The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 957: Is the governor possessed by a scholar-official who is concerned about the country and

Li Dezheng's dress at this moment is also similar to that of an ordinary farmer, barefoot, with a grass stick in his mouth.

The whole person has been tanned by the still hot sunshine in Jiaozhou in winter at least two shades.

The black hair on his head is also casually rolled up in a bun, and the whole person is like an ordinary Jiaozhou peasant.

It's just that his sturdy figure, and the horizontal sword on the waist that almost never leaves the body, shows his uniqueness.

Hearing this Dudu Gu’s questioning, Li Dezhang threw out the grass stick in his mouth.

"Uncle, don't worry, this old man Wang is the best farmer in the northern city of Linyi Country. He will definitely be fine."

"That's good. If the harvest can really be completed by the end of next spring, the old man will definitely report the victory to the court in person."

"Uncle, don't be too anxious. If you really want to report victory, it is best to bring the harvested rice and present it to Chang'an.

In this way, with the real thing, who else would dare to believe it. "

"At that time, my nephew will also go back to Chang'an. This time he came out and made such a credit. Presumably, my father should not find me trouble."

Seeing Li Dezheng's last sentence, he subconsciously touched his butt.

Gu Da laughed out loud and patted Li Dejiu's shoulder with a loud laugh.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, the old man will personally write a letter to your father, telling your father what a good nephew has done.

I want to come to your father to be happy, but it's too late, how can I find your troubles? "

Li Dezheng was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to Gu Da. "Thank you, uncle, so my nephew can breathe a sigh of relief."

After the two chatted for a while, Gu Da simply descended the high **** and came to the paddy field, benefiting from the climate here, even in the deep winter.

The climate is only cool at best, and it doesn't feel cold at all.

Looking at the extraordinarily strong seedlings in the paddy field, Gu Da sighed.

If it can be said that it can be cooked three times a year, with the huge plain of Jiaozhou Dudufu, its grain output is probably not inferior to Jiangnan.

You know, Jiangnan is now the largest grain producing area in Datang, and the rice in Jiangnan is only one season a year.

If his Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion can successfully try to plant three crops of three crops this year, his Majesty will definitely be Longyan Joy.

But originally, this piece of Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion, which was only a strategic military location, was important to Datang, and I was afraid that it would at least directly rise several steps.


Thinking of this, Gu Da's mind suddenly became hot, and he wanted to turn around and return to Jiaozhou City several times.

Write memorials directly to your majesty or write to Li Jing, a benefactor, to tell them the news.

However, Gu Da was also afraid, afraid that when he would wake up tomorrow, someone would tell himself that these were just your dreams.

Gu Da, who seemed to be suffering from gains and losses in his heart, couldn't help but sighed, gritted his teeth and stood up.

After squatting for a long time, Venus appeared in his eyes. Gu Da looked at this vast farmland and the endless, uncultivated plain.

I can't help but think of the previous Lu Zhizhou mentioned to me many times, hoping that I can play the court in this Jiaozhou land.

In the past, I just ignored it, but felt that there was no way to get enough political capital.

I just thought about when I could fight a battle, build some military merits, be recruited back to Chang'an, or go to other places.

But now, looking at these fields, Gu Da's heart began to stir.

Not to mention the three seasons of rice, even if the vast plains of this Jiaozhou area were opened up and used for farming, it would be a feat.

And in case, by the end of February and the beginning of March next year, the three crops of rice will really have a bumper harvest.

At that time, large-scale planting will also require large tracts of arable land.

Instead of doing it at the time, it's better to do it now in advance.

Thinking about this, Gu Da turned his head and asked with a smile at Li Dejiu.

"Nephew, you can help me ask the old man Wang again, the paddy fields and climate in Jiaozhou area, there will be no problems in planting these three crops of rice, right?"

Li Dezheng nodded and strode away. With little effort, the old man Wang, the old farmer of Lin Yiguo, walked quickly with the father of the little concubine who was not the treasurer.

Gu Da let go of his status as the governor of Jiaozhou and started a cordial exchange with this old man Wang.

I heard the confident answer of the old man Wang, as well as the old farmer's judgment on farming.

In the end, the heroic governor, who was located in the north of the birth and grew up in the north, made up his mind.


"Gu Dudu is here?"

Lu Zhizhou, who was dealing with official duties in the public house, was surprised to hear that the governor of the Jiaozhou Metropolitan Government had actually come to his own Yamen.

This is because the Governor of Gu Da, but he has always been unwilling to deal with his own official from Lingnan.

And he has repeatedly asked the governor Gu Da, who also serves as the governor of Jiaozhou, to farm land.

I was so annoyed by Governor Gu that he didn't even bother to take care of himself afterwards.

But today, he actually appeared here, which really made Lu Zhizhou a little confused.

However, he put aside the official document and hurried to the gate of the office to personally greet the governor Gu, who was in charge of the military and political power of the state.

Lu Zhizhou saw the entrance of the Seeing the expression of the governor Gu looked particularly relaxed, he couldn't help being a little curious.

"The lower officials have seen the chief governor. I don't know what the chief governor is visiting today?"

"Oh, you don't need to be polite, Lu Zhizhou, please hurry up. The governor is here today. As a result, you and I are colleagues. You should have been walking around more."

"Well, Lu Zhizhou, you have also mentioned to Gu several times about farming fields in Jiaozhou Dudu's Mansion."

Hearing this, Lu Zhizhou's expression was full of flattering, and he couldn't help but feel a little ugly.

Reluctantly, he smiled bitterly at Dudu Gu. "Could it be that the governor wanted to tell his subordinates that this is not the time yet?"

"Ha, you guessed wrong."

Gu Da couldn't help laughing heartily.

"The governor came here to tell Lu Zhizhou that not only did the governor agree to your request, but...from now on, he will implement the farming."

Lu Zhizhou stared blankly at the rough old man who was smiling wildly, as if struck by lightning. What do you mean?

After you have been in Jiaozhou for more than a year, Lao Tzu has to look for you at least seven or eight times in order to hope that you can lend a helping hand.

It is hoped that these elite Datang warriors can engage in farming here, so that with fields, they can attract more people.

But your special mother became impatient when she heard this, and looked around and talked about him over and over again.

In these two or three months, you will simply avoid seeing Honshu.

As a result, now, you actually jumped out and said that you were going to farm land. Did you fall asleep and didn't wake up, or were you possessed by a scholar-bureaucrat who worried about the country and the people?

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