The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 892: In fact, we believe that you are innocent without explaining

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Li Chengqian didn't say anything else, but solemnly nodded towards Cheng Chubi.

"Then this matter, you can only ask Brother Chubi first."

"Your Majesty can rest assured, let's go. It is better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Your Majesty, if nothing happens, the minister will have time to go to the Imperial Medical Office?"

"Also, if you have any news, remember to let Yu Xiaodi know." Li Chengqian stood up and nodded and laughed.

"Please, General Cheng." Yu Zhining also saluted Cheng Chubi, very excited.

Cheng Chubi knew his thoughts very well, if His Royal Highness could handle this matter.

Once your majesty is pleased, His Royal Highness the Prince is responsible for compiling the Datang Pharmacopoeia. His Royal Highness will definitely be responsible to his confidant.

Then he will be one of the best candidates for his loyalty to Zhan Shi.

As long as you can make achievements and keep your name down in history, that is just a matter of fingertips. Yi Er...

Cheng Chubi jumped out of the East Palace with a full stomach, leaving early, um, got the leadership's instructions to leave early.

Cheng Chubi left the East Palace, called Cheng Ji and Cheng Li, and followed him towards the Imperial Medical Office.

I swayed to the Imperial Medical Office again. In Cheng Chubi's eyes, the East Palace was more like the place where he worked.

And the atmosphere of the Imperial Medical Office, well, suits you very well.

Of course, it's not that he Cheng Chubi is not a conscientious and solid person. But because there is always a smell of Chinese medicine.

Just like when I was a child, where I lived with my grandfather, there was the Chinese herbal medicine warehouse in the hospital nearby.

Whenever I return home, I can always smell the familiar smell of medicine, and then the friends will play in the smell of medicine and gradually grow up.

Perhaps it was the memory of childhood, which made Cheng Chubi feel that he was playing cards, coughing cough, and working more easily when he stayed in the Imperial Medical Office.


Cheng Chubi went straight to the Imperial Medical Office, and walked quickly towards the place where the medical order and Wang Yiling were.

It was only then that when he arrived in front of the small courtyard, he had heard the sound of the dispute coming from inside, and Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel happy.

Unexpectedly, the two old drivers, who were very tacitly cooperating in the work of the Imperial Medical Department, would have blushes and thick necks.

Cheng Chubi relaxed his steps curiously, and motioned to the handyman guarding at the gate of the yard not to make a noise, and walked in gently.

This was the result of the dispute between the two of them. Wang Yiling insisted that the things taken by the immortals in "The Legend of the Immortals" were useful and would surely become immortals.

Zhang Yiling said that it was completely nonsense, and the two disputes were inconsistent with each other.

Cheng Chubi looked dazed. What kind of ghost is "The Legend of the Immortals"? Is it also a medical work created by Taoist alchemists?

Cheng Chubi finally couldn't restrain his curiosity and coughed vigorously, interrupting the dispute between the two in the public house and striding into it.

I saw Wang Yiling's face full of anger, and Zhang Yiling stared at each other with a black line.

But after seeing Cheng Chubi walk in, the two finally put aside their dispute for a while and bowed to Cheng Chubi.

"Cheng Taichang, why do you have free time to come over today?" Wang Yiling asked curiously with a smile on his face reluctantly.

"The two medical orders, Cheng was just fine today. He came and walked around. He was just outside the house. Hearing the two arguing about becoming immortal or not, I was very curious..."

Zhang Yiling heard Cheng Chubi's words and said excitedly towards Cheng Chubi.

"Cheng Taichang, you are also a healer, do you think that simple and refined bait can be used to lighten the gods?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Zhang Yiling with a dazed expression. It took a long time to react, and asked uncertainly.

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

Standing aside, Wang Yiling quickly added.

"What Zhang Yiling is talking about is Pu Xiao, and the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" contains bait and attire, so that you can be light and immortal. Eliminate the filth of the human body to preserve its essence..."

Cheng Chubi's face was instantly blackened to the bottom of the pot, and his whole body was not well.

The gods are refining the bait to serve them, light up the gods, believe it or not, add some sulfur and charcoal to make you turn ashes in one second.

Turning his head to look at Wang Yiling, who is also an old acquaintance, Cheng Chubi said with a hold of his face.

"Pu Ni...That thing, I said Wang Yiling, if you want to live a long life, it's better not to touch this thing, okay?"

Zhang Yiling, who was standing next to Cheng Chubi, happily heard this, and continued to spit out frantically.

"Oh, this is more than that, Wang Yiling still feels that Taiyi Yuliang has long served a light god; Mercury has long served a **** immortal..."

"...The old man didn't talk about mercury. The old man was talking about Taiyi Yuliang. The old man of mercury knew that it was a poisonous thing.

It hurts the body by taking it, at most, those women in the brothel pavilion take a small amount of it for contraception. How can the old man know that? "

Looking at the plausible Wang Yiling, Cheng Chubi and Zhang Yiling couldn't help but raise the pitch.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yiling, who looked like a sick man, was the old driver who hid the most.

Listening to the weird voice, Doctor Wang, who had already reacted, quickly explained with a pale face in a hurry.

"I haven't, and the old man has never been there. This was what Dr. Hu said last time. If he hadn't heard about it, the old man wouldn't know such a thing."

Cheng Chubi chuckled and said seriously towards Wang Yi.

"Well, well, doctor Wang made you actually believe that you are innocent if you don't explain it."

"..." Wang Yiling looked at Cheng Chubi with a serious expression. He always felt that this kid was mocking himself, but he couldn't find any evidence.

I could only sigh helplessly, Te Niang's, last time I just spoke out the effect of mercury just a blink of an eye later than Dr. Hu, and escaped a disaster.

But I didn't expect that today, he stumbled again, revealing his youth and frivolousness...


Cheng Chubi also sat down and saw books such as "The Legend of Gods", "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and "Baopuzi" and "Elbow Reserve Emergency Fang" placed on the front desk.

Cheng Chubi smashed his and was really speechless. Ancient doctors would more or less have a certain connection with Taoism.

It is precisely because of this that the Taoist concept of longing for longevity is also incorporated into medicine, and the result is such a wonderful interpretation of Chinese medicine.

Especially for mineral medicine, you can go to heaven if you take it, or ascend to the heavens if you don't move.

Cheng Chubi felt that they would feel this way. It should be an illusion caused by heavy metal poisoning. May they rest in peace...

Smashing his mouth, Cheng Chubi felt more and more the necessity and urgency of revising the Datang Pharmacopoeia.

Think about it, Datang's imperial physician orders are all fighting for these ruinous things that can cause death.

I don't even know how many doctors and Taoists will fall on the road to becoming immortal.

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