The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 839: The emperor's father is calculating the vulgar martial arts of Brother Chubi...

I don't want to do this serious thing, thinking about the idle brat all day.

It's too unscientific to actually work as a coolie for Cheng Saburo?

Li Ke saw his father's gaze and immediately explained seriously.

"Father, the child is the vice president of Cheng's University. Since I used the salary provided by Brother Chubi, I have to do my best for the university."

"Vice principal, he must be the principal, right? You two..." Li Shimin stretched out his finger and nodded.

Cheng Lao San, that boy, his third son, these two little bastards, if they get together, it's not a good thing.

Now I'm squatting down again, and I don't know if Cheng's University can be opened for a long time.

Seeing his father's complicated expression, Li Ke couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and he became uneasy...

Li Shimin finally sighed helplessly, and let them make a fuss.

As an elder, he can only do more to **** the two of them secretly.

Besides, let this kid come by myself, isn't it just because I want this kid to get into Cheng Chubi's side?

Unexpectedly, he had already taken the initiative and consciously squatted with Cheng Saburo before he spoke, which is also a good thing.

"I heard that on the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet, you, General Xin Mao, Ren Ya and others all went to Lu Guo Gong's Mansion, right?"

"Yes, father, the child is really eye-opening, Chu Bi's ability, it is really..."

Hearing this, Li Shimin, who had known everything from General Xin Mao before, waved his hand and smiled.

"Okay, the old man may not know how many catties he has, but he knows a thing or two.

Ke'er, how many catties do you have, is very clear for the father..."

"I called you here for my father, and what he did was Cheng Saburo's establishment of Cheng's University."

"Also ask my father to order."

"Cheng Saburo's talents and knowledge, the old man is more and more found that a little can't understand, but since he is willing to preach and teach."

"That nature is a good thing. Physics, chemistry, astronomy, geography, nature, biology... According to him, they are all university questions that can benefit the country and the country."


I heard my father say the names of these disciplines, as well as the hanging porcelain vase hanging in front of me.

It seemed that his father had already known about this, and Li Ke nodded in agreement.

Li Shimin took his hands on his back and walked slowly in the hall.

"If this is the case, then you will do your best to help him. If you have anything difficult to deal with, you can come and find your father."

"I, I will also find a way to make his Datang Cheng University a more veritable one, ha ha..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Li Shimin's mouth rose involuntarily, and he saw his father's weird smile.

Li Ke couldn't help but shudder, always feeling that his father's wicked and funny expression is almost always calculating the vulgar martial artist who is full of talents from Brother Chu Bi.

However, in such a high-end war, it is good to be a jade-faced Xiao Mengxin safely and steadily.


"Come on, sit down, Ke'er, and talk to the old man. Among his subjects, are there those who have not yet recruited teachers?"

"What does the father mean?" Li Ke looked at his father Li Shimin, who was sitting next to him, with a dazed expression. He didn't quite understand what he was going to do.

"With so many subjects, given the relationship between Cheng Saburo and the civil servants, hehe...presumably there must be a shortage of famous teachers, right?"

"Like this kid, he actually came up with a painting subject, he can teach that stuff? He is not afraid of being spit on by students, right?"

Seeing his father's face full of disgust, Li Ke really wanted to give his father a compliment with his thumb up, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows subconsciously.

"Father, don't worry, the child has already taken care of the matter today."

"Oh? I wonder who you are looking for, Ke'er? Come, talk to my father..." Li Shimin couldn't help but increase his interest.

Li Ke instantly felt a sub-electric current from the Tianling Gai directly to the sole of the foot. Fuck! ...Can you tell me about this?

However, facing the expectant gaze of his father, Li Ke babbled for a long time and could only harden his scalp.

"Brother Chu Bi has always been worried about this matter, and because he wants to teach medicine, he needs anatomical drawings, but he can't find a suitable painter.

So Haier gave him an idea to find the painter who made us acupuncture bronze figures last time. "

"Of course, the boy was just a suggestion. In the end, Brother Chu Bi finally convinced the other party to help, and he also asked the other party to agree to enter the university to teach painting for the teacher."

Li Shimin's eyelids couldn't help but snorted for a long time when he looked at him with embarrassed eyebrows. Li Ke, the son of Yingguoli, groaned.

"All right, but for the rest of the subjects, the old man will think of a way for you. When the time comes, I will say that you did it, understand?..."

"Yes, the boy understands." Li Ke wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded hard.

Seeing that his father was so enthusiastic to help, Li Ke not only didn't feel relieved, but was very stressed.

At this moment, Zhao Kun had moved wittily to the gate of Ganlu Temple, turning his head to look there from time to time.

Seeing that His Majesty Wu was stinky and sweaty, nodding his head and His Majesty was flying with spittle and stars, and his brows were dancing. Gee...

After a full confession and exhortation, Li Shimin let Li Ke leave without full intention.

Not long after Li Ke left, Empress Longsun brought Li Mingda back to look for his father.

Seeing this lovely and smart girl, Li Shimin embraced her cheerfully.

Empress Changsun looked at the pair of father and daughter who were making a fuss, and stood aside with a smile and whispered.

"Husband, my concubine just saw that Ke'er had just left and looked very depressed. Could it be that he did something wrong again?"

"Haha... that kid did nothing wrong, but did a good thing. He decided to take the boat along the river for his husband and let him bear more burdens."

"Save this kid all day long idle and not doing serious things."

Empress Changsun suddenly realized that when she thought that Ke'er, who had been accustomed to wandering, would rush to toil all day long, she immediately understood his performance.

"Daddy, what's that?" At this moment, Li Mingda seemed to have discovered the new world, with bright eyes, reaching out to the case.

Empress Changsun looked in the direction of Li Mingda's fingers, and she couldn't help being surprised.

"Husband, here, what's going on?"

She saw a porcelain bottle, and with three very fragile sticks, she hung the porcelain bottle on the edge of the case.

Li Shimin saw the surprised expressions of the Guanyin maid and the girl-girl, and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, it's the balance phenomenon that the boy Cheng Saburo uses to use the principles of physical mechanics and various forces to get, um, that's what it means."

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