The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 875: Raising the flag? Isn't it going to be upgraded to the Tianxingdao flag?

"In addition, every morning, students must participate in morning exercises, and every day students will have a percussion class."

"Don't ask everyone. This is to strengthen the students' physique. I hope that the students who are taught, even if they can't get fat and strong, will at least be healthy and healthy."

In addition, for all subjects, every five days, there will be one art class and one music class.

Learning fine arts is naturally to enable students of all departments to have a certain degree of aesthetics.

As low as a foreigner, the most important thing to learn is drawing. Cheng Chubi also gritted his teeth. The drawing in the past was indeed too irregular.

Now that I have become the principal, then, hehehe...Of course it's not a fake public benefit.

This is for the relationship between teachers and students of the school to get along with each other and to enhance the friendship between teachers and students of various departments.

Therefore, students and even teachers are allowed to observe in other departments, but they cannot interfere with the normal listening of the students in that department.

You can't delay your studies and progress in your department.

"On the first day of September, there will be an opening ceremony. The opening ceremony is very simple, that is, a flag raising ceremony will be held."

"The flag-raising ceremony, I don't know what flag Principal Cheng wants to raise?" Li Ke, the vice principal, was a little confused. Brother Chu Bi hadn't said it before.

Of course, Cheng Chubi would not say that he was so busy that he forgot to tell him, and coughed dryly. "Naturally it is to raise the banner of my Datang."

Cheng Ji couldn't help but froze and asked subconsciously. "Isn't the flag raised for the sky?"

"?!?!?!" In the public house, there was a dead silence for an instant.

Everyone cast their eyes on the steward of Cheng's house who was loyal to the old Cheng family with black lines.

Cheng Chubi also had black lines on his face, and the corners of his eyes twitched. God is special for the Tianxingdao flag, Lao Tzu is running a university, not to occupy the mountain as the king, okay?

What's more, there is a prince squatting here. I want to be a obedience quietly.

It seems that Cheng Ji is also aware of this problem and smiles shyly.

"I said San Gongzi, um, I said that President Cheng will set up a flagpole on the campus because it was for this."

Seeing this, everyone didn't bother to speak up. After all, this was also President Cheng's person, he didn't say anything, and everyone was not good to be ridiculed.

As the prince, Li Kegui has never felt that the flag will not be raised, and what is the connection with the opening of Cheng's University?

"Why do you want to raise the flag? Is there something special about this?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke blankly, and couldn't help feeling tired. Well, the gap between everyone was a bit deep.

These feudal superstitions do not understand what a flag-raising ceremony is.

"Raising the flag is naturally an important means of patriotism education and collectivism education. Well, I won't say much about it."

Patriotism education? Collectivist education? It is a new vocabulary that makes people feel toothache.

Li Ke looked at Fang Jun next to him, and saw that the other party also looked awkward. Okay, then, let's see how Brother Chubi is serious nonsense.


"When the ceremony comes, I will explain in person what the significance of the flag-raising ceremony is."

"At the ceremony, someone from Cheng will give a short speech, after which the school will officially start."

"Next, there is another very important thing, that is, I need teachers in addition to teaching..."

There is no official national flag in the Tang Dynasty. On official occasions, especially during marching operations, a Tang-shaped flag is used to represent its country.

Naturally, Cheng Chubi could only use a Tang-shaped flag to replace the national flag. Why did he engage in a flag-raising ceremony?

This is very simple. Cheng Chubi's nearly 20-year study career has experienced flag-raising and flag-lowering ceremonies only for him how many times he has experienced.

As a standard bearer from elementary school to junior high and high school, Cheng Chubi has always valued the ritual of raising and lowering the flag.

When school starts, if you don’t raise the flag, it’s like washing your face without washing the back of your ears and your neck.

Cheng Chubi kept voicing inwardly while not forgetting serious matters, and distributed the materials prepared before to the hands of the teachers.

Datang Cheng's University adopts a 100-point system for school discipline. Points are deducted for being late for class, and points are deducted for spitting and fighting.

Disturbance in class, deduction of points for disrupting class order...

In short, every semester, there will be 100 basic points. At the end of the semester, those with a remaining score of 80 points or more are considered to be excellent, and a remaining score of more than 60 points is considered to be good.

Between 60 points and 50 points is considered qualified, if the deduction is less than 50 points, then it will be recorded as a major deduction.

If there are three semesters during the school study period, they are all deducted to half or less, then their student status will be cancelled and expelled from the school.

In addition, there are two kinds of students at Cheng's University, one is to study at their own expense, and the other is to take care of the poor students.

Poor students can apply for a full subsidy from the school, that is, Cheng's University is responsible for all his food, clothing, housing and transportation expenses, and even gives him some living expenses.

But such students will have income after graduation, and they will repay the various expenses they owe on an annual basis.

If you don't pay it back, tsk tsk, even if you get a Jinshi, it's useless to be an official.

The old Cheng family who eats both black and white will let you know that if you provoke the Cheng family, the new year will never end.

The rules and regulations that Cheng Chubi took out were not so much for faculty members to discuss, but rather to show that he, the principal, was not a fancy.

Those rules and regulations are so detailed that the students' clothing, food, shelter, and morality are all aspects.

Even Zu Guang and Hu Yonglin, who have been in the Imperial College Mathematical Studies for more than ten years, couldn't help but peek at each other at this moment.

Even the rules of the Imperial College, which have been passed down since ancient times, are not as complete and detailed as the "Rules and Regulations of Cheng's University" compiled by Cheng Taichang.

If it weren't for the consideration of Kong Rang, the second division of the Imperial College... Well, Kong Yingda, the second master of the Imperial College, was at odds with the old Cheng family.

Both Hu and Zu wanted to copy this "Rule of Chengshi University" to the Imperial College, or use it in the School of Mathematical Sciences.


After finishing this important meeting before the beginning of school and having decided on many things, Cheng Chubi announced that the meeting was adjourned.

Zu Guang and Hu Yonglin didn't intend to leave at all. Zu Guang even went forward and took out the book that Cheng Chubi had given them.

"Principal, the book you gave to me before, Zu Mou has a lot of questions..."

Seeing that the Department of Mathematics has taken the lead, Zhang Wenchang of the Department of Music, Tai Le, who is also very knowledgeable in mathematics, stayed the cheeky.

Others retreated to the teachers who counted like listening to the heavenly scriptures.

However, Li Ke and Fang Jun stayed in, and I was curious that Brother Chu Bi was able to point out Zu Guang, the famous mathematics master in the Tang Dynasty.

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