The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 863: The organizer and organizer of the banquet are both Dongshi Chengjia Restaurant

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Vendors and passers-by in the West Market felt that today was a little different. A team of guards came to the outside of Fang Market and pulled a rope out of a clearing.

Just outside the gate of Xishifang, after pulling out the open space along the wall of the square, another group of craftsmen came, picking up bricks and stones there, not knowing what they were piling up.

I can see that the vendors and the passers-by looked dumbfounded, and some even ran to complain, saying that someone was actually repairing things outside the square wall.

After all, according to the law of Tang, the wall of the square must not be destroyed, and nothing can be built on the wall of the square.

One is for the safety of the square wall, and the other is to prevent thieves from sneaking into the square and stealing.

However, soon, the guards posted the notices, and those were just stoves ordered by Chang'an County.

The notice also stated in detail that His Royal Highness the Prince had raised a hundred barrows.

Today, the steer has matured. Not only is the weight of the steer far more fat than before, but the meat is tender and delicious, without any smell.

In order to promote the method of breeding steers and to win the trust of the people, the court allowed the people to see the fatness of the steers and taste the deliciousness of the steers.

Therefore, the decision is for the banquet of the Prince's Gift of the Hundred Pigs to be held on August 28th. And these stoves were built for this banquet of the people.

The next day, the sales volume of each issue of Chang'an Xunbao fluctuated between 120,000 and 30,000 copies.

The words in bold and black put the Prince's Gift of a Hundred Pigs and Peoples Banquet on the most eye-catching front page.

Everyone who bought a newspaper was immediately attracted by this very novel and new purpose headline.

When I saw the very exaggerated terminology, there were also reports on the application of the barrowing technique and the growth and development of the pigs after the castration.

Whether it is the court officials, scholars, vendors or ordinary people who are literate, they all know the news.

That is August 28th, outside Chang'an East and West cities, there will be a grand prince giving a hundred pigs to the people.

No matter who they are, as long as they are present, they can taste the food cooked by steers for free.

In addition, you can also enjoy the posters of the steer technology and the benefits of the steer...

Of course, it was mentioned at the end that the organizers and organizers of this banquet were all Dongshi Chengjia Restaurant. And also prompted a sentence.

On the day when the banquet is held, the West City Chengjia Restaurant will have a grand opening. At that time, the two Chengjia Restaurant will have a variety of delicious pork dishes.

In addition, a 20% discount will be held on the day of the Baizhu donating to the people banquet, which will last until the first day of September.


Master Xu and four other painters signed a teacher employment contract with Cheng Chubi, President of Chengs University, under the witness of His Royal Highness Wu Wang of the Tang Dynasty.

The teacher employment contract is in duplicate, one is kept by Master Xu and other hired persons, and the other is kept on file by the school.

After the ink was dried and each of them put away the contract contentedly, Master Xu happily stood up and said.

"Today, it can be said that people are very refreshed during happy events, and there is nothing left or right. Today, I am old and old. Please President Cheng and His Royal Highness Wu to join you..."

When Cheng Chubi heard the title of principal, he couldn't help being a little proud. After all, those who could become principals were extraordinary people.

I have been a student for almost 20 years, but I didn’t expect to finally turn over to become the master, uh, to become the principal.

But when he thought of the big thing he was going to do next, Cheng Chubi hurriedly interjected.

"Thank you for the kindness of Master Xu, but today is not the time. There are still important issues that have not been resolved today."

"And this matter happens to have something to do with your specialties."

Hearing this, Master Xu hesitated. "Since I'm already under President Cheng, I naturally have to listen to President Cheng's instructions."

The four satisfied painters who had put away their employment contracts also expressed their willingness to do the best for the principal.

"It's like this. Cheng needs a batch of posters, the paintings are mainly pigs and people..."

The painter Wang, who is best at humans and beasts, happily stood up with a sullen expression on his face.

In this era, no one is better at painting humans and animals than me, no one.

"Since it is a human being, Wang Mou volunteered."

"??" Cheng Chubi and Li Ke looked at the proud and proud Wang painter with black lines on their faces. Gods and animals...

Cheng Chubi almost spewed sparks from his nostrils, if he was not worried that his hands would affect the harmony of the teaching team.

I really want to pinch this guy's neck and rub him on the ground.

I want to engage in propaganda, it is to promote positive energy, not to promote those unscrupulous things, do you know? !

Li Ke saw Brother Chu Bi's expression and hurriedly made a statement.

"Thank you, painter Wang, for your recommendation, but not only you, but also Master Xu and the other three painters, all need help."

"But I'm not good at humans and animals..." Painter Dong stretched out his hands somewhat helplessly.

Cheng Chubi took a deep breath with a black face before he opened his mouth to explain.

"We need a pattern to promote the breeding of steers, for example, people are feeding steers.

People are castrating People are raising barrows in the countryside. "

When Master Xu heard this, he raised his eyebrows and struck his long beard haha.

Zhen Te Niang thinks too much, and that's right. Principal Cheng can't hire herself and the others, just to draw unscrupulous things to the students all day long, right?

"So that's the case, then I should be able to help. After all, as long as the painting is not too detailed, the beasts I write will be eye-catching."

"Then it's okay, virtuous brother, please go into the East Palace first, and talk to your highness. I'd like to invite these five painters to follow me to the dining room to paint."

Li Ke was right when he thought about it, all the fat and strong steers were in the East Palace.

You can't slowly get those steers here to paint.

That would be too late, and now it is only a few days before August 28th.

"Well, little brother, I will go over and inform my elder brother first." Li Ke walked quickly towards the five painters and nodded slightly.

After leaving Lu Guo Gong's mansion, he saw Fang Jun hesitating while standing outside Lu Guo Gong's mansion. Li Ke couldn't help but enjoy himself.

"Brother Jun, why did you come here? Haven't you been banned by the housekeeper these days?"

Seeing Li Ke, Fang Jun quickly stepped forward and smiled.

"It turned out to be Brother De. My father has already lifted the ban on me, saying that he told me to walk around with Brother Chubi more."

"It depends on whether you can learn something from Brother Chu Bi."

"Then what are you hanging around outside?" Li Ke looked at Fang Junqi with a dazed expression.

"Brother, I am not worried about going in straight and coming out sideways." Fang Jun said embarrassedly.

Li Ke happily patted Fang Jun's shoulder with his big hand. "It's not even noon now, it's still early before Uncle Cheng and the others return home."


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