The First Lackey Under The Empress

#313 - One person suppresses all officials

“I wouldn't dare call it guidance, just a bit of understanding.”

Gao Lian smiled slightly, his composure revealing the ease of the top official in Linfeng:

“The silver mine case is extremely important. As the Provincial Administration Commissioner, I also take it very seriously. Hehe, even from a selfish perspective, I want to find out the truth as soon as possible, to clear my name and the names of Surveillance Commissioner Liu, Prefect Sun, and even all the officials and gentry of the entire Taicang Prefecture.”

With a light sentence, he had already included everyone present, presenting them as a unified whole.

Zhao Dou'an also took out the silk handkerchief from beside him, wiped his hands, and said slowly:

“Since Provincial Commissioner Gao is so eager, he should also avoid suspicion.”

Gao Lian sighed:

“How could this official not know? However, although I and the two adults, Liu and Sun, have been unable to intervene in affairs these past few days, I have also heard some rumors and changes in the city. Some gossip and slanderous words against the Imperial Envoy are not worth worrying about.

However, it has even led to the point where the people are petitioning. As the top official of this region, I cannot turn a blind eye.”

What a 'cannot turn a blind eye'!

First, he gathers the local officials present into a whole, points out the antagonistic relationship with me, and then uses the people as a reason to attack… He really knows how to play with words…

The smile on Zhao Dou'an's face disappeared, and he said plainly:

“Commissioner Gao, there's no need to beat around the bush like this. I don't like detours. Just say what you want to say directly. Coincidentally, I'm also curious how these people have the guts to surround the post house.”

Gao Lian pretended to be helpless, his words earnest, but pressing forward step by step:

“Lord Zhao misunderstood. Gao has no other intentions, only the well-being of His Majesty's empire in mind. Since Lord Zhao wants to open the skylight and speak frankly, so be it. Let's make it clear.

The silver mine case was caused by Magistrate Wang Chusheng. This has already been determined. In Gao's opinion, the top priority is to search for and arrest Wang Chusheng. However, Lord Zhao has not taken any action these days, but instead, you have been investigating the various government offices of Taicang Prefecture, causing unease and instability among the officials.

Upright officials like Prefect Sun have been suspended due to suspicion, which is why the people under his jurisdiction are petitioning for justice… Lord Zhao, this matter is truly inappropriate!”

As soon as these words came out, it was as if a switch had been flipped.

In an instant, throughout the hall, a group of officials seemed to have agreed in advance and began to chime in.

“What Provincial Commissioner said is very true. Now that Wang Chusheng has escaped, we should be focusing on him, not targeting us.”

“Prefect Sun's performance as an official is obvious to all. As soon as the news of his suspension came out, the lower levels were in chaos.”

“...The people in the city are restless. This cannot continue...”

It was like a vegetable market, a chaotic mess.

Officials from different government offices spoke one after another, complaining endlessly, focusing on the two points of "spontaneous action by the people" and "instability among officials."

Even many gentry members expressed their dissatisfaction.

There was a clear intention to blame Zhao Dou'an for the recent unrest in the city.

Amidst the uproar, only Zhao Dou'an remained expressionless.

Xu Junling, who was seated close to him, glanced at him, with both pity and a hint of "schadenfreude," as if saying:

I warned you before that they would retaliate.

The scene in the hall was clearly pre-arranged. Zhao Dou'an used the crab feast as an opportunity to clarify rumors and be open and honest.

And the local officials took the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Carrying the emotions that had been brewing for days, they used today as an opportunity. After Gao Lian fired the first shot, these people had the posture of attacking him en masse.

It was as if they were saying:

If you continue to hold on, you are forcing the entire Taicang Prefecture to become chaotic for you to see!

And if the government structure of a prefecture is paralyzed, Zhao Dou'an cannot bear the responsibility.

A conspiracy in broad daylight!

Forcing the palace!

At this moment, although far from it, Zhao Dou'an vaguely felt the same way the former Empress felt at Xuanwu Gate, facing tens of thousands of rebels.

Forcing the palace… is not just a military coup with knives and swords, blood and fire, it can also be a drama without smoke and bloodshed, only remaining in words, but still full of power.


Beside him, Censor Chen Hong, even though he was used to seeing big storms, also had some sweat on his forehead.

He was worried that if Zhao Dou'an insisted on his own way, he would end up causing great chaos in the region. After returning to the capital, facing the impeachments of the officials, the Empress was likely to throw him, the "Deputy Imperial Envoy," out to quell the anger of the court in order to protect her male favorite.

Even the Embroidered Uniform Guard who were standing behind Zhao Dou'an, not seated, acting as guards, also looked nervous.

However, facing this storm, Zhao Dou'an was like a black reef, standing firm despite the raging sea.

His right hand on the table was only tapping lightly, as if calculating the time silently.

Suddenly, outside the Chrysanthemum Terrace, came the sound of horses neighing.

Then, a minor official ran in慌慌张张, his face pale, sweat on his forehead, almost kicking off his boots:

“B...bad news...”

In an instant, the wave of attacks against Zhao Dou'an in the hall was briefly suppressed.

Gao Lian turned his head and frowned, a strong sense of unease arising:

“What happened? Why are you in such a panic?”

The minor official almost screamed:

“Soldiers… those soldiers are arresting people in the city! …The city gate guards and the yamen runners have also been controlled!”


It was like a stone thrown heavily into a lake.

