The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 969: Brother Chubi, you, you, are you a **** who can make demon tricks?

Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, stood respectfully outside the collapsed Juningguan Gate, watching the three sons leaping on their horses.

Hurry up and give a respectful salute to these three princes. "The villain respectfully gave the three sons."

Together with Cheng Jie, and the family soldiers of Cheng's Mansion stayed here, respectfully watching the three princes and their relatives leave.

Looking at these three, they have been naughty and mischievous since they were young, and now they have become high-spirited young people.

This makes the butler Fu Uncle really pleased, especially the third son.

When cleaning up the unlucky ghosts who dare to suffer from him, he can also consider that this kind of person with a skill can be used as his own.

To be able to have such a concentration, instead of directly crippling the entire Yongning Temple up and down.

Hmm... It seems to be much calmer than when the old man was young.

Thinking about this, Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, turned his head and looked at the uneasy Ning Xuan who was in his early thirties but was already pale.

"Little brother Ning, you are really lucky. The temper of our third son is far more merciful than our master."

Ning Xuan's head tapped quickly, and he smiled flatteringly.

"Yes, yes, the villain also thinks that the third son is simply a living god, the villain lied to him, and he is so magnanimous, it really makes the villain ashamed..."

At this moment, he, where there is still half of the bones of the fairy wind, he looks like a dog licking.

Cheng Jie slapped his hand on the side, and Ning Xuan felt that his shoulder was almost dislocated.

And Cheng Jie's hideous old face full of fleshy flesh moved closer, gloomily and authentic.

"Since my third son is showing mercy, but it's just the third son, you, don't have any crooked minds, otherwise..."

"Give the villain a thousand courage, and the villain dare not." Ning Xuan trembled, his head shook like a broken drum.

Aside from other things, if he knew that Cheng Taichang was the one who made him refine the pill, would he dare to do it?

The old Cheng family crushed himself with a finger, fearing that it would be no more difficult than crushing a mosquito.

Now, listening to Cheng San Gongzi's meaning seems to be because he is still somewhat useful.

That Cheng Taichang didn't kill himself, and let himself go to Cheng's house to work.

Although he was frightened, but at any rate, he should not lose his life. This is the key.


When Cheng Chubi and his two elder brothers were able to see the towering walls of Chang'an City.

I saw a group of cavalry soldiers coming head-on, babbling words that Cheng Chubi didn't understand at all.

"Oh, who am I? It turns out to be those Turkic barbarians..."

At this time, Cheng Chubi heard the voice of his second brother Cheng Chuliang.

As these cavalry galloped closer, Cheng Chubi finally saw clearly that their outfits were indeed different from those of the Tang Dynasty.

They were wearing those leather robes, and some people were wearing animal-skin hats on their heads, with braids sticking out around the brim.

Let Cheng Chubi think of the ethnic costumes of the later generations of Xinjiang girls, but unfortunately, these Quante Niangs in front of them are fat-bodied Turkic barbarians.

And some Turkic knights didn't even wear a hat, showing the haircut with a shaved bald head and hair around.

The Turkic people with about twenty people on this ticket were all carrying bows and arrows, shouting loudly, and continuing on.

He was almost ignoring the three brothers from the Cheng family who were heading towards Chang'an City.

Fortunately, those Turkic barbarians who are getting closer and closer are not all blind after all, but they finally saw the group of three brothers from the Cheng family.

A group of Turkic people who had come hurriedly stopped the horse, and soon, from the Turkic crowd, a sturdy man in his early thirties galloped out.

After rushing to the front with a warm smile on his face, he quickly turned over and jumped off his horse, and respectfully saluted the three of Brother Cheng Chubi.

"Oh, it turned out to be the princes of Lu Guo Gong's mansion here, and the rate of resignation is polite."

"It turned out to be the middle-aged general..." Cheng Chu hesitated.

Skin Xiaorou tugged at the corner of his mouth without a smile, and paid a salute on horseback.

"I don't know where Zhong Lang will go?"

Ye She rate still had a bright smile on her face, nodding and bowing inwardly.

"Lord on the way back, you are not really boring to stay in the city with the brothers, you are planning to go hunting for some game and pastime outside the city..."

Then, the rate of surrender turned his head, and croaked at the group of Turkic people who were still on horseback.

When Cheng Chubi saw the twenty or so fat Turkic people who had steadily retreated to the side of the road, he bowed his head respectfully.

"Then Cheng would wish Zhong Lang will return with a full load and go..." Cheng Chumo smiled and nodded slightly at Yushe rate, then turned his head and shook his head towards the two younger brothers.

Soon, the three brothers and their relatives galloped away, leaving these Turkic people behind.

Ashina Yushezhe had a pleasing smile on his face, and after watching the Cheng family brothers leave, the smile on his face gradually solidified in the wind and snow.

A Turkic on the side jumped off the horse Yiwei, and bowed to Ashina.

"Khan, there is no need to be angry about this little thing, the eagle's ambition should be in the sky, why bother with these boys?"

"Huh, that's fine, don't care about them, go, let's continue hunting, don't let these arrogant little boys disturb our mood."

Ashina's surrender rate then jumped onto the horse's back, leaping forward with a whip and rushing towards the distance.

It's just that the horse whip in his hand frequently falls, and the horse underneath him screams repeatedly...


"Eldest brother, second brother, do you recognize that guy?" Cheng Chubi looked back and asked curiously.

"Well, that guy is not a good bird, he is Sibi Khan, the younger brother of Tuli Khan."

"At the time of, accompanied by his elder brother Tuli Khan, he joined my Datang and was appointed by his majesty as a general.

As a result, this kid saw that his brother Tuli Khan was named King of Peking County by His Majesty, and he himself was just a small general.

So I was very upset in my heart, so I simply found a way out, falsely accusing his brother of rebellion for sudden profit..."

As a result, it was naturally the wise Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, who found out the truth.

It was this monster moth farce written and directed by Ashina. Fortunately, at that time, the Turkic people had just returned, and people were uncertain.

Li Shimin also wanted to appease these Turkic people who belonged to him, and the Turks were also unwilling to pursue his brother's fault.

In the end, Li Shimin didn't punish this guy. Of course, although Li Shimin didn't punish him, he still looked down on this guy.

Since then, in the past few years, he has never seen the hope of promotion.

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