The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 941: What good things do you have for the old man in the cold weather?

"What's more, it is because it is rough and rough, so the process is simple. An iron guy with a few jins only has four hundred letters."

"If you want to carve dragons and paint phoenixes on this thing, you think this is something the poor people can afford..."

Cheng Chubi looked righteous and righteous, for the incorrect consumption concept of Li Ke, a spoiled emperor.

Everything else pursues the light of horse **** and the aesthetic point of view of chaff inside for serious education and criticism.

Li Ke wiped off the saliva and stars with a black line on his face, and raised his hand in time to stop Brother Chu Bi's unethical behavior of drooling.

"Cheng Chengcheng, Brother Chubi, do you make sense to head office?"


In the north of Ganlu Temple, in a small courtyard beside Yanjia Temple on the Jinshui River, at this moment, Li Shimin stroked his long beard and looked at the huge newly-made sand table in front of him.

On the side, stood Ashnadur, who had just become his brother-in-law this year, and Li Ji and Li Jing, the Shangshu of the Department of War of the Tang Dynasty.

Ashnadur admired the huge sand table with a length of about two feet and a width of about one feet and five feet in front of him in a daze.

The above not only accurately marked the northwest border of Datang Longyou Road.

Moreover, the Western Region countries and many water source roads marked on the map presented when he returned to the Tang Dynasty are also accurately marked on the sand table.

This made Ashnadur feel as if he had become a god, standing in the high sky, looking down on this land.

"How about it, Du Erqing?" Li Shimin couldn't help feeling bright when he saw Ashina Duer's dumbfounded look.

Ashnadur shook his head repeatedly in disbelief, and then respectfully bowed to Li Shimin, convincingly.

"Your Majesty, this is too amazing, the minister did not expect that this sand table can really contain the world here."

"This is more intuitive than the map presented to your majesty by Chen Jin. From this point of view, compared with Datang, Gao Changguo is simply a small place."

Li Shimin smiled, his face gradually becoming gloomy.

"Gaochang is the land of small shots. That Gaochang Wang Wentai and his wife Yuwen Yubo entered the court to pay tribute to show their surrender.

I gave my wife the surname Li, pre-term relative, Feng Changle Princess. I don’t want to comfort Gao Chang. Now the Western Turks are invading the east..."

"He actually intended to serve the Western Turks, and he also invaded my Datang Border Town many times."

This made Li Shimin quite uneasy, after all, he had just defeated that Tuyuhun before, and Tuyuhun has now surrendered.

I thought that the act of killing a chicken and showing it to the monkey would make the northwestern border of Datang peaceful for a period of time.

But I didn't expect that Gaochang Wang Wentai, who had previously surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, saw the Western Turks and Xue Yantuo fighting.

It is clear that the Western Turks were defeated by Xue Yantuo, but I don't know if Gaochang Wang Qu Wentai has a hole in his mind.

After receiving the goodwill from the Khan of the Western Turks, it made King Gaochang directly float away.

After all, that for a while, it was the Western Turks that had most of the Western Regions.

To be willing to form an alliance with yourself, doesn't it mean that someone in Koji can already be on the same level as the Western Turks?

Therefore, he wanted to take down Asnadur, who had taken refuge in him before, and his subordinates.

As a generous gift, it was given to the Western Turks in exchange for more support from the Western Turks.

Ashnadur, the brother-in-law of the old Li family who is standing next to Li Shimin now.

He was originally developed by the East Turks, and set up a tent in Mobei to command the tribes such as Tiele and Xue Yantuo.

He was defeated by Xue Yantuo and retreated to the west. After that, he led his troops to seize nearly half of the territory of the Western Turks and claimed to be Dubu Khan.

Unexpectedly, once again defeated Xue Yantuo, and the Western Turks wanted to kill him. In a dilemma, they had to rate the remnants to flee to Gaochang.

I originally thought that I would be able to enjoy a peaceful time in Gaochang State, but I didn't expect that after less than a year, things would happen.

Gaochang Wang Qu Wentai decided to put on a banquet and invited him to the city for a banquet.

He dispatched the elite, ready to eat his men.

Fortunately, Ashnadur was not without precautions, and soon learned from the spies that there were a large number of soldiers and horses mobilized inside and outside the city.

When he did not hesitate to drew a sword and killed Gao Chang's envoy who lured him into the city,

He led his guards to rush back to the camp, rescued the remnants who had escaped from the encirclement of Gaochang soldiers, and went straight to Dongtou Tang.

And the arrival of Ashnadur not only presented a map, of course, it also brought a lot of information about Gaochang and the Western Regions, as well as the grassland Mobei.

Now, Gaochang Wang Yu Wentai has begun to harass Datang Border Town, which also proves the correctness of the intelligence brought back by Ashnadur from the side.

Gaochang Wang Qu Wentai, a **** thing, has betrayed Datang and became a running dog of the Western Turks.


Cheng Chubi, Li Ke, and Fang Jun jumped off their horses and let their guards take off the iron stove and pottery tube from the carriage behind them.

Of course, two large baskets of peat blocks were unloaded from the car.

Seeing these three scourges unloaded at the gate of the palace, the generals of the Forbidden Army guarding the gate of the palace couldn't help but look bewildered.

"Finally, I will see His Royal Highness King Wu, the process is too often, and the second son Fang, I wonder what three of you want to do?

The long-sleeved and well-dancing Li Ke stepped forward and smiled happily.

"It turns out that it was General Zhao This is a new Wubo invented by Cheng Taichang, called the iron furnace, which is specially used to burn peat."

"We are going to take it in and offer it to your majesty. Please trouble Zhao Lang to call a few people for you to help me get it."

It was dedicated to your majesty again. This Zhao Lang general would naturally not be able to say anything else, so he could only harden his scalp and call a few soldiers, and also found wooden sticks and ropes.

Tie up those things and follow these three young nobles towards the palace.

Arriving at the Ganlu Temple, when I inquired, my Majesty had already jumped to the Yanjia Temple where the sand table was located.

Just when Li Shimin was pointing to the huge sand table with Li Ji and Asnadur.

Zhao Kun heard the murmur of the guards coming from outside the courtyard, and couldn't help being a little dazed. He glanced at his Majesty and the two important ministers in the room.

After thinking about it, he hardened his scalp and stepped into the room.

Li Shimin saw Zhao Kun's hesitant and hesitant appearance, and couldn't help but cast a puzzled expression.

"Your Majesty, Cheng Taichang, His Royal Highness King Wu, and the Second Young Master Fang, they came to this side, and they carried a lot of objects, saying that they were dedicated to your Majesty."

"The three guys?" When Li Shimin heard that those three evils had something to offer to himself, he couldn't help but look a little weird.

"Fine, let them in."

After a while, Cheng Chubi, Li Ke and Fang Jun stepped into the house and paid respectfully to Li Shimin and the two important Tang officials.

Li Shimin stroked his long beard and looked at these three people with a smile, his eyes finally falling on Cheng Chubi.

"No gift, this cold weather, I wonder if you have any good things to offer to the old man?"

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