The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 917: It would be great if Cheng 3's brother was here too

Cheng Chubi led a bewildered Xuandu Guanzhu to the edge of the pond where the lotus leaves were still green, and pointed out a certain position in the pond with his finger.

Xuan Du Guan Guan looked at it carefully, and he really saw the lotus leaf hidden in the room, half of his head and almost half of the tortoise shell was slightly exposed.

On the back of the turtle, the ghost turtle with faint handwriting seemed to sink and float in the water.

Seeing this scene, Guanzhu turned his head in disbelief, and looked at this Cheng Saburo blankly.

He actually sent this spirit turtle back intact?

Could it be that it was really like what the housekeeper of their old Cheng family said, just to play with this turtle?

Xuantu Guanguan raised his front and wanted to get closer, and then felt like he had hit an iron plate.

Cheng Chubi's big hand stopped him, his expression very serious and authentic.

"Looking at the Lord, if you want to see it, just look at it from a distance. This spirit turtle has taken the golden core and is currently in the turtle's breath state. Never move it.

Otherwise, Cheng would not be responsible for what went wrong. "

Guanzhu looked at the spirit turtle with a black line on his face. After all, it was the spirit turtle he had played for decades.

Although at first glance, it felt like it was, but after a few more glances, the viewer felt that something was wrong.

Especially those tortoise eyes, the eyes were a little wrong, and they were dumbfounded, as if they were not angry.

Returning Te Niang's tortoise's breath state, the tortoise is not the tortoise's breath state, is it still the human breath state?

This was not over yet, before the watcher could finish spitting out in his heart, Cheng Chubi's sturdy and powerful slap fell on his shoulder.

"Lord, I can leave this alone. If your Majesty comes here another day, if you miss the stuffing, hehe..."

"..." The viewer stood in a daze on the edge of the pond where lotus flowers often bloom throughout the year and the lotus leaves are invincible.

Looking at this spirit turtle that doesn't look like a living creature, I feel like my whole person is about to split...

Brother Li Ke and Brother Fang Jun stared blankly at the spit star, Chu Bi who was serious nonsense.

That's it?

Could it be that this is what the Chu Bi brother said before, the unique language to be used? Nonsense can also be called utterance?

Obviously, Brother Chu Bi, with a strong body and a vicious expression, convince the Xuantu Guanguan subject, okay?

The poor Xuantu watched the Lord, and could only spit at Brother Chu Bi, who was flying across the stars, and smiled. Who could see the sadness and sadness in the corners of his eyes.

Looking at this scene, Fang Jun couldn't help feeling a little pity for the hapless viewer.

"Brother Chubi is ashamed to say that he can persuade the viewer..."

Hearing Fang Jun's complaints, Li Ke hesitated and said in a posture that he couldn't bear to look back.

"That's a virtuous brother, you don't know. Brother Chubi uses a variety of persuasion methods. As long as the goal is achieved, they are all persuasion."

In the end, the powerfully smiling Guanzhu and the two disciples personally sent these three out of the Xuandu Guan.

Looking at the figures of these three guys leaving blankly, the eyelids of the watcher jumped wildly.

As if ten thousand spirit turtles were arranged in a square array, they were spitting saliva neatly and vigorously in the direction where Cheng Chubi left.

The disciple on the side asked the master carefully.

"Then Cheng returned the spirit turtle too often, why is your expression so ugly, Master?"

"Is there? As a teacher, I just feel a little tired as a teacher." The subject of the audience showed a strong smile and dryly said.

Taking a heavy step, walking a few steps towards Guannei, he confessed another sentence uneasy.

"By the way, no one is allowed to enter the Lotus Garden without the permission of the teacher."

It didn't take long for Cheng Chubi, Li Ke and Fang Jun to leave Xuan Duguan, who thought they had solved the problem perfectly.

Under Cheng Chubi's proposal, the three happily rushed to the Chengjia Restaurant in the West Market. Go and experience the delicious delicacies of the Lao Cheng Family Pork Banquet.

Tasting the secret three-leaf pulp of Chengfu that is not intoxicating but also raising people, enjoying the delicious pork delicacies, and celebrating today that the bronze turtle is finally settled in Xuandu Temple.

Just when they were eating and drinking happily.

Zhao Kun, the loyal confidant of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, commanded more than a dozen elite guards.

Surrounded by an inconspicuous carriage, low-key forward in the direction of Xuandu Guan.

Inside the warm and comfortable carriage, Empress Longsun was snuggling next to Li Shimin, and her daughter Jin Yang was playing with toys.

"Husband, how long have we not been out to hang out like this..."

Li Shimin nodded in agreement, patted his beloved wife's fragrant shoulder with his big hand and smiled.

"Yeah, it's been a long time, these days, things are always one after another."

"Fortunately, I was free today, so I just went to this Xuandu Temple to take a look at your favorite lotus..."

"The husband is so nice..." Empress Changsun showed a touching smile on her face.

"Yes, daddy is the best."

Li Mingda on the side saw this scene, and he squeezed between the two of them, giggling.

Li Shimin couldn't help laughing out loud, hugged this cute little thing in his arms and kissed him.

"Well, our little Sizi is the cutest girl."

Li Mingda, who was held in Li Shimin's arms, smiled openly.

"Of course, mothers are also the best, as good as daddy."

With little effort, the carriage came to Xuandu Temple, and naturally, it didn't stop outside the eye-catching gate of Xuandu Temple.

Instead, he stopped slowly at the side door that walked aside, and the side door had already been opened without great effort.

Some panting Xuantu Guanguan looked at the carriage with a look of surprise and suspicion.

He saw it, and saw Li Shimin, an extraordinary middle-aged man, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and he got out of the carriage with a small beer belly.

After Hawkeye looked around, he opened the curtain, reached in and carried out a beautiful little girl in a white ferret coat.

The people here are His Majesty the Emperor of Tang, the Queen of the Longsun, and their little cute Princess Jinyang.

"Pan Dao, see your majesty, see the empress, and your princess..."


Xuandu Guanguanzhu carefully accompanied Li Shimin, and came to Nahe Li Shimin turned his head and smiled at Xuandu Guanguanzhu.

"Lord, please go, I will walk around here..."

After listening to the subject, he frankly stopped outside the lotus garden and replied respectfully.

"Yes, Pan Dao is waiting outside the garden. Whatever your Majesty sends, he will only give orders."

Xuandu Guanguanzhu just stood outside the lotus garden with two disciples, looking at the garden gate that was already guarded by two guards.

Turning his head, he looked at the two nervous disciples beside him, and sighed helplessly.

Sanqing is on top, what about this special mother? I can only hope that the emperor's family of three will leave safely after enjoying the lotus here, but don't make any demon moths.

Li Shimin was holding his beloved wife's hand in one hand, and his beloved daughter's little hand in the other, with a happy and content smile on his face.

On such a day, this kind of leisure and elegance is really rare.

Looking at the maidservant Guanyin next to her, her eyes filled with stars admiring the evergreen lotus leaf, while Li Mingda looked around curiously.

After seeing these beautiful lotus leaves, Li Mingda let out a cheerful call with bright eyes.

"Lots of lotus leaves, daddy..."

Li Shimin couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, your mother loves this beautiful lotus that is muddy but not stained."

Li Mingda nodded and released the hand holding Li Shimin. After looking around for a while, his face was full of regret.

"If Brother Cheng San was here, that would be great."


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