The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 877: Fang Jun really wants to teach his father

Hearing this, Li Ke was immediately happy, and slapped Fang Jun on the shoulder.

"Your dad? Oh, I can't think of your old house, but your dad is actually in charge of the accounts?"

Fang Jun shook his head and explained.

"That's not true. Our account must be in charge of the account in the house, and my mother is also responsible for the expenses at home."

Cheng Chubi grinned, always feeling that Fang Jun's brain circuit was a bit too strange.

"Then you want this stuff, why don't you teach your old house's tent, but you want to teach your father?"

Fang Jun nodded and explained the reason. Although Fang Xuanling is a famous figure in Tang Dynasty, she presided over the government affairs of a country.

But whether it is taxes or various practical matters, a lot of calculation work will be involved, and it will be reported to his prime minister.

He also needs to conduct a review to avoid problems, so that when Dangdang Datang is in charge, at the end of each year, Chengri Chengri has to calculate it by himself.

"Sometimes, when I'm too busy, my father will take those account books back to the mansion to continue the calculation, so that he can report it to his Majesty in time."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi really didn't know what to say, so he could only stretch out his big hand and pat the son of the house.

I wanted to ask your father why he didn't hire two personal secretaries, but he soon thought that Datang and the secretary said that he could only cut off the conversation.

"It's okay, it's very simple, I'll teach you in a while. Besides, I'm worried that beginners may have questions.

So I have also laid down this abacus formula and the beginner's foundation of abacus..."

Soon, Deng Chengxin went to Uncle Ji to get three abacus, and one directly asked Deng Chengxin to give it to Zhang Wenchang, a great master of music and mathematics.

The other two were given to Li Ke and Fang Jun. Seeing that there was nothing to do in their free time, Fang Jun also wanted to learn how to go home earlier and teach his father.

Cheng Chubi also put out his thoughts of playing cards in the principal's company, and began to teach earnestly.

Cheng Chubi is willing to teach, Fang Jun and Li Ke are both willing to learn, plus the abacus is not complicated, so soon these two brothers will roughly use the abacus.

It's just that the calculation speed is a bit slow, but no matter how slow it is, it is much faster than using calculation chips.

Especially when it comes to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing large numbers, the abacus has inherent advantages.


In the palace, at this moment, Li Shimin was raising his hand and stroking his brows, looking at a masterpiece handed down before him.

The Empress Changsun next to her raised her hand and rubbed her brows, put down the book in her hand, and saw her husband's somewhat absent-minded appearance, and she felt something in her heart.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Cheng's University will start on the first day of September, right?"

Li Shimin turned his head and looked at Guanyin's maidservant with a smile, quite interesting and authentic.

"Um...Yes, this kid is really busy. During this time, I am afraid that there will be no time to play cards."

Empress Changsun almost uttered aloud and gave her husband a charming look.

"My husband doesn't want to see it in person?"

"What can I see..." Li Shimin smashed his lips, although the proposal of Empress Changsun made him quite moved.

But the problem is that he is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty after all. When the schools of the Imperial College started, he didn't have the time to go. Instead, he went to a private school to join in. What is it?

"The concubine knows that her husband has put a lot of effort into this Cheng University, and she also values ​​it very much."

"Otherwise, how could the husband ask the officials in the DPRK to suspend their salary and stay in office to help him Cheng Saburo?"

Li Shimin sighed lightly when he heard the words of the maidservant Guanyin, and changed to a more comfortable sitting posture.

"Because of this, even though this move for my husband was carried out in secret, there were still complaints from ministers and workers in private.

If it is for the husband to go to Cheng's University to join in the fun at this time, it will cause trouble for Cheng's University. "

Seeing her husband's sigh, the Empress Changsun smiled and whispered in her ear.

"The first day of the new year is on holiday, and it's okay for the husband to go there.

As long as you don't show up in fanfare, who can know that Cheng's University has gone down? "

"This, is this appropriate?" Li Shimin said hesitantly.

"What is inappropriate, only the concubine and husband know about this matter..."

Empress Changsun's fingers gently lifted the sideburns beside her husband's cheek and said with a chuckle.

Li Shimin couldn't help but feel his heart shake, and shook Queen Changsun's slender hand that was as gentle as jade.

"Well, if that's the case, it's not a problem for your husband to walk quietly tomorrow."

At this moment, Zhao Kun, who was standing not far away, saw the time that the copper pot was dripping. He turned his head and looked at Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, the time to take the medicine is almost past..."

"Oh, I almost forgot about this." Li Shimin was busy making eyebrows with his beloved wife, but he really left the matter behind.

"Come on with my concubine..." Empress Changsun thoughtfully copied the medicine bottle from the case and uncorked the bottle.

Two pills with a very similar shape and a waist were poured out from the inside, and they were placed in the palm of the husband, and he brought tea soup to the husband to deliver the medicine. By the way, he vomited a word.

"The same is true for Cheng Saburo. Since it is a nourishing medicine for your husband, why do you have to make it strange ~ Hearing Empress Changsun’s vomiting, Li Shimin’s forehead soaked a drop of cold sweat and hit haha. .

"Um...well, Cheng Saburo explained to her husband that it is in such a shape that even if the medicine is not held securely, it will not roll to the ground."

"Heh, husband, don't listen to that kid all day long, he, he has a way of doing things.

But a serious nonsense ability has also risen in the same way..."

"Well, what the maidservant Guanyin said is extremely, come, let's take a look at this masterpiece..."

Li Shimin hurriedly interrupted the topic, after all, his dark illness was a very private matter, and he could try not to expose it as much as possible.


At this moment, in the East Palace, His Royal Highness Li Chengqian, the Prince of Tang Dynasty, was holding the hand of Su Clan, the two of them were walking in the Yiqiu Palace in the East Palace.

Ning Zhong led a group of **** Gong E, carefully trailing a dozen steps, and could not disturb these two.

It is also necessary to avoid being too far away to prevent the prince from greeting himself and others not hearing it.

In short, waiting for people is not only a physical job but also a technical job. Ning Zhong sighed slightly and looked at the blooming chrysanthemums around him.

This place corresponds to the Yichun Palace, one in the west of the East Palace and the other in the east of the East Palace. The scenery of Yichun Palace is most suitable for spring and summer.

And this Yiqiu Palace, as the name suggests, the scenery is the most beautiful in autumn, as in winter.

Who special mother is happy to wander outside in the cold weather, sucking her nose and trembling all over, so the East Palace is not suitable for the Winter Palace.

The above is Cheng Chubi's comments on Donggong's no Yidonggong.

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