The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 835: If your dad knows you are such a person, tsk tsk...

Li Ke looked at Cheng Chubi blankly, there were countless grooves in his heart that wanted to vomit, but he couldn't vomit.

Seeing Li Ke's sluggish appearance, Cheng Chubi was very clear that it was indeed unethical to persuade this unscrupulous prince to do a serious job.

But besides him, the people around him are more serious, not like Li Ke's paranoid love for unscrupulous works of art, and can only continue to speak hard.

"My virtuous brother, you must know that I don’t have a good friendship with Yan Lide and Yan Liben, two artists?"

Hearing this, the corners of Li Ke's mouth couldn't stop rising, and it was not so good. The two brothers wanted to play Wangbaquan to make you splash five steps, okay?

Although Cheng Chubi saw Li Ke's malicious smile, considering that he had to persuade this guy to help, um, he just had a chance to retaliate later.

Cheng Chubi dropped his big hand on Li Ke's shoulder, and continued earnestly.

"So, the remaining candidates can only be this bunch of unscrupulous artists.

It is precisely because you have a lot of friendship with that gang of unscrupulous art masters that Brother Yu, I will put this important task in your hands. "

"This is your strong point, you know, don't you know, brother Yu, I am not only painting people, but also animals, and even plants..."

"Hi...Xiongtai, is this plant okay?" Li Ke couldn't help taking a breath, his entire population slanted.

"Why can't plants?" Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke unwillingly, saw his hideous and distorted face, and smiled directly with anger.

"Brother Xian, can you be more serious, serious, and positive, you are the Prince of Datang, a dignified son."

If your dad knows that you are such a person, tut tut... believe it or not he can kick you to the New World to find peppers and potatoes.

How can such things as plants be discussed in a novel?

After all, we are decent people and don't know those messy things (please take the initiative to ignore the knowledge points in this area, decent exams are not needed).

Seeing Cheng Chubi's contemptuous gaze, Li Ke blushed and pleaded anxiously.

"Brother, I haven't been stunned by you. How can I think about these messy problems?"

Cheng Chubi chuckled expressionlessly and turned his head away. If it weren't for the textbook he was conceiving had something to do with this guy, he wouldn't be happy to take care of it.

An hour later, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke came to the residence of Master Xu where Li Ke entered and exited as usual.

It was still the small courtyard, and the old housekeeper with the face like an old chrysanthemum opened the door.

The immortal master Xu heard that these two were coming in succession, so he quickly put aside his pen, temporarily stopped unscrupulous artistic creation, and walked outside the house.

Towards the two changed their names to each other in the past, His Royal Highness King Wu and Cheng Saburo, who had now been stripped of their disguise, smiled.

"The old man has seen His Royal Highness, and the process is too frequent. I don't know why the two of you came to the humble house today?"

Cheng Chubi gave a gift and looked at the unscrupulous artist's way.

"I have seen Master Xu, and seeing Master Xu, your face is red and full of spirits, these days are still moisturized, right?"

Although he is not a serious artist, he has a high level of artistic attainments.

Otherwise, how could his unscrupulous art work be so popular with the unscrupulous prince Li Ke, who is rich in unscrupulous art.

"Haha, very good, very good, thanks to Cheng Taichang and His Royal Highness, otherwise, how can the old man be as free as he is today?"

Master Xu was quite embarrassed and authentic. In the beginning, the notorious Cheng Saburo forced his share of his bookshop.

At that time, Master Xu was very unhappy in his heart, but he had no way to refuse.

However, considering the major bookstores in Chang'an City, they have always despised their counterparts with special talents and unscrupulous works of art.

It's also a way to catch the line of the old Cheng family.

As a result, that Xu's Bookstore became Cheng's Bookstore, and soon it became Jinyang Bookstore.

Especially when the current issue of "Chang'an Xunbao" from the bookstore was transported to Chang'an from the bookstore.

Although not much money is made each time, as sales increase, there will be advertising revenue.

In less than three months, he has already paid off the income of his old bookstore.

What makes Master Xu even more refreshing is that the gang of Chang'an who liked to ridicule and despise themselves the most in the past, when they saw themselves, either fled.

Either it is a perfunctory laugh with a strong face, in short, there is no longer the arrogance that used to be in front of him.

Of course, Master Xu understands that these guys are not afraid of themselves, but of those who share shares with them, such as the two in front of them.

"We are also very happy to see Master Xu that you are so energetic and radiant. Since everyone is so happy, come on, Your Highness."

Seeing the eyes that Brother Chu Bi handed over, Li Ke touched his nose and saw the housekeeper who was closing the door and the housekeeper who was standing in the courtyard.

For something so horrifying, it’s better to change to a quiet environment and nod and smile at Master Xu, an old artist he respects very Well, Master Xu, let’s talk inside... "

When the group walked into Master Xu's studio, Li Ke said in a low voice. "Master Xu must also know that my brother Chu Bi's medical skills are extraordinary."

"He now runs Cheng's University, intending to teach medicine, but he lacks some..."


After hearing Li Ke's request in his ear, Master Xu felt that his whole person was not good, and his mouth was trembling.

"What do you mean, let the old man paint the dead?!"

Cheng Chubi murmured a little unhappily.

"Look at what you said, Master Xu. To draw an anatomical picture, it must be a dead body. After all, Cheng is only a doctor, not a pervert."

Li Ke couldn't help rolling his eyes, wishing to pick up the paper and block the unspoken mouth of Brother Chu Bi.

Li Ke simply pulled Master Xu to the corner of the studio, and began to flick his three-inch tongue and began to persuade the unhappy Master Xu.

"...Master Xu, you should also know that Cheng Taichang's medical skills require opening a laparotomy to save lives."

"And if he can cultivate more students who are good at this kind of medical science, it will be good for you, for me, and for thousands of people in Datang."

"Master, you think, your favorite painting and calligraphy works, one day, can become a masterpiece that all doctors all over the world need to look forward to and learn, not to mention..."

"What's more?" Master Xu aroused a little interest by Li Ke's mysterious tone, stretched his head and asked.

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