"I won't go back."

The agent stayed on the spaceship to eat snacks, and finally waited for Venus to send a communication, only to get a bad news that he could not accept at all.

"I think you are crazy."

The picture of the communicator clearly printed the charming face of the woman. Gold Xingxing should have been crying miserably today. The beautiful fox has swollen eyes and the eye sockets are still slightly red, but even for her His eyes are ruined like this, but it is very fascinating.

This is a born big star embryo, and he has a **** physique.

"No, it's obvious that someone wants to **** you. When you first debuted, it wasn't that you hadn't been stepped on."

What happened this time is said to be black material flying all over the sky, but only if it works properly, things can be smoothed out soon.

It's not a vicious scandal of sleeping gold masters, cheating married people, sleeping with that ugly old man.

Jin Xingxing said calmly in the video: "I have already thought very clearly, I want to stay, you go back alone, I will record a video to tell fans, I want to temporarily withdraw from the circle."

She is an actor, not a girl idol. She relies on her works for food, not sells her own personalities.

Of course, she also sold her dream, but at this point she didn't lie too much. Her dream is to stand on the stage and become a very powerful, box office actor.

Because of the big box office sales and popularity, she can make money and make a lot of money. Buy a big house, and then provide your own fox cubs with a good enough life.

She, Jin Xingxing, is such a vulgar woman.

When the agent heard this, the first reaction was to cut off the communication, then rushed to the kindergarten and called out the golden star.

Then the agent was blocked out of the door. He patted the door with excitement: "Golden Star, I think you are too floating! Come out for me! You have the ability to say that you can't go back, you have the ability to come out, what do you mean to be a turtle Do you be a role model?!"

The door was slammed, and then the defense mechanism of the door was triggered, and a blue electric current jumped through the door.

The emotionally unlucky agent was shot straight, and then fell outside with a bang.

【Hee hee hee! 】

Seeing the emergence of the hapless guy, 008 was super happy, and the gate it provided was finally used.

When the agent woke up again, the beautiful face of Jin Xingxing finally appeared in front of him.

The swelling of her eyes has disappeared a lot now, and she looks even more pitiful.

"I have thought very clearly, after you go back. Help me take care of the house at home. I am so young now, when I have a chance to come back, I will still find you as an agent."

Xu Qiu privately signed a general employment contract with Jinxing Xingxing, and she hired the big fox black cubs to attend classes.

With so many courses, it was really hard for her to be a teacher.

Now that we have one more helper, we can have more time to plan the kindergarten well and develop the wild star!

Jin Xingxing said: "Brother, thank you very much for taking care of me over the past few years."

Regardless of the fact that this agent does not look very good, in fact, his heart is still very kind.

"You are a good person."

Agent Pooh Pooh Pooh: "Okay, don't send me a good person card. Your fox cub has been found, and she doesn't want to go? Don't find the wrong one. You have raised cubs for others for nothing."

Because he had made up his mind and signed a new contract with the principal, Jin Xingxing's eyes lit up when he mentioned his cubs: "It is absolutely impossible to admit mistakes. Lily in our family is exactly the same as when I was a child."

She said hello to the original place: "Lily."

The little fox playing on the horizontal bar turned over and sat firmly on it. Lily waved her paw.

The real mother fan was pleased: "Look at how lively and cute this child is."

She still feels very fortunate that because of Xu Qiu, her child has not been starved to death, and is still being taken care of very well.

Agent: It's all fluffy, he can't see it at all.

For people of other races, the fox prototypes of different races seem to be similar. They can only tell whether they are two foxes by the size, color, and brightness of the hair.

He touched his nose: "It looks like you."

"You go back first, maybe in a few years, I will visit you with Lily."

She has invested a lot of things, even if she is not acting, the money will continue to give her money like a snowball.

It's good to go back without Lily now. The media and paparazzi who chase her can't come to this barren star at such a high price. She takes care of Lily and grows up, and time can always slowly make up for her mistakes.

"Then I will help bring over the things you brought."

If you knew it would be like this, bring some good things.

The conditions here seem to be quite difficult, and there is nothing to sell clothes or food.

"Then trouble you."

Venus Xingxing didn't say anything to refuse this time.

She seemed to be smiling very happily, the kind of peace and joy from the heart.

I have never been so happy when Venus Star got big prizes and made a lot of money in the past.

The agent is silent. No matter whether Jin Xingxing will regret it in the future, she will definitely not regret her choice now.

Does the cub really have such a magical power?

The agent is a typical career mad, but when he was a Venusian agent, he always felt that this woman was working harder than him.

Seeing Jin Xingxing staring at his daughter's soft eyes, he was born at this time, thinking that he should have a child.

"Then I'm leaving, take good care of yourself. You have to be mature when you become a mother."

The agent feels a bit sentimental in his heart, but the situation is settled and he has no choice. It is better to stop the loss in time, go back early, and find new seedlings to cultivate.

"That ugly uncle is finally leaving, Lily, your mother is so beautiful, why is your uncle so ugly."

Two identical little bats stopped by the little fox

As a participant today, Ding Ding Dong Dong manages the little fox's nostalgia.

"That's it, it looks too ugly."

The little fox took a look, and then seriously replied, "I don't know, because he is not my uncle."

Thinking of the account, the agent who planned to come back to explain a few words of Jin Xingxing was so angry: He just heard all these cubs' words!

These cubs have no magical powers, they are simply demons.

"Dinned and eaten."

After processing the contract of Venus Star, Xu Qiu began to prepare the kitchen.

Because the source of the ingredients is more difficult to explain, the big fox Venus star is not qualified to enter the kitchen.

Originally, there were more people in kindergartens, and there was an extra gold star, which meant to prepare more ingredients.

The arrival of the golden stars is indeed a good thing for kindergartens.

Because she was like the robot assistant before, inspiring the corresponding side tasks, or expanding the kindergarten.

[Let’s upgrade the side mission: the long-term staff of the host +1, the dormitory is not enough to live in, let’s upgrade the dormitory. Task requirements: Robot 12 (12/12) gold coins 10000, the real currency pair gold coins have been opened, the ratio is 10:1]

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