The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 955: If you don’t hurry to find a wife, will you wait a few more years to find a wife...

Seeing this scene, the three of them couldn't help taking a breath.

A picture flashed in Cheng Chubi's mind. The general Xue Meng, who had just cured his femininity, might have encountered a tofu Xishi.

I just don’t know if it’s the kind or not.

Xue Wanjun also felt that his own brother's mood was not right, and immediately stroke Chubi and Li Ke waved their hands to indicate that the two juniors stay where they are.

He walked quickly towards his brother.

"The third brother, the third brother?"

Hearing the hello from a distance, Xue Wanche finally recovered and saw the second brother Xue Wanjun walking towards him.

Xue Wanche showed a hearty smile and raised the tofu in his hand.

"Second brother, see what this is..."

Xue Wanjun saw the tofu wrapped in oil paper tied with twine in his third brother's hands, and couldn't help but laugh or cry.

"I said third brother, where did you get the tofu?"

Xue Wanche glanced behind his second brother and saw that Li Ke and Cheng Saburo were far away, and then he mustered up the courage to move towards the second brother in excitement.

"This is my little brother, I bought tofu myself, and a tofu bought with a little lady."

Xue Wanjun heard this and couldn't help but stayed for a while before reacting.

"You mean, the tofu you went to buy?"

Seeing his second brother's round eyes, Xue Wanche couldn't help but exclaim with joy.

"Yes, it's the tofu that I bought myself, my little brother."

"Second brother, actually... it's actually not difficult to talk to those little ladies."

Seeing that third brother was so excited that he couldn't help himself, he had to put on a complicated expression that was just a trivial little thing.

After Xue Wanjun stepped forward, he took the big tofu, and slapped his third brother's sturdy body with a big palm.

The third brother is finally no longer the original Xue Wanche, who shunned a woman after seeing a woman and feared like a tiger.

I actually know to eat tofu...Bah, I actually know to buy the tofu sold by the little lady.

This is simply a great improvement, and Xue Wanjun's eyes are a little red at this moment.

Finally, this kid doesn't need to be a single dog for a lifetime, and he can report the good news to his father who died young.

In addition, I have to quickly find a wife for this kid, who is in his early thirties.

If you don’t hurry to find a wife, will it be impossible to wait a few years to find a wife?


Standing in the distance between Cheng Chubi and Li Ke, only the Xue brothers and brothers seemed to be very excited.

At this time, Fang Jun, who just walked out of the courtyard gate, saw this scene and couldn't help but laugh.

"What are their brothers excited about? Isn't it just a few pieces of tofu, can you commit it?"

Li Ke heard such simple and innocent interrogatives, and looked at Fang Erlang, who hadn't gotten acquainted, with a pity on his face.

"Brother, you can't say that. Their brother is so happy, definitely not because of those pieces of tofu, maybe it's because of the tofu seller..."

"What's the matter with the tofu seller?" Fang Jun looked at Brother Weide with a dazed expression, always feeling that Xiongtai's words were very profound.

Cheng Chubi patted Fang Jun on the shoulder and encouraged.

"Brother virtuous don't ask, wait another two years, let you help you for Brother De, you will understand."

Fang Jun rolled his eyes with a black line on his face and then retracted back into the yard. He always felt that these two elder brothers were not serious, and they must have said nothing good.


The winter in the north was so cold, Niu Wei Tuo still braved the biting cold wind, led two hundred elites to leave the camp again, and rushed to camp outside Huayin City.

After camping, it was natural to start burying the pot for cooking. With little effort, a pot of broth made with pickles, jerky, and some spices has already taken shape.

Then, a hundred elite soldiers poured the millet they carried into the pot one after another, expressing their empty belly, waiting for the millet to be cooked.

The other half of the elite Zuo Wei had already filled their respective wooden bowls with a bowl of steaming fragrant broth, and sat aside, holding a piece of compressed dry food weighing about half a catty.

Just one bite of hot soup and one bite of compressed dry food.

The compressed dry food is both fragrant and crisp, hardly hard, but it can still be chewed, and accompanied by a bite of hot soup, it is extraordinarily refreshing.

"This thing is really **** fragrant, fragrant and sweet, and it's much better than the millet we usually eat."

"Well, I heard that Cheng Saburo bought this thing. This Cheng Saburo, there is nothing he got out of it that is not a good thing."

"What I said, at first I was worried about just such a gadget, I was afraid it would not fill my stomach at all.

After eating for a few days, I realized that I was so hungry, and I was full of energy after eating. "

Here, while eating compressed dry food and drinking broth, it's very hilarious.

The people on the other side had to wait for the millet to boil, which made them very unhappy.

But there is no alternative, after all, even Niu Zhong Lang, like the big guy, is here waiting to eat the porridge cooked by millet.

After waiting for a long time, the millet porridge was finally cooked, Niu Wei Tuo also brought a big bowl, and sat on a pony tuck with the soldiers and started eating.

Naturally, this group of soldiers didn't want to say anything, they all ate their food honestly.

Du Lvshuai finished his food and wiped his Then he came to Niu Wei Tuo and gave a salute to the Niu Zhong Lang Jiang who had just eaten up.

"General, can you share that thing with the brothers? Everyone is greedy now."

Niu Weiyuan turned his head to look at Du Lushuai, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Why, forget your own responsibility again?"

"The purpose of this march is to test how the compressed dry food is, and we, a hundred soldiers, are to compare with them.

If they eat, you eat too, then who will compare with them? "

Hearing Niu Weiyuan's words, this group of greedy soldiers could only swallow and droop their heads.

Seeing the dejected look of these Zuo Wei elites, Niu Weiyuan's tone changed.

"But brothers, please rest assured, when this march is over, you will return to Chang'an. The general will not treat you badly either."

"Everyone can get at least five kilograms of compressed dry food to reward you brothers for their hard work these days."

"General Niu is this really true?" a soldier next to him couldn't help but his eyes brightened and asked loudly.

Niu Wei Tuo glared unwillingly. Before he could speak, the commander Du Lv at the side kicked the boy and said with anger.

"When did Niu Zhonglang fool you to wait?"

"Thank you Zhong Lang Jiang. After returning to Chang'an, Du must try that stuff to see how delicious it is."

With the promise of this rigorous military commander and a prestigious general in Zuowei.

The Zuo Wei elites who drank the millet porridge were finally smiling and thanking them again and again.

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