The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 885: His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty who has been watching the ceremony and feeling

Li Shimin stood in the distance blankly, listening to the impassioned speech in his ears, and he didn't recover for a long time.

These words all seemed very straightforward, so straightforward that Li Shimin felt that Cheng Saburo, the boy, was slapping himself and his father.

But it happened that I listened very energetically, and watched the performance of the young students present.

Among them, most of them didn't even sit anymore, but stood up and looked at Cheng Saburo who was flying across the sky with excitement.

Even Master Xu and others were shocked by hearing, staring at Cheng Chubi blankly, trying to hear everything he said clearly.

"What you learned from this is to enable you to apply what you have learned and serve the country..."

"President Cheng, I can't wait for a commoner, and I'm also learning medicine. How can I serve the country even if I've been working hard to learn something?"

A medical student took advantage of Cheng Chubi's panting effort and raised his throat loudly.

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi, who was feeling bored, couldn't help but sing a one-man show for a long time.

"This classmate, I don't know what to call, which department is a student."

"The disciple's surname is Deng and he is a medical student."

Although this student was a little uneasy, seeing the eyes of the countless double shots made him realize that he couldn't persuade him at this time.

"Student Deng asked this question well. Some of you are studying music.

Some people may study painting, others study mathematics, and some study the Four Books, Five Classics, and medicine. "

"Perhaps in your opinion, only those who have read the Four Books and Five Classics and entered official positions in the imperial examinations are serving the country?"

Cheng Chubi nodded subconsciously when seeing most people.

Li Shimin in the distance frowned slightly. Although he felt a little inappropriate, he couldn't say anything to refute it.

The two sons of Li Chengqian and Li Ke on the side only knew how to watch Brother Chu Bi standing on the high platform with admiration.

Faced with so many people, they were still able to disperse freely without stage fright, and shouted out the words of the heartbeat.

"Your thoughts are very problematic!" Cheng Chubi pointed like a sword, and then scanned the crowd below.

Cheng Chubi cleared his throat and quickly said with a calm and confident smile.

"Learning music can let me people of the Tang Dynasty understand the elegance of the song, and the song of harmony and festival, which is inspiring.

Learning painting can describe the great rivers and mountains of my Datang.

In order to provide rewards for the people, it can also be admired to have countless heroes and heroes recorded in the annals. "

"And by learning the medical sciences, you can do a good job to relieve the sickness of the common people and protect the lives of the soldiers..."

"Everyone, what you have learned, even if you think it is a subtle technique, is also useful."

Cheng Chubi's words left the agitated classmate Deng speechless.

He even bowed respectfully to Cheng Chubi with a shame on his face.

"Thank you, the principal for clearing up your doubts. The students have been taught."

And those school seasons around him also respectfully saluted Cheng Chubi one after another.

Zu Guang also stood up, and bowed to Cheng Chubi with a convincing expression on his face.

"President Cheng's words are in my heart. There is no impractical knowledge in this world, it is just a personal opinion."

Cheng Chubi hurriedly returned a salute to the mathematics master, and then he thought of serious matters rather sadly.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, it seemed that he had just been busy trying to flatter the old Li's family, but it turned out to be a thousand miles away from the subject.

This made Cheng Chubi a little impressive, and after a dry cough, he entered the subject.

"Nowhere in the daytime, youth just comes. The moss flowers are as small as rice, and they learn to bloom peonies..."

"Do you know what this is talking about?" Cheng Chubi asked, raising a finger.

All their heads swayed from side to side, looking dumbfounded when they met Cheng Chubi.

Not far away, Li Shimin, who had just heard the excitement, immediately became happy with a pout.

"This kid, why do you compose poems if you don't agree?"

"...It's a strange poem, what is the moss flower?" Li Chengqian on the side pulled at Li Ke with a face of doubt.

Li Ke spread his hands and shook his head helplessly. "I don't know, who knows if it will be a flower made up by Brother Chu Bi."

Seeing that no one spoke up, Cheng Chubi could only continue to speak for himself.

"The name of this poem has only one word "moss", what does it describe?

It is the moss that can be seen in those dark, damp, unremarkable corners. "

"Moss is a small moss that can only live in shady places, dark places, and damp places where the sun can't reach it."

"However, even if there is no sunlight, they still have a strong vitality sprouting.

The lush greenery is even no less than the plants that make us admire. "

"The moss flower, although as tiny as a grain of rice, still blooms enthusiastically like that noble peony."

"This poem is written to every ordinary and noble life in the world."

"In the corners where the sun can't shine, the moss is constantly striving to improve, and you can also find the value of Even if you have an ordinary life experience, a mediocre appearance, and a mediocre talent, you should learn from the moss in the damp corner.

Constantly striving for self-improvement and perseverance in faith, so that life can bloom brilliantly, and do my best for this great era. "

"Okay!" A student exclaimed in excitement at the moment Cheng Chubi uttered the last word.

"Thank you for the principal's teaching..." More students gave a respectful salute to Cheng Chubi one after another.

In the distance, Li Shimin almost wanted to give a high-five and applauded, but in the end he held back and put his hands behind him.

Seeing Li Shimin's excitement and admiration, Zhao Kun who stood aside couldn't help but joked in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, this kid gives the minister the feeling that he is more suitable to be a lobbyist than the Ministry of the Tang Dynasty."

The Ministry of Tang Min in Zhao Kun's mouth refers to a clever tongue in Datang, who has been trapped in enemy camps many times, and he can always save himself by encountering a three-inch incorruptible tongue.

Even the old driver who was able to make friends with the enemy, Tang Jian, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, was definitely a super old fried dough stick among civil servants.

Hearing these words, Li Shimin immediately said with joy.

"Hahaha...Qing's words are very reasonable, but you can let Tang Qing deal with this kid someday."

At this moment, Li Shimin is extraordinarily relaxed, and always feels that today is a worthwhile trip.

Regardless of the flag-raising ceremony, or afterwards, this kid invented those things in order to shoot the flattery of the Li Tang royal family.

All made Li Shimin feel that he has gained a lot, and he has a lot of things that he needs to go back and slowly experience and digest.

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