The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 820: As the saying goes, it’s better to start first, father, I have a trick here...

"That being the case, our old Cheng family can finally be ashamed and show off at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, wow ha ha ha..."

My father’s heroic and wild laughter shocked Cheng Chubi's face and looked at his father in a daze. What does this mean?

Cheng Chumo saw the dull look of the third brother, shook his head hating iron and steel, and sat down beside Cheng Chubi.

In an instant, he took a breath of cold breath and quickly jumped up, rubbing his **** with a grin and muttering, Cheng Chubi almost uttered aloud.

Cheng Chumo could only maintain a sitting posture stunned, and whispered towards Cheng Chubi.

"Brother Xian, you were not in Chang'an when the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, so you don't know that our old Cheng family, who is a family heir to poetry, suffered a big loss last year."

"Really?" Cheng Chubi glanced at his eldest brother, and then at his father Cheng Yaojin.

His father, who had just smiled so heartily and arrogantly, looked so sad and sad at the moment.

Cheng Chubi always felt that his father's expression and tone at the moment were mostly acting, but he was indeed not in Chang'an last year.

I don’t know much about the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet in Chang'an last year, so I can only listen carefully to the story of the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet of last year's Mid-Autumn Festival.

In short, maybe it was the year before last, after being beaten by Cheng Chubi, a talented and self-proclaimed cultural person was quite unhappy.

Therefore, at last year's time, it can be said that the best products are all out, and the literati who are full of poetry and books have performed beyond the level.

However, in Cheng Chubi's view, those guys would definitely have already created a lot of works early on, and then choose the best one to show off at the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In a word, last year's Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet became a special performance show for the literati, but it was very uncomfortable to get a vote of military officials.

In the end, at last year's Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet, Yu Chigong was the most memorable one of Wuchen's performances.

Let ten soldiers attack him in turn, and he won ten consecutive shots, which aroused all the applause. This is also the biggest limelight that Wuchen has ever seen last year.

After Cheng Chubi said silently, Cheng Chubi hadn't had time to replenish the majestic scene of Uncle Chi's winning ten consecutive times.

Cheng Yaojin, who had been posing next to him for a long time, motioned to Cheng Chubi to get closer, and then said.

"This year, the third child, since you have returned to Chang'an, those guys will target you in all likelihood."

"So, our old Cheng family, naturally, we have to make plans in advance. As the saying goes, the first step is the strongest. Father, I have a clever plan here..."

When Cheng Chubi saw the strange smirk on his father Cheng Yaojin's face, he always felt that his father's strategy, oh...stop, the son does not say the father's death, forget it.


Smoke locks pond willow, five words, it is not that it is impossible to be right, but it is really a big brain project if you want to be neatly right and right and suitable for the situation.

Three days, it is really not long to say that it is long, especially for wanting to correct this pair of ties within three days, it is simply a delusion.

No matter what, on the first day and the second day, the students in Taixue were still very energetic and motivated.

But with the passage of time, those Taixue students who were not very good at their brains and had only a passion for blood have already retreated.

Give up the plan to solve this couplet, get a bonus, and still face the old Cheng family.

However, there are still many self-proclaimed talented Taixue students who are still insisting.

Although there are some scholars who want to make tricks, go to Kong Yingda, Kong Siye's residence, and want to ask this knowledgeable boss to shoot back at Cheng Chubi.

However, even the door of Confucius Mansion could not be entered, according to the guardian Jiading told the scholars.

It is said that my master felt cold and unwell the day before yesterday. He didn't even go to the morning, so there was no spare time to take care of that Cheng Saburo.

In the end, the group of students who had been hovering around the gate of Confucius Mansion for more than a long time had no choice but to leave in disappointment.

The butler watched the difficult young people drift away, and only then wiped the greasy sweat from his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

Instructed the two families. "Be sure to show it to me, don't let those bold students break into the mansion, understand?"

"Butler, don't worry, I'll definitely see it right after I wait, and I will definitely not let anyone into the house."

The butler nodded in satisfaction, and then quickly walked towards the mansion, walking through the corridors and around the room, and finally came to the study and stood still.


"Um... come in." There was a weak call from inside.

The housekeeper stepped into the room and saw his master Kong Yingdada lying on the couch at the moment, holding a book in his hand and a white towel covering his forehead.

"Master, the villain persuaded those students who were too educated. They knew that the master was in health. Although they were a little unwilling, they still left."

"Oh... the old man didn't want to help them, but he didn't expect that he actually caught a cold the night before."

"Nowadays, I still feel dizzy. Where is the energy to deal with couplets..."

The housekeeper looked at leaning on the, raised his hand and touched the white towel on his forehead, his own master sighed, his heart straightened.

It's fine if you are blind. The night before, you obviously stayed up all night trying to crack the upper couplet given by Cheng Saburo.

It turns out that it's not right at all, so I just pretend to be ill?

"Master said that the body is important. If nothing happens, the villain will leave first. Master, take a good rest."

Kong Yingda was very satisfied with the butler's attitude, and nodded slightly with satisfaction. "Wait, remember, no matter who comes to visit the old man, stop me."

"Master, don't worry, the villain understands." The butler nodded before turning around.

After seeing the housekeeper leave, Kong Yingda was still dying, and the dying Kong Yingda let out a sigh of relief and sat up.

Just when I came to the case, I sat down, thinking about it, and came to the door of the room uneasy, and bolted it from the inside. Then I went back and sat down.

Looking at the case table, I stayed up all night the night before, and yesterday I took a leave of absence under the pretext of being sick, so I spent another day in the study.

However, I found sadly that either the artistic conception can match and the five elements fail to match, or the five elements match, but the artistic conception is completely untidy.

This kind of Shanghai Federation is simply trying to toss people out of mental illness.

Once again, dizzy and dizzy, Kong Yingda couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

"Oh...I think the old man is also a scholar who has been studying for decades. How does it feel that compared with the despicable and shameless Cheng Laosan, it seems like the old man has read all his books for decades..."

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