The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 934: It just so happened that the 3 bear kid brothers, one more happy...

Looking at the formula of this primitive gunpowder, Cheng Chubi was really a little bit powerless to complain.

"That's it? This is your recipe?" Cheng Chubi shook the thing with a look of disgust.

Zhenren Yongning stared at that piece of silk cloth, nodding his head cautiously.

"Master Cheng, be careful, this medicine is where my master's life's work lies."

Cheng Chubi handed the jar to True Person Yongning, tilted the corner of his mouth and ordered.

"Come on, you try to take a look at me to see how powerful this thing can be."

After real person Yong Ning took it carefully, he watched him take the small jar and came to the open space outside the alchemy to lay it down.

Then, he ignited the Huozhezi, lit a small piece of incense, and inserted the unlit end into the small jar.

Then he quickly retreated, and then said flatly to the three Cheng Gongzi.

"Please also three Master Cheng watch here, once this medicine is turned into a fire, it will be very dangerous, and the broken pieces will hurt people."

After about ten breaths, the little piece of faith fell into the small jar.

Then, the three Cheng Ran brothers all saw a ball of fire coming out of the jar and let out a bang.

The lid of the small jar was blown off, and the small jar was blown to pieces at this moment.

"Interesting..." Cheng Chubi smashed his lips. He didn't expect that one day he would become a witness to China's four great inventions.

Unexpectedly, paper, printing, gunpowder, these three things are more or less related to me, the rest of the compass stuff.

Hmm... Finding an opportunity to rectify that thing is also considered to be a contribution to Datang's sailing career.

Just when Cheng Chubi imagined that Datang's science and technology was about to be flourishing.

Cheng Chuliang next to him suddenly pushed his elbow against the big brother next to him, Cheng Chu whispered quietly.

"Um... Brother, this thing is a bit interesting, this sound is very strong, much stronger than our New Year's firecrackers."

"Last year, our old Cheng's firecrackers were compared by the old Hou's family, but it made our three younger brothers very unhappy."

The eldest brother Cheng Chu could not help but his eyes brightened, and his eyes were deep and he looked at the trembling Daoist Yongning who was standing beside him.

"The third brother, for my brother, we think that this time we have picked up a good treasure that will give our old Cheng family a good breath."

He dragged Cheng Saburo over, and then the three brothers began to bite their ears.

"Third brother, we have to keep this pill, and this year's New Year's Eve, it will definitely come in handy."

"..." Cheng Chubi looked at the two surging brothers with a weird expression, but didn't expect to turn around.

The gunpowder has returned to his original use, just for the sake of listening...

"Big brother and second brother, this pill is not pure at all, but it's not impossible to keep it first."

Cheng Chubi immediately thought of the Fang Zhu that he had brought back from the palace this year...

Cheng Chubi was very worried that if his three younger brothers played the firecrackers, they were not too enjoyable.

What should I do if I use the square bamboo I finally got back from the palace and put it in the brazier as firecrackers?

The so-called firecrackers exorcising evil spirits should be a folk custom handed down from primitive society.

Presumably in ancient times, although humans had fire, there were still some greedy beasts, always wanting to choose people and eat.

As a result, humans discovered that when bamboo was inserted into the fire, the bamboo would burst into flames because it was ignited.

And such a sudden explosion can scare away the beasts hiding in the darkness.

A kind of sacrificial activity or folk custom formed from this, and after entering the town era, became a custom for exorcising evil spirits on New Year's Eve.

Whenever comes New Year's Eve, every family likes to put a brazier at the door, insert bamboo poles into it, and listen to the popping sound.

But the sound of firecrackers is for Cheng Chubi, who is well-informed, and the total number of cow dung bombed in his childhood is not 1,000 or 700 or 800.

It was like the difference between a cannon and a small pistol, which made Cheng Chubi unable to find any interest in finding childhood fun.

But the problem is that the three bear kids don’t know. Every time around New Year’s Eve, they only know to poke bamboo sticks into the fire.

Now, I saw the gunpowder prescription, and heard the two brothers mention the three brothers who had gone to the house.

Cheng Chubi felt that now that he had seen the original gunpowder, he could not easily arouse people's suspicion if he used the original gunpowder to improve the serious gunpowder.

Of course, this also happened to give the three bear children a happy childhood.

Thinking about this, Cheng Chubi's gaze fell on the Daoist Yongning who was worried about his future destiny.

What should this guy do? Selling counterfeit and inferior medicines and murdering Datang's rare animals seems to have not been charged in Datang.

Of course, Cheng Chubi believed that as long as he wanted to throw this guy to the county government, he could always get a crime that suits him.

However, he is a brave man who can even dare to tinker with green alum oil and gunpowder. It seems too wasteful to throw it away to eat in prison.


"Do you have a road number, or a name?"

Cheng Chubi hooked his finger over and asked when Daoist Yongning came to the front.

"The villain begged since he was a child, and fortunately was accepted by my master as a disciple. When I was a child, the master called me Tonger, and later named the villain Ning Xuan."

"Then you are literate?"

"The villain is literate, my master has not only taught me a lot of alchemy skills, but also a lot of Taoist scriptures..."

"It seems that you have a good master." Cheng Chubi smashed his lips, it seems that real Yongning is also a good person.

It's just that the Ning Xuan who was trained by him is really not good.

Cheng Chubi, who had lost five hundred Guans due to Ning Xuan's injury, narrowed his eyes and looked at the uneasy Ning Xuan before saying for a long time.

"You now have two choices. The first choice is that I send you to the Yamen."

Ning Xuan's Niubi, whose legs were softened, sat down on the ground.

"The second option is to do things for our old Cheng family from today."

"Ning Xuan will be your name, are you willing?"

"The villain is willing to choose the second person, but the villain does not know anything except alchemy and scripture reading practices..."

"Nothing, you won't be fine, but fortunately, you have the foundation, so you will understand when Cheng takes the time to teach you."

The corners of Cheng Chubi's mouth raised happily. Chemistry, a basic subject, finally has a preparatory teacher.

Of course, he can't get him on duty yet, but he has to be thrown to the housekeeper, Fu Uncle, to make good repairs.

Let him understand that from the moment he entered the door of Cheng's house, it was Cheng's family for life and Cheng's ghost for death.

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