The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 927: In order to show kindness to the second son of Lord Wei Guo

Niu Wei Tuo obviously became very uncomfortable when he saw his dear father who seemed so kind and kind, rubbing his hands in embarrassment.

After all, in the past, the impression my father gave to himself seemed to always be a stinking face.

At this moment, Niu Jinda handed over the official document in his hand and said something that made Niu Wei Tuo unexpected.

"It's a good thing, the eldest man in the cow."

"General?" Niu Weituo stayed visibly, before lowering his head for a long time and looking at the official document of appointment and award in his hand.

Because of the work, two hundred silk and silk, two hundred catties of gold, one horizontal knife and one carved bow were given. And from the very beginning, an ordinary side military colonel, he was directly promoted to Zuowei Zhonglang.

"This... Uncle Li, is this really for me?" Niu Weituo looked at the official document with the big seal of the Ministry of War in disbelief, and asked uncertainly for a long time.

"Nonsense, if you don't give it to you, is it still for your father?" Li Ji uttered aloud directly.

Niu Jinda glared at the old brother with a black line on his face. Forget it, today is the day of his son's rejoicing, and he doesn't bother to care about this unconventional old brother.

Niu Wei Tuo had forgotten how he left the Ministry of War and how he got on the horse. He went back to the mansion all the way back to the mansion, met his mother, and reported the good news to her mother Pei.

Hearing the cry of joy and uncontrollable mother-in-law, it was only then that he recovered from that state of fascination and stare.

He quickly opened his mouth to relieve the mother, for a long time, Pei stopped sobbing. Sitting on the side, Niu Jinda, who was dull, glanced at his wife.

"Okay, it's a good thing, don't cry."

"Well, what the husband said is that the concubine was impolite...Weituo, if you can return safely, your mother is already satisfied.

Unexpectedly, my son still made so many feats. People who are now ranked as generals are about to catch up with your dad..."

Hearing this, Niu Jinda was immediately unhappy, snorted, raised his head and slammed his air.

"The old man is General Zuo Wuwei, and he is a third-ranked general in the court. He is far behind the old man."

Hearing this, Pei gave an angry and amused look at his husband.

Then he turned his head, looked at his son Niu Weiyuan who was a little embarrassed, and whispered.

"Don't care about your father, he just doesn't speak, and he doesn't mention how happy he is..."

"Mother, my child knows it." Niu Weituo turned his head and looked at his father, after thinking for a while, he whispered.

"Mother, my child... My child wants to get married too."

As soon as these words were spoken, Niu Jinda and Pei's four eyes all fell on Niu Weituo's face, and seeing the newly promoted Zuowei Zhonglang twisted his neck uncomfortably.

"What are you talking about?" Niu Jinda lowered his body, looked at Niu Wei Tuo, and asked again, seemingly in disbelief.

"My boy said before that when he has made contributions and proved his ability, he will... listen to the words of the two and start a family."

There was a loud bang, and Niu Jinda slapped the front case with a loud bang.

Niu Jinda couldn't help grinning, but what came out of his mouth was not pain, but a good word.

"Your kid... well, good, very good." Niu Jinda looked at this son with great relief, who shed blood for the court, made merits, and established a career.

This kid, his mind finally got the hang of it. Seeing that this kid is already in his early twenties, he is still alone now.

Fortunately, now this kid has finally become a sensible person after going out and wandering around.

Pei couldn't help standing up, feeling a little overwhelmed with excitement. After thinking about it, he turned around and exhorted Niu Wei Tuo.

"Husband, concubine body... Concubine body has to go and walk around... Wei Tuo, you must not change your mind."

"Mother... the child will definitely not be fooling around."

Niu Wei Tuo, who had seen the madness of his mother and father's admiration under his eyes, got hot, and quickly turned his head away and replied loudly.

"Okay, um, that's it. These few days, as you haven't joined the job, you have a good rest in the mansion for a few days, and the old man will also go to gather with the old brothers..."

Seeing the mother and father go out happily, watching the silver wire growing from the father's temples, Niu Weituo sniffed fiercely.

I have already proved to everyone that I am not a scammer, and it is even more shame that Yixue has lost the original.

Now, it's time to do your filial piety in front of your parents.

At least, let the mother, who likes to lively, and the father who speaks little, be able to satisfy their wishes and see the children and grandchildren full.

When you become a family, you have children under your knees, and it’s not too late to go to the battlefield.


Li Ke swayed his horse to the outside of Jinyang Printing and Bookstore. From a distance, he had seen the guard house guarded by the door of the bookstore and standing with a knife.

Well, these nursing homes are naturally not ordinary nursing homes. The correct statement is that these guards should be the guards of Jinyang Princess Mansion.

Now, the father has transferred a full thirty guards of Princess Yu Jinyang's mansion to guard here, directly eliminating the possibility of accidents.

Even the artisans who work here, according to Cheng Chubi's practice, get double salaries from other printing houses.

That is, double salary, which is called confidentiality fee in the words of Brother Chubi. If anyone dares to disclose it, I am employment contract is clearly written.

To advertise, the reading app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] has a lot of sources, a full range of books, and fast updates!

The compensation is ten times the total salary received.

Under the temptation of money and the notorious reputation of the old Cheng family, these craftsmen are very honest, and now they have one more boss above their heads.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty’s hand-picked jewel of Jinyang Princess Li Mingda, not to mention, his Royal Highness Wu is also a shareholder of this printing shop.

With so many hard-line backgrounds or deterrences, those craftsmen dare not divulge a single bit of the situation in the workshop.

And the shopkeepers of Chang'an Zhushufang, who were sneakily trying to inquire about the news before, had already given up their thoughts of continuing to make trouble with monsters.

The backstage was too hard to provoke. Therefore, Jinyang Printing House continued to expand and increase the scale arrogantly, but no one dared to jump out.

After all, it is definitely more trouble to provoke this printing shop than to provoke a hornet's nest.

After Li Ke arrived at the gate of the bookstore and got off his horse, and after handing the mount to the guards, he led only two guards into the hall.

At the workshop, the machinery inside was creaking at this moment, and sheets of Cheng's paper were rolled on the roller, and then rolled on the ink-coated type.

After being taken away, someone will naturally come and take it away and put it in an empty room not far away, where it will be cut to the size of a book page.

After that, a group of craftsmen arranged the pages of the book according to the serial number at the bottom of the page, and handed them to the person responsible for binding.

Just such a volume of books will be produced from here, then placed aside, stacked to a height of a foot, and then **** with string. Transported to the warehouse for storage.

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