The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 959: Our family Chengqian and Cheng Sanlang had a major event

Li Chengqian received it with a dazed expression, and saw this thin booklet read "Datang Pharmacopoeia Catalogue".

Cheng Chubi poked his finger at the thin booklet, with a smug expression on his face.

"His Royal Highness, please open it and check it, and you will understand why Weichen wrote those numbers in the "Kan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia"."

After Li Chengqian opened it, on the first page, he saw how to use this Datang Pharmacopoeia catalog to query the Pharmacopoeia.

There are three modes, one is based on the number of strokes, this is very simple, there is no need to go to the directory.

Just copy the "Kan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" and follow the small note above to find out how many medicinal materials the stroke of the first character is.

The second way is to query according to the form of the drug, such as rhizomes, grass seeds and kernels, whole plants, flowers, leaves, bark, and even minerals.

"There is also a classification based on the efficacy of this medicine, such as wind-relieving medicine, tonic medicine, heat-clearing medicine, antidote..."

"If you still can't find it, you can also try the last method, which is to search according to the medicine attributed to the stomach meridian, spleen meridian, etc."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Yu Zhining on the side couldn't help but start his tongue.

"There are so many ways to inquire about the medicinal materials that doctors want to know. Does it need to be so complicated?"

Hearing what Yu Zhining said, Cheng Chubi turned his head and spoke uprightly towards Yu Zhining.

"Shi Yu Zhan, what you said is wrong. The reason why this catalogue is made in such detail is to make it convenient for doctors all over the world in the future."

"You think that there are more than 570 kinds of medicinal materials in the "Kan Nei Tao Pharmacopoeia" alone. If all the medicinal materials of the world are included, how many do you think they can have?"

The important thing is that doctors want to take medicine, and they definitely hope to find the medicine or prescription that is suitable for the patient in the shortest time.

Well, no matter how detailed the catalog is written, it can be done in less than a hundred pages at most.

However, the "Pharmacopoeia" is not a small number if the Ten Dao Dao of the Tang Dynasty is compiled every day.

And doctors can find the medicinal materials or prescriptions they need in the shortest time through the catalog.

This can be regarded as an excellent reference book. Otherwise, why did you compile this "Pharmacopoeia" yourself?

Is it just to pretend to be coercive, or to put it in the deep palace of the Tang Dynasty to eat ashes?

Yu Zhining looked a little embarrassed after listening to Cheng Chubi's saliva and the stars flying around for a long time.

The main reason is that Cheng Chubi is not forgiving, and he doesn't know why the saliva Xingfei always splashes into the opponent's face when he speaks.

"After going to General Cheng, Yu just asked curiously, can you be so excited?"

Cheng Chubi glared at Yu Zhanshi unhappily, still not quite authentic.

"Do you know that you are insulting my profession by raising such a question."

Brother is also a high-achieving student at the Medical University anyway. He knows what kind of reference books are the best reference books.

Li Chengqian tried his best to hold back his smile and hurriedly interrupted to prevent the conflict between civil and military from continuing to escalate.

After all, this Wen Yiwu is his own help and confidant.

As a high-ranking person, Wanwan can't be scornful with a grin at this time.

That would weaken the courtiers' awe of themselves.

These words are all precepts and deeds of the emperor, as a good son

Naturally, Li Chengqian must firmly remember his father's words and be a good prince.

"In such a short period of time, such a detailed "Kan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" has been produced.

And also came up with such a detailed and well-considered catalog. "

"It's really hard work, brother Bi, and teachers and students at Cheng's University. This credit will definitely not be forgotten.

If it is the father's husband, he can leave the work of compiling the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" to the gu.

At that time, I'm afraid that you still need Brother Chubi, and Yu Qing, you two should work harder. "

Cheng Chubi and Yu Zhining unanimously got up and made a respectful salute to the sincere and sincere Prince of Tang Dynasty, and promised in unison.


The grandson empress heard her husband's voice and carefully handed her grandson Li Xiang into the hands of the nurse.

When I came to the outside of the Lizheng Hall, I saw her husband Li Shimin walking toward this side with an expression of joy that couldn't be concealed.

Empress Changsun asked curiously after giving a salute to Li Shimin.

"Couldn't your husband meet such a happy event?"

"It's really a joyous event, it can be said to be a joyous event that has contributed to the present and will benefit the future."

"Unexpectedly, our family Chengqian actually touched it quietly, and had a big deal with Cheng Saburo."

Empress Changsun heard the title Cheng Saburo, her eyelids jumped wildly, and she carefully examined her husband's expression.

It is a wonder to be sure that it is from the heart.

"Husband, are you kidding me?"

Seeing his wife's worried gaze, Li Shimin couldn't help but feel happy.

He took his wife's hand and sat down in front of the warm Zhenguan furnace.

"Just now I thought I was a husband and I was like you, until Cheng Qian took out the "Swan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" that had been compiled."

"I just know they have already achieved results, and then they brought it to the old man to show off."

"What is "Shan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia"?" Empress Changsun looked at her husband's energetic face with a dazed expression.

"That's a long story. You don't know the Guanyin maid, the book used by my doctors in Datang to record medication.

There are not only "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" written in the Han Dynasty, "Wu Pu Materia Medica", "Li Dang's Materia Medica", etc..."

In short, the medical reference books used by Datang doctors are all different.

As a result, the medical books and prescriptions that every doctor learns are completely different.

"...This has caused a lot of problems. It is for this reason that Cheng Saburo's boy found Cheng Qian Jinyan.

I hope to come up with a set of "Pharmacopoeia" suitable for the application of my Datang physicians. "

Speaking of this, Li Shimin showed a playful smile on his face.

"However, they are worried that if they directly mentioned to me, this merit is a good thing that will benefit the future, and they are afraid that it will not fall into their young people."

Empress Changsun also suddenly realized that she couldn't help covering her lips with a chuckle.

"It's almost impossible, is it Cheng Saburo's idea again?"

After Li Shimin nodded, his expression was somewhat complicated and he sighed slightly.

"It's that kid, oh...but then again, the old man thinks this kid is thoughtful."

"If you don't do this, I'm afraid that they just thought about it and they played it to the court. I don't know how many ministers and workers will smash their heads over this matter."


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