The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 915: To punish the heroes of the previous dynasty?

Thinking about this, the host of Xingshan Temple couldn't help but gnashed his teeth and cursed the notorious old Cheng family.

As soon as the whispered mumbles fell, the host of Xingshan Temple quickly turned his head and looked around, um, such complaints must not be heard by outsiders.

He, an outsider with old arms and legs, could not withstand the revenge of the fat and strong Cheng family.

Fortunately, I was fortunately blessed by the Buddha when facing the fierce Cheng family who dared not speak.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind, and he thought of the wonderful plan to bring disaster to the east, and endured the humiliation and put forward some immature tips to the old Cheng's housekeeper...

Let Na Xuan Duguan that more famous than his own Daxingshan Temple, the tortoise that was personally prompted by Emperor Wen of the previous dynasty, also fell into the hands of the Cheng family.

It's a pity that Xuandu Guan was as shocking as his own Xingshan Temple, and it was also shocking.

Even if the tortoise was taken away by the Cheng family, he still dared not say anything, which really disappointed the host of Xingshan Temple.

After the host sighed, he gave orders to the disciples on the side, asking them to continue to cover the turtle hole.

"Have you sent someone to find it?" The host walked forward slowly, and asked in a low voice.

"Master, don't worry, the third, fifth, and seventh junior brothers have left Chang'an and went to look for them in person."

"As long as I can meet the same spirit turtle, I will bring it back..."

The host nodded slightly, thought about it, and gritted his teeth.

"Let them find a few more and come back, in case they lose it next time, they might have a replacement."

"Good Master, my disciple will send someone to inform the three junior disciples."

The host secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought for a while, his eyes swept over the two disciples in front of him and commanded.

"Remember, don't spread it out."

"Yes..." the two confidantes nodded respectfully and replied.


Xuantu watched the Lord, bowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes, facing the three pillars of fragrance in front of him, as if he was asleep.

After watching for a long time, I heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind, and when I turned my head, I saw the disciple step into the quiet room.

"I have seen Master."

The disciple, who was all in the dust, looked bitter and authentic.

"The disciple looked around Chang'an, but he couldn't find a turtle of the same size.

Your Majesty will spend some time, maybe she will accompany her to see the lotus leaf again..."

Seeing the frowning face of the first disciple, Xuan Du Guan Guanzhu couldn't help but sigh.

"What about it, just say that the spirit turtle is hibernating in the pool, and it's not easy to see it."

"Your Majesty came here to watch the lotus leaf with the empress, and not to see the spirit turtle."

"Now the weather is getting colder and colder. This reason should be justified."

"Master, do you want to tell your majesty directly..." the first disciple muttered angrily.

"Disciple, that is the soul turtle of the former emperor, do you think your majesty will punish the hero of the dynasty for a small turtle that the former emperor likes?"

"What's more, their old Cheng family is notorious, and there are too many monster moths.

His Majesty is at most a few reprimands and fines him for a year and a half. "

"When the time comes, when the Cheng family members are looking back, the hearts of those Cheng family members are grieved, and they come to Xuandu Temple every other way to make trouble. Are we still a quiet place here?"

Thinking of those fierce, fat, fat Cheng family members, wow haha ​​jumped up and down in the Xuan Du Temple.

Moreover, the infamous General Cheng and his son went to the entrance of the Xuandu Guan...

The sweat on the face of this first disciple fell off in an instant, and he quickly bowed to the wise and wise master.

"It's the disciple who wants to be bad. If it weren't for the master's reminder, it would have almost caused a catastrophe for our Xuantu Guan."

"It's good if you can figure out this section, let's go on first..."

Xuantu Guanguan sighed faintly, lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, and continued to travel to the world.


Xue Wanche opened his eyes slowly, but he saw a picture close at hand.

Although he was no longer young, he gave himself a smiley face that felt like a man-eating beast, as well as those hook-like eyes.

It seemed that her small mouth would drip with venom that eroded human bone marrow at any time, and there was also a scent of sesame powder lingering on the tip of her nose.

On the battlefield, facing the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, Xue Mengjiang, who didn't frown his brow, quickly closed his eyes suddenly.

Seeing such a strong, pure man's breath is so strong, but facing himself, but immature like a young sturdy man.

Old Bustard Liu, uh... the female yellow crown couldn't help swallowing the star, a man, when he was young, he had to look at his little face.

When you reach a certain age, you have to look at your physique. With the physique of this official, I'm afraid it won't be a problem to collapse a few beds a day.

"...Master, press..."

Cheng Chubi picked up a ruler, stretched it out and patted the hand of the hooligan, reminded with a black line on his face.

"Ah...Well, if you know about it, change it, change it..."

Cheng Chubi retracted the ruler with exhaustion, and when he turned his head, he saw that Ershu Xue was already dozing off next to him.

She shook her head helplessly, she could only force her spirits, and strictly supervise her, so as to prevent the female hooligan from getting into trouble again.

But today, Xue Wanche has dared to pluck up the courage to open his eyes, which is a good phenomenon.

But For his treatment, this is a long and gradual process. First of all, he has to face the touch of the opposite **** without repelling him.

After that, when you can communicate with the opposite **** peacefully and freely, this can be considered as a successful desensitization.

Unfortunately, with such progress, it would be impossible for Xue Meng to succeed in desensitization within a month or two.

It was a quarter of an hour, Cheng Chubi winked, coughed twice, and the female yellow crown stood up still intently.

"Today's physiotherapy is here, so let's say goodbye to the poor way?"

"Well, go." Cheng Chubi winked and asked Cheng Fa to send her out. When Ershu Xue over there heard the movement, he finally woke up and turned around.

"My third brother, how is it?"

Xue Wanche had already opened his eyes, moved his stiff hands and feet before sitting up.

"Well, I feel better today, not as rigid as the previous two days."

"But my nephew, how long will it take to cure my illness?"

"It's only a month or two, the most important thing is to see your recovery."

The answer given by Cheng Chubi made Xue Wanche look ugly.

Xue Wanjun happily stepped forward and patted Xue Wanche on the shoulder to encourage him.

"As long as it can be cured well, don't say one or two months, it's one or two years, so you don't have any worries about your third brother. Brother will always be with you."

"Second brother..." Xue Wanche couldn't help his eyes become hot when he heard this.

"The third brother, let's go, come back tomorrow to continue the treatment, you will definitely get better, you can definitely marry...cough cough, go to the battlefield to make contributions."

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