At this moment, emotions of disbelief涌出 from the hearts of all the officials.

Accompanied by strong doubts.

“What soldiers? Where did they come from?!”

Surveillance Commissioner Liu Ji猛地站了起来:

“By whose order? Who allowed them——”

The old man said halfway, as if suddenly awakened, and suddenly turned his head to look at someone in the hall.

The soldiers in the city… besides the small number of guards responsible for the city gates, there were only some yamen runners who could not be considered "officials"\n… Furthermore, there were only the two hundred iron cavalry stationed at the post house,调 from Zhao Dou'an.

“It's you!”

At this moment, Gao Lian and others also reacted, looking at the main seat in horror.

They saw Zhao Dou'an, who had been silent and met the verbal attacks of the crowd, looking relaxed, the corners of his mouth slowly curving up, about to say something.

Suddenly, someone闯 into the courtyard again from outside.

This time, it was a servant Gao Lian brought from home.

Gao's servant奔 into the courtyard, almost crying and道:

“Master, a team of soldiers闯 into our house,封住了 the house,绑了 the maids and servants,贴了封条 on the door. I幸免于难 outside...”

Gao Lian大惊失色, a true rage涌起 on his refined and fair face, as if tearing off his civilized clothing, 死死盯过来:

“Zhao! Da! Ren!”

These three words were吐出来的 almost咬着.

“What do you mean by this?!”

Gao Lian shouted with怒火,擡手指着 him, 愤怒道:

“Without notifying, you调动 troops,竟都抓到本官家中了,怎么? Is there something I have done wrong? You are an Imperial Envoy, but I am also the Provincial Administration Commissioner of Linfeng! According to the Da Yu law, how have you这等权力?!”

At this moment, he显得格外愤怒 and失态.

The others were not much better, and Surveillance Commissioner Liu Ji更是面沉似水, said:

“Lord Zhao, I掌按察之责. I will如实禀告朝廷 what you have done today, 奏明圣上! If you cannot拿出个服众说法 today, even if you are an Imperial Envoy, 朝堂法度 will not容你 for acting like this!”

Sun Xiaozhun, who had been格外沉默 from the beginning of the banquet, unlike his炮仗般的 character, also 站起身, 의미심장盯着 Zhao Dou'an, said:

“Lord Zhao, Taicang is本府下辖之地. Please give an explanation.”


At this moment, the faces of the Taicang officials who had围攻施压 and近乎逼宫 were all惊怒交加.

To be more accurate, they were using anger to掩饰 the惊恐 in their hearts.

A group of文官, no matter how锋利 the unseen knives are, but facing the true铁骑, the violent threat from the military武人, they still cannot avoid怯懦.

Accompanied by this was a strong解.

Wang Chusheng都失踪了, and the线索悉数断绝. Do you really want to拿 those官场上不成文的“灰色收入” as evidence to定罪 us?

Even Censor Chen and Xu Junling looked over in惊愕. Neither of them knew about this举动.


Zhao Dou'an, under the gaze of the crowd, 面色如春风, 徐徐起身, 擦干净 his fingers沾满了蟹黄.

He迈步, 徐徐跨出坐席,来到 the middle of the宴会围拢 by the crowd.

It's very奇妙的.

With his动作, all the喧嚣 stopped.

People闭上嘴巴, and their呼吸粗重. The目光 of the全场 were锁定 on this大名鼎鼎, 红的发紫新贵权臣.


From being群起而攻 just now to压制全场 alone now.

He didn't even do anything, just等来了 the news of报信 from outside.

“You want an explanation, and I will给 you an explanation.” Zhao Dou'an徐徐踱步, his声线沉稳有力.

After saying this, he suddenly望向 the敞开的大堂外.

In an instant, everyone's视线 also followed him,投向 the金灿灿的 in the院中, 绚烂如海秋菊.

Then, the sound of铁蹄传来了 in the风中. Some who were眼尖 saw that a corner of a旌旗不断逼近 outside the院子高出墙壁.

“Open the door!”

A声低喝,伴随 the惊呼声 of the守门护院.


The大门 of the菊花台苑 was撕开居中 by a huge force, and the秋风卷了进来.

Outside the门,赫然站着 three people. At the end, as a背景板, was Yuan Xingjun扛旗纵马.

In front, was a书生 who遮住面貌 with a丝巾 and looked弱不禁风, only束手站着, very不起眼.

Further forward, was a江湖人打扮 with a斗笠,身后背负长剑, and大部分脸庞被青铜面甲覆盖的皇家金牌影卫.

The覆甲女子 was拎着一只沉甸甸的大口袋 in her hand, and in众目睽睽下, she径直穿过 the菊花海,来到 Zhao Dou'an.

She仰头, looked at赵都安 who was负手而立 and正以好奇目光审视 her, 对比画像, 抱拳拱手:

“Lord Zhao,属下 has送到 the人犯.”


While speaking, the麻袋掉在地上, and the麻袋口自行松散开.

From里头滚出一个富态中年人 who was浑身满是血淋淋的伤口,被折磨的面色惨白, and was捆成粽子 with牛皮绳.

太仓县令 Wang Chusheng was originally昏迷, but was惊醒 when he摔了下, 茫然而畏惧地望向前方, and his瞳孔骤然收窄.

“This is the explanation I give you,”

Zhao Dou'an环视众人,似笑非笑:

“Is it enough?”

The全场 was寂静.

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