The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 961: In this case, the prince is responsible for presiding over the compilation of "Da

Originally, I was curious about the fact that His Royal Highness Prince Yu Zhining and Cheng Chubi, who haunted the Donggong trio, appeared in this court.

When I heard Yu Zhining's talk about it, I heard about this medical work.

After only listening to the beginning, everyone's eyes are bright.

Even the eldest son Wuji was shocked, but at this time, he naturally couldn't show his face rashly and glance away.

Chu Sui conscientiously rushed out, almost at the same moment.

Xu Jingzong, an eighteenth scholar in the former Qin Palace, and Kong Yingda, the supervisor of the State Supervisor, all jumped out.

"Your Majesty, the minister has something..."

"Your Majesty, the ministers will come first, and please ask your majesty to speak first."

"You won't retreat, this official is the first to stand up..."

Yu Zhining watched with a black line on his face as these ministers and workers squeezed in front of him one by one.

Blocked between myself and your majesty, with red eyebrows and green eyes, spit stars flew horizontally and began to argue with each other.

Seeing that a group of officials began to quarrel with each other, they were not paying attention to serious matters.

At this moment, Changsun Wuji finally calmly couldn't, strode out, his face sternly shouted.

"Everyone, colleagues, do you think that the court is a place of the market? Don't step back quickly!"

Several ministers and workers who were arguing saw this majesty's eldest brother-in-law, and now the first hero of Lingyan Pavilion scolded his face and yelled.

Chu Suiliang leaned back for the first time, and the rest of the ministers, even if they were dissatisfied, did not dare to fight the elder-grandson official.

However, he was unwilling to give up such an excellent opportunity, and stood in the same place for a while, in a dilemma.

Changsun Wuji turned around and bowed respectfully to Li Shimin, who was sitting behind the imperial case and muttered.

"Your Majesty, what Yu Zhanshi said, the minister thought it was very reasonable. Now I am in the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty, but the people's worries about the lack of medicine and medicine are still unresolved."

"Your Majesty, please grant permission, Yunchen will preside over the compilation of the new "Materia Medica"..."

As soon as this remark came out, the few ministers and workers who had been fierce in their hearts and wanted to take over this position all showed helplessness.

As soon as this Zhao Guogong took the initiative, he and others were afraid that he and others would not be able to obtain the important task of presiding over the compilation of the new "Materia Medica".

However, the eldest grandson official is a heavy court official, even if he is the main one, but he can't be the one who does the work.

Then I and others still have the opportunity to grab a political capital and reputation.

Li Shimin looked at the grandson Wuji, who was standing in the temple talking, and made an impassioned and impassioned attitude.

Can't help but glance at the eldest son Chengqian sitting under his head subconsciously.

It seems that it is true that if they don't make achievements first, they will just put this idea directly.

Even the emperor of Tang Dynasty, himself, would be in a dilemma.

After Changsun Wuji expressed his wishes, Li Shimin showed a gratified smile to the eldest brother-in-law.

"I love Qing Gong loyal to the country, I am very relieved... Yu Qing, do you have anything to say?"

Long Sun Wuji, who had been standing in front of Yu Zhining, pulled away reluctantly and moved aside.

However, the eldest grandson official's line of sight was staring at Yu Zhining, and the meaning was naturally very clear.

The pressure from the eldest grandson's gaze made Yu Zhining also beating in his heart.

However, I saw His Majesty's encouraging gaze, the ardent eyes of His Royal Highness, and Cheng Saburo, who was squatting in the ranks of civil servants, blinking at himself frequently.

Yu Zhining nodded solemnly, cleared his throat, and continued to make a step-by-step statement.

For this reason, Shaoqing of Taichang Temple of the Tang Dynasty and Deputy Chief Cheng Chubi of the Donggong Zuo Nei Li, a well-known medical worker of the Tang Dynasty.

After discovering this problem, after repeated discussions with many medical officers of the Imperial Medical Office, with the support and help of His Royal Highness.

A lot of work has been carried out, and finally, a few days ago, the "Kan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" was compiled and completed.

Everyone's gazes fell on Cheng Chubi's body in unison, and many of their gazes fell on the wooden box in his hand that had not been put down.

Li Shimin's gaze also fell on Cheng Chubi, and he smiled and asked with a smile on his finger.

"Cheng Saburo, do you have "Shan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" in your hand?"

Cheng Chubi strode out, and when he arrived in the hall, he ignored the knife-like eyes.

With an expression of self-confidence, he respectfully saluted his majesty Emperor Datang, and offered the wooden box with both hands.

"Your Majesty, what the Weichen holds is the "Kannai Dao Pharmacopoeia" that has been compiled and completed. Today, your Majesty is specially invited to look at it..."

"Guan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia?" Fang Xuan Ling was taken aback when she heard such a strange title.

"Could it be that the "Guan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" compiled by Cheng Shaoqing was also distinguished by my Da Tang Dao to the court?"

"Exactly, my Datang is rich in all over the world, with thousands of miles of territory. It is almost impossible to compile and complete in a short time."

"So, I thought of such a way to compile the pharmacopoeia according to the geographical division of my Datang.

In this way, even if there is a drug duplication between the various tracts, the remarks can be included without wasting too much manpower and material resources. "

Li Shimin copied this new medical book which he had carefully appreciated and evaluated yesterday and once again affirmed.

"It seems that Cheng Saburo, you are here prepared, um, not bad, not only the medicinal materials and prescriptions contained in the "Kan Nei Dao Pharmacopoeia" are detailed and illustrated."

"Even this "Datang Pharmacopoeia Catalog", in my opinion, is very well-intentioned..."


Listening to your majesty's mouthful of compliments and praise to the prince, it was originally after Changsun Wuji jumped out.

Already thinking about how to lick Zhao Guogong well, and strive to be able to get involved in the compilation of the new "Materia Medica" of Tang Dynasty, all the officials and workers are ashamed.

It was Changsun Wuji, who also pulled his face at the moment, unable to squeeze a smile for a long time.

Looking across Cheng Saburo and Yu Zhining, as well as the Prince Li Chengqian who had stood up and expressed humbly to the emperor that he was just hoping to share the worries for his father and the court.

With a loving smile on his face, Li Shimin gently patted the prince on the shoulder with his big hand, and his eyes swept across all the civil servants in the hall.

"For this "Datang Pharmacopoeia", Donggong has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and has already compiled a pharmacopoeia."

"In this case, the prince will be responsible for presiding over the compilation of the "Datang Pharmacopoeia", and hope that the prince can live up to my trust.

The "Datang Pharmacopoeia" will be compiled into a book as soon as possible, published in the world, for the benefit of the people of the world. "

Li Chengqian also hurriedly respectfully saluted Li Shimin respectfully. "The child minister will follow the orders of the emperor."

Li Shimin nodded his head in satisfaction, his gaze turned, and fell on the kid Cheng Chubi.

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