The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 849: You mean, this humble wooden box can be used...

Brother Li Ke and Li Chengqian looked at each other, their faces flushed, wishing to jump out together and laugh enough to come back.

Fang Xuanling and Ma Zhouyi looked at this serious nonsense Cheng Saburo.

God talks and talks about love, but also those unconscionable things, can you kid pay attention to the occasion?

I didn't see the faces of the eunuchs standing next to them were already flushed with blood.

Besides, it was a pig, a beast, not a man with two or three legs.

Li Shimin's eyes twitched and couldn't help but caress his forehead. He originally thought that this kid could be serious from the beginning to the end, but as a result, the sudden sorrow came out again.

"Well, Brother Chu Bi, Ma Qing's family and Fang Qing's family don't really believe that this steer doesn't smell fishy, ​​you see..."

"Otherwise, if the two of you don't give up, I would like to invite them to our old Cheng's house for a whole pig banquet..."

"No, no, no!" Fang Xuanling's expression changed immediately, and the old man had already acted for a time, so how could he possibly do it again.

The Chengfu family banquet that went straight in and lay out, as well as the secret three-leaf syrup made by Chengfu that felt like drinking cold straw mat socks.

It has been more than a year now, but Fang Xuanling was still frightened when he recalled it.

"I mean, there is no need to go to your house to disturb..."

Ma Zhou has never been to the old Cheng's family banquet, but he still heard about the notorious Cheng's family banquet.

However, if you don't taste it yourself, you will feel that it is not safe enough.

"But if this policy is promoted to the world, then there will be problems, then it will be difficult to solve."

Li Shimin stroked his long beard and glanced at these two confidantes. He couldn't help but hesitate. He couldn't persuade these two to go to the old Cheng's house and join the trap.

And I am not very happy to go, after all, I am going, I am afraid that it will end up better, but it will not be much better, after all, it is Cheng Yaojin's cheeky home.

When Cheng Chubi hesitated seeing these three big men, he rolled his eyes and gave Li Chengqian a look.

Li Chengqian looked at Brother Chubi dumbfounded, and he didn't quite understand, until Cheng Chubi pointed the direction of Dianshan.

He made another gesture and cut his throat, then pointed to this side, and signaled an action to eat. Li Chengqian finally realized it.

"Father, the boy has an idea. Brother Chu Bi has always been good at cooking."

"Before, when the children were recuperating from illness in Lishan, Brother Chu Bi personally operated all the meals for the children, who were the cooks of the church."

"Today, it happened that the pig in the East Palace was fattened, and Brother Chu Bi was here again, and he happened to have some leisure time. It's better to let Brother Chu Bi show off in the East Palace."

"Not only can I wait to taste the delicious food, but also can solve the doubts of the two..."

Li Shimin couldn't help but brighten his eyes, nodded approvingly at his son and smiled.

"Chengqian's idea is wonderful, two Qings, let's do it, Chu Bixian nephew, are you okay?"

Cheng Chubi smiled confidently and stood up.

"Hehe... Uncle, don't worry. If it's somewhere else, my nephew might not dare to pack the ticket. If it's in the East Palace, naturally there won't be any problems."

"I have remodeled all the pots and stoves here, and they are most suitable for cooking delicious dishes."

Li Shimin suddenly remembered the method of making salt, which was made by this kid, just for his operation.

Could it be that he also made improvements to the pot stove? Li Shimin couldn't help raising his voice and asked.

"Reconstruction... Why, is it possible that the pots and stoves in other places are not what you want?"

"That's natural. The ordinary stove structure is really a waste of fuel, and the thermal efficiency is not high.

In addition, the pots we usually use are too thick, which is not conducive to adding food and cooking, and is more suitable for stewing..."

After the explanation, Cheng Chubi said goodbye first, and asked Ning Zhong to hurriedly go to the gate of the East Palace to call in his three helpers, Cheng Ji, Cheng Li, and Deng Chengxin.

When Cheng Chubi left, Li Shimin glanced over Ma Zhou and Fang Xuanling.

"The two Qings, would you like to follow me to see the pot stove that Cheng Saburo reconstructed."

"Since your Majesty is interested, then I shall wait for myself to accompany you."

Although Fang Xuanling and Ma Zhou didn't think there was anything interesting about Guozao, since your Majesty was interested, it was not impossible to accompany them on a stroll.

Seeing the disapproval of the two, Li Shimin hesitated, meaningless and authentic.

"The two may not be clear. The method of making salt that Cheng Saburo presented at the beginning was exactly what he needed to obtain salt water for the operation."

"That boy, this has always been the case. You don't know if he will treat the good things that people in the world are treasures as ordinary things.

Maybe we can also discover something this time. "

Hearing this, Ma Zhou suddenly bowed to Li Shimin with a solemn expression.

"So that's the case, the minister really has to take a closer look."

When they came to the restaurant, they faintly heard the screams and howlings of the fat pig from a distance.

However, that was no match for the interest that the weird stove in front of them brought to them.

This stove has only one fire eye, and its shape is taller than the stove popular in Datang nowadays, and a tall chimney behind it is very eye-catching.

In addition, there is a rectangular wooden box-like thing next to the stove, with a handle on it.

On the other side of the stove, there is a sip that looks very round and concave, and there is a weird thing with a grip on the edge.

Li Shimin was stunned for a long time, except for the stove he could recognize.

But there were a lot of things he didn't understand, and he couldn't help but pointed to the long wooden box below and asked.

"This is the stove Cheng Saburo remodeled. What is this?"

Mr. Mo, the steward of the restaurant and cooker, replied cautiously.

"This is the bellows sent by Cheng Taichang, because Cheng Taichang always thought that the firepower was not strong enough when he was cooking, and he got this thing later."

Ma Zhou stared at this thing blankly. He was from a poor family.

I have used a fire-blowing stick and I have also seen someone blow a fire with a leather bag, but I have never seen a fire blower with wood.

Even Li Shimin, who has been in the army for a long time, attaches great importance to Datang's military construction.

His Majesty, who had inspected the copper and iron smelting of Datang many times, took a breath like a toothache, and kicked the wooden box in disgust.

"The bellows, you mean, this humble wooden box can be used to blow the wind?"

Hearing the voice of His Majesty's disgust, although the man in charge of Mr. Mo did not dare to act like Cheng Saburo, he still couldn't help but defended in a low voice.

"Yes, your majesty, the power of this thing is much stronger than that of the fire-blowing stick, and it can be blasted regardless of pushing or pulling..."

Li Ke also leaned forward with some surprises, and looked carefully.

"This thing, the child has indeed seen it in Brother Chubi's mansion, it's just a useless thing, I didn't expect it to be a blasting thing."


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