The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 936: Although I am a big man who will definitely board Lingyan Pavilion in the future

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but curled his lips with contempt.

"I thought it was a straightforward guy, but I didn't expect it to be such a thing."

As father and son soldiers in battle, the three brothers of the Cheng family who beat tiger brothers deeply despised this kind of goods that even their brothers sold for a little profit.

"However, that Tuli Khan is really pitiful. He died of illness at a young age for five years in Zhenguan.

He left a child less than thirteen years old, He Luhu. "

"But I heard that He Luhu walked very close to his uncle."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help rolling his eyes in contempt.

"Is that kid stupid? He actually talks to him who wants to murder his own father."

"Who knows, it must have been fooled by the bluff of the guy who left it."

Alas, this is because his father died too early. Without his father, he would have no backing, and he would easily be fooled by others. "

Hearing the concluding remarks made by the elder brother, Cheng Chubi nodded with approval.

And let Cheng Chubi feel deeply that it's good to have a good father, like our own father Cheng Yaojin, who lived until his seventies.

But, now I have my own excellent medical worker here, tusk...

Cheng Chubi feels that his father, who has a bright personality and happily, can live longer for at least another 20 to 30 years.

Well, you must work hard to make your parents and parents live as the two oldest birthday stars of the Tang Dynasty.

My parents are here, so I feel confident about everything.


Back in the Fuzhong, Cheng Chubi opened his treasure chest for preparing various materials, took out the quill pen and the notebook.

Hmm...Of course it's not writing a diary, after all, Cheng Chubi would definitely not keep it in his diary if he was scammed by someone.

After all, if one thousand years later, someone who is seen as a wise and martial artist will actually suffer from deficiencies. Wouldn't it be self-defeating and short-term?

He naturally recorded the inspiration he got from the original gunpowder formula he saw today.

Gunpowder, this thing represents the progress of human civilization, but also represents an outstanding achievement in the history of human civilization.

Gunpowder is one of the important inventions of human civilization with its lethality and deterrent effect, which can bring mankind to stop wars and defend security.

Of course, with gunpowder, this only represents the beginning of the hot weapon era.

He was just pushing the boat along the river, after all, if the powerful Tang Dynasty could have this stuff.

For the prosperity and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, there will only be good, no harm.

Record the gunpowder formula that he recalled in his mind on the notepad.

Cheng Chubi thought of the sulfuric acid, nitric acid and nitroglycerin he had produced before.

However, before I have time to engage in diatomaceous earth, it is better to keep the explosive like nitroglycerin in the bottle honestly.

After all, this explosive nitroglycerin is really not as safe as gunpowder without it.

Well, Cheng Chubi felt that he couldn't guilty for the time being to develop Datang's science and technology tree to the point where it crooked out of the sky.

After all, modern medical technology has just begun, and Cheng's University has just taken shape.

Don't worry, just take your time. After all, the Great Wall was not built in a day, and there is no need to be exhausted by yourself.

After all kinds of talents in Cheng's University emerge in the future, I will hand these questions to them.

It can not only play the role of enlightenment and guidance, but also save oneself from being overworked for the modern development of society.

After all, Cheng Chubi felt that although he was a big man who would definitely board the Lingyan Pavilion in the future.

But he hopes this day more, the later the time comes, the better.

After all, only when you are alive can you be able to eat whatever you want to eat, and only then can you call your friends to play cards and entertain your body and mind.

Cheng Chubi closed his notepad satisfactorily, thought about it, and by the way the original gunpowder formula from Ning Xuan was also sandwiched in it.


Xue Wanche lay calmly on the couch and looked at the female yellow crown in front of him. For some reason, he always felt that this female Taoist who was supposed to be pure-hearted seemed very greedy.

Especially with that look, Xue Wanche felt that in the eyes of this milf's yellow crown, it was like a plate of hearty food.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi suddenly let out a dry cough next to him.

The female yellow crown seemed to be aware of something, she looked away from somewhere a little shyly, and continued to give Xue Wanche physical therapy.

Xue Wanche also hurriedly turned away from the slender figure of this female yellow crown at the first time, like a frightened rabbit.

"Okay, that's all for today's physiotherapy. But, Sanshu Xue, I don't rush to get up, just continue to lie down and relax."

Cheng Chubi nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that General Xue had gradually no longer repelled the opposite **** so much, and even began to dare to look at the opposite sex.

This is not a hooliganism, but a good phenomenon. It seems that I am sure that I will enter the next step of desensitization treatment from today and there should be no problem.

Old Bustard Liu saw the look in Cheng Chubi's hand. Although he was unwilling, he still retracted his hands reluctantly.

With a respectful salute to Xue Wanche, he left the room with Cheng Chubi.

"Second brother, what does Cheng Saburo want to do?" Xue Wanche asked with a dazed face toward the second brother Xue Wanjun, who was sitting not far away, who almost fell asleep again.

"Oh, Cheng Saburo has found a new healer for you. Don't worry, it's okay. Just lie down and don't move."


As soon as Cheng Chubi stepped out of the house, he saw Li Ke, a **** standing in front of the girl who was about to go on stage, wondering what he was muttering.

The two men frowned, with a posture of a dog and a man, Fang Jun looked dull, standing not far away with an uninteresting appearance.

It seems that the dog food that has fallen all over the floor is almost nauseous.

Seeing that the young man Cheng Chubi felt bad in his heart, he couldn't help coughing vigorously.

Li Ke saw Brother Chu Bi's expression and smiled a little embarrassingly.

He withdrew the girl's hand, as if he had become a very serious gentleman at this moment.

Old Bustard Liu looked at the picturesque and beautiful Lian Niang under his hand. At this moment, how could this girl in the goulan be the top brand.

A little tentatively pulled on the Taoist robe that almost completely covered her delicate and hot body, and bowed to the young man and mother Liu who came by.

Cheng Chubi nodded towards the pity mother and asked.

"Next, it's time for you to play the girl, don't you know what I told you, have you remembered?"

Cheng Chubi saw this Lian Niang smile, and her watery eyes turned towards Li Kedang on the side.

"Don't worry, son, Lian Niang has already remembered it, and she will definitely not disappoint the trust of son and son Cheng."

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