The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 824: Tell Cheng Qing and the others, don’t be too much today

This is really painful. But thinking of that guy Cheng Yaojin that day patted his chest crookedly.

Forget it, let it go, you can't leave the collective on your own. Besides, I lose face and lose face, what's the matter?

After thinking about this festival, Li Keshi, the bird thief general, finally let go.

Niu Weituo, Li Zhen, Li Siwen, and Li Qi's four young brothers, their faces turned black and huddled in the back.

Seeing his parents being pointed and pointed by the civil servants and military commanders around, he has a black line on his face, and death is better than life.

"What the **** is going on? I asked my father, he was not happy to say a word." Niu Weituo arched his elbow next to Li Zhen and asked quietly.

"Hehe...for this kind of thing, besides Uncle Cheng, who else can have such an ability, what do these few people do."

"As for the specifics, I don't dare to say, little brother, after all, my father and them will definitely shine at the Mid-Autumn Festival tonight, alas..."

"It's a pity, there are so many Xianlian leagues, and none of them are above our brothers. Otherwise, I really want to join in the fun."

"..." Niu Wei Tuo, who had just been off the job, shook his head with a black line on his face, and let it go. It would be useless to say more. This is the end of the matter, and he can say a fart.

Li Shimin and his father Li Yuan and Prince Li Chengqian are in the Ganlu Temple together. Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren are bragging happily together, waiting for the arrival of auspicious time.

Only then will it be a good time for the three generations of their grandchildren to play.

What they didn't expect was that an **** rushed toward this side in a very upright manner.

Climbing to the front of the Temple of Ganlu, Zhao Kun hurried down the steps to stop him. "what happened?"

"General Zhao, in front, in front of the Tai Chi Hall... that group of generals all wore Confucian shirts to the banquet. Our family was worried that something might happen, so we came to report to your Majesty."

"The general wears a Confucian shirt?" A picture flashed in Zhao Kun's mind, outside the Weicheng camp that year.

The picture of General Cheng's eyes flashed by in a Confucian shirt, galloping on a horse. Damn it!

"You wait, but General Cheng's family?"

"No, no, not only General Cheng, but General Weichi, General Li Jili Army, General Qin, General Li Keshi and General Niu..."



"..." The needles in the Ganlu Hall could be heard, and Li Shimin sat on the couch blankly, rubbing his temples with an uncertain face.

Li Yuan on the side rubbed his hard belly and looked at his Jiro with a weird expression.

Li Chengqian touched his nose and buried his head deeply. Hearing this eunuch's report, he already vaguely felt that something was going to happen today.

Now that so many generals are disguised as gentlemen, this special mother is preparing to make the Mid-Autumn Festival feast, and become a feast of demons and moths dancing in the mid-autumn festival?

Li Shimin, the hero of the Tang Dynasty who had been holding his breath for a long time, finally sighed helplessly and slowly stood up.

"It really gives me a headache. These **** don't let me worry about it."

"Leave them alone, anyway, I want to see, what kind of tricks their vulgar martial artist can pretend to be gentlemen..."

Hearing this, Li Yuan couldn't help but happily said. "Erlang makes sense. At the Mid-Autumn Festival feast last year, I heard that the civil servants raised their eyebrows greatly."

"This time, it must be those **** who want to find a place."

"Well... according to the old man's opinion, it's almost impossible to get rid of the little **** Cheng Saburo."

Li Chengqian snapped his mouth and rolled his eyes quickly. He was really admired by Brother Chu Bi, the king of monster moths.

If you don't make room for something, it doesn't seem like you're happy.

Thinking about this, he was still a young man after all. He hoped that he could take a closer look at the lively Li Chengqian's eyes, then stood up and said.

"Father, or else, the child will go there first?"

Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian, thought for a while and shook his head.

"It doesn't need to be, Zhao Kun, you go and tell Cheng Qing and the others first, don't go too far today."


Those civil servants had a sly look on their faces one by one, looking at several alternative gentlemen among the gang of fat and strong generals opposite.

Li Jing, the army **** of the Tang Dynasty, was looking at his own brother Li Keshi with a dull expression.

The younger brother who didn't like to read when he was a kid, knows that he was always beating birds and eating birds, but today he also wore such a Confucian shirt.

Li Jing couldn't help rubbing his eyes again. After a long time, he rolled his eyes and turned away, ignoring the pleased smile from Master Li Keshi.

I am not willing to take care of this younger brother who is here to make up a gentleman and lose the face of the old Li family.

If it weren't for the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, Li Jing would really want to give this tens-year-old brother a violent beating.

There were whispering and whispering to each other, that is, Changsun Wuji faced any situation like this, there are few old drivers who are fascinated.

At this moment, there was also a black line on his face, and he shook his head frequently.

Chu Suiliang, who was sitting behind him, couldn't help muttering in a low voice. "These guys, I'm afraid it's going to make trouble again today."

"Hehe, there is your Majesty's control, what waves can they make. The old man is not worried, but well, some people are afraid that..."

When Changsun Wuji said this, he deliberately paused and looked at Kong Yingda who was quietly communicating with a few well-educated people not far away.

Chu Suiliang understood in an instant, almost the sound of music came, but thinking that everyone is a colleague, but also of the same kind, ah, they are all gentlemen who are full of poetry and books. It should be the same as the enemy.

At this moment, Liu Hongji, the old driver, squatted with Cheng Chubi, and the old and the young were whispering.

"What kind of monsters are your father and they going to make, come and tell the old man quickly."

Squatting in the pile of ministers, there is only a kind elder like Liu Hongji beside him.

Cheng Chubi was very helpless about the old driver who asked could only explain quietly.

"Uncle Liu, it's not that my nephew is unwilling to say it, but I really can't say it. Anyway, you will look at the excitement with peace of mind for a while..."

Cheng Chubi was chatting with Liu Hongji when he saw Zhao Kun, the head of his majesty's confidant guard, went to the opposite side and found his father.

I saw my father pulling the guard head who was also a shaggy face and stepped aside.

The big slap on the chest frequently seems to be a guarantee, um...presumably my father is reassurance of Zhao Kun, the spokesperson of your majesty. Today, our old Cheng family only engages in literary combat, and absolutely does not fight hand-to-hand.

Little effort, His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and His Royal Highness the Prince of the Tang Dynasty, these three royal tycoons came one after another.

The civil servants in the Tai Chi Hall saluted the three, and Li Shimin stepped into the Tai Chi Hall last.

His gaze swept across the various civil and martial arts in the hall, and then they began to exempt and flatten their bodies, and all the civil and martial arts all took their seats.

Next, Li Shimin gave a short speech, reviewing that Datang has achieved good results in various work in the past six months.

Today, you must eat and drink well, and don't let down this Mid-Autumn Festival.

(Another thing to explain here is that in the eighth year of Zhenguan, on the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, your Majesty and others were still in the Jiucheng Palace, so the Mid-Autumn Festival was changed to September Chongyang. The author is very satisfied with this explanation.)

As His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty raised his glass to inviting respect, the countless ministers and workers inside and outside the Tai Chi Hall, including on the square, all raised their glasses to congratulate each other and drank the wine.

After three glasses of wine, Cheng Yaojin stroked his thick beard, very curious why the group of gentlemen didn't take the initiative to attack today.

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