, you just have to be happy.

Li Shimin looked at the couplet he wrote with satisfaction. The more he looked at it, the more he loved it. If such a beautiful calligraphy could only be collected, wouldn't it be a pity?

Thinking about this, Li Shimin's eyes fell on his son Li Ke, his eyes rolled.

Soon, Empress Longsun took Li Mingda aside and stood aside, Li Ke also stood on the other end of the case very cleverly, watching his father Li Shimin struggle with writing there.

Li Shimin quickly wrote six densely colored, dignified and majestic official script styles: Datang Cheng University.

He stood up and studied it carefully for a long time before he nodded in satisfaction.

"Ke'er, when you leave for a while, hand over the word for father and the couplet to Cheng Saburo.

Let him carve it down, it is the old man's congratulatory gift for the opening of his private school. "

"??" Li Ke turned his head in a daze. Dad, are you really dear? Actually robbed his son's business.

But the problem is that Dad is really dear, and it's the kind that he often kicks himself. Facing his father's lewdness, Li Ke nodded sadly and agreed.

The next day, after Kong Yingda got up, washed a bit and went to the front hall.

I was taken aback when I saw the breakfast that was already on the table, and the "Changan Xunbao" that I had read yesterday.

"Hasn't the old man read this "Chang'an Xunbao" already?"

Guan Shi bowed to Kong Yingda, pointed to the newspaper and explained.

"Master, this "Changan Xunbao" has more new content, and it is still related to Taixue and Master..."

"You actually have a relationship with the old man? Why, isn't it possible that Cheng Saburo knew about it and wanted to target the old man, haha..."

Kong Yingda smiled contemptuously and picked up the newspaper.

I saw that the first edition of today’s "Chang'an Xunbao" was still brazenly slapped the prince and the princess, and snorted displeasedly, bad reviews...

I subconsciously turned to the second page, and I saw the difference. What caught my eye was a blackened, bolded and enlarged couplet.

"The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the sound is heard; family affairs, country affairs, world affairs, everything is concerned..."

Kong Yingda stared at this couplet blankly, and when she saw it, she also noted that this is the school motto of Tang Cheng University.

In an instant, the whole person had the illusion of being robbed of his job, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Such a loud, shocking and shocking warning to persuade the world to learn a good sentence, it is really fragrant to special mothers that my scholars want to drip.

Such a good baby, posted on Guozixue, posted on Taixue, wouldn’t it be fragrant?

Unfortunately, Cheng Chubi's crude martial artist took it and posted it on the private school that taught a group of doctors.

This is simply blasphemy against this good baby who makes all scholars in the world madly in love...


Seeing his master sitting there in a, his face turned blue and purple, the manager sighed silently.

Once the lord has such an expression, he will definitely be in a bad mood these days, and everyone's life will be difficult.

"This vulgar martial artist, dare to be like this, who does he think he is?! It's such an asshole, and he dares to target the old man... Is there such a thing?

Kong Yingda suddenly became furious, and angrily squeezed the newspaper into a ball and threw it directly on the floor.

He walked away angrily. He didn't even have the mood to taste the delicious breakfast, so he left the house with a stern face.

The manager hurriedly picked up the newspaper and wanted him to burn it directly.

When I thought that it was bought for five cents anyway, wouldn't it be a pity to throw it away? Simply tucked it back into the sleeve.

When I have some free time, I'll look through the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" inside and have an eye addiction.

Just when Kong Yingda left the mansion, he was already in a mess while studying too much.

"This vulgar martial artist actually writes such a good couplet, and has to get his private school that teaches medicine. This is simply insulting to gentleness."

"It's unreasonable, I can't think of such a rare warning sentence, it will actually come from Cheng Saburo, this is the desire to destroy me..."

"Go away, your Teniang has failed in the imperial examination for almost ten times, and you are still pretending to be forced here."

"Oh...this couplet, if I had written it, how good it would be, if it could be in the Goulan Pavilion, I would recite it like this."

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