The First Order

Chapter 1011: The delicious lazy Ren Xiaosu

Yang Xiaojin's cooking is master-level. At the beginning, Ren Xiaosu was still thinking, what kind of dishes does the master-level cook?

However, after he tasted it, he realized that Yang Xiaojin's cooking was extremely accurate in just grasping the heat.

Ren Xiaosu was a little curious: "Why are you so good at cooking, don't you look like someone specializing in this?"

"My aunt specifically asked a teacher to teach during the assassination training," Yang Xiaoshan said.

Ren Xiaosu was shocked: "What does this have to do with the assassination?"

"You can pretend to be a cook or lurking as a helper, and then poison at the right time," Yang Xiaojin said. "But then it didn't work, and my aunt didn't let me do it in this way."

"Why?" Ren Xiaosu wondered.

"When I was cooking, I was young and didn't grow up," Yang Xiaojin explained casually. "Later, the more beautiful, the aunt said that I couldn't go to the kitchen to lurk, and it didn't look like a cook."

Ren Xiaosu choked for a long time and was speechless. The girl in front of her boasted that she was pretty, and she said that she wanted to drink a glass of plain water.

"Aren't you humble?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

"Isn't that what I said?" Yang Xiaojin asked back.

"Xing Xing Xing, you are telling the truth," Ren Xiaosu said: "Today, Tuesday, it's your time to wash the dishes."

Yang Xiaojin corrected: "I have prepared the food, you wash the dishes. I will cook all the meals at home, and you will wash the dishes."

Ren Xiaosu carried the tableware into the kitchen, and Yang Xiaojin sat on the dining table without moving, holding his chin and looking at the back of Ren Xiaosu's dishwashing: "I see that the results have started on the peach tree. I ate it. But the two peach trees were well taken care of and had a lot of fruit. We must not finish it. "

"Go and sell it if you can't finish it. Let me buy you a new wok for the money," Ren Xiaosu said.

"Okay, this pot is too small now," Yang Xiaojin said.

"However, when I was buying vegetables today, I noticed that the prices of vegetables and food increased a lot. I thought the prices in Northwest China were different. As a result, I realized that it was either flood or drought in the previous year and last year. , "Ren Xiaosu said:" I do n’t know if Mr. Zhang has taken any measures over there. "

Yang Xiaojin thought for a while and said: "I am afraid it is not easy to solve. I heard earlier that in the trade between Northwest and Central Plains, the goods provided by Wang did not include food. I am afraid that Wang had estimated the situation in Northwest at that time. Of course, there are also many minerals on the northwest side that are not open to Wang, which is itself a result of the strategy of both parties. "

"I don't know if they have opened up wasteland smoothly," Ren Xiaosu muttered: "Aren't we seeing a lot of refugees in the wasteland on our way?"

"It's not easy to estimate," Yang Xiaojin analyzed. "You see that there are not many stable rivers in the northwest, and the terrain and the ravines are interlaced. The crops grown in this area have no good growing conditions, and they have to work hard to solve the water conservancy. "

"Yes, the wasteland is very expensive, but even so, if you want to keep the residents full, you have to die with this natural environment," Ren Xiaosu sighed.


Just as the two of them lived at home and enjoyed the quiet, many question marks appeared in the hearts of the entire northwestern senior: Where did their young master go?

It has been more than half a month since the Zhou's assassination. Ordinarily, the commander should have returned.

Some senior generals have not seen Ren Xiaosu. They have always heard the story of the young master, but they have no chance to see it, which makes them feel a little tickled.

Therefore, they wanted to wait for Ren Xiaosu to come and see him after they returned.

As a result, after the assassination of Zhou, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin were like the world evaporated, completely disappeared, even those knights were missing.

This made Da Huyou confused, wondering if the young master would run away again?

Zhang Xiaoman said in front of the reporter: Set it down first so that he can run away.

At that time, many people thought that Zhang Xiaoman was kidding, but Da Huyou actually knew that this was really true!

Wang Fengyuan also went to Zhang Jinglin specifically for this matter: "Commander, what should I do if this millet never comes back, shall we go find it?"

Zhang Jinglin was very calm: "No, I guess he just hid and took a rest. He would come back naturally after he rested enough."

When everyone heard, Commander Zhang was not in a hurry, then they were not in a hurry. Wait slowly, the other party will come back one day.

Although many people did not object to Ren Xiaosu becoming commander-in-chief before, many people still wait and see.

This time Ren Xiaosu's revenge for Jiang Xu is also a side reflection of Ren Xiaosu's character. Others don't say it. Anyway, the Northwest people feel very relieved.

Therefore, more and more people in the Northwest Army have publicly supported Ren Xiaosu.

Revenge for Jiang Xu is character, and it is the ability to take the life of a leader among the Zhous. To be honest, apart from military strategy, everyone has nothing to be faulty about.

As for military strategy, Ren Xiaosu also turned back to p5092 and Wang Yun to make up for this shortcoming.

The commander of the Northwest Army does not need to be a military genius. It is also a skill to be able to control military genius, right?

More than half a month later, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin got up early and went to the backyard to pick peaches. The crisp peaches on the northwest side are sweet and the white color is very beautiful.

The two picked two baskets and went to the vegetable market to set up a stall, for which they also paid a booth fee of 5 yuan.

Ren Xiaosu said happily: "Today is a weekend, there are more people in the vegetable market than in the past, and our peaches will be sold out soon."

Ordinary people struggle to hold a basket of peaches, but Ren Xiaosu himself can hold two baskets.

After waiting to settle in the stall, Ren Xiaosu said to Yang Xiaojin: "We haven't eaten breakfast yet. I'll buy some buns to deal with."

"Well, I ate chives and eggs," Yang Xiaoshan responded with a smile.

As a result, Ren Xiaosu didn't go long before this stall came an acquaintance, sister Hu.

Sister Hu was shocked when she saw Yang Xiaojin: "Why are you setting up here?"

Yang Xiaojin smiled and picked up two peaches and stuffed them with Sister Hu: "The peaches at home are ripe. We thought that the two of them could not finish eating and came out and sold the peaches."

But at this time, Sister Hu stopped talking, and this look confused Yang Xiaojin: "What's wrong, Sister Hu?"

But Sister Hu complained: "The one in your family who has been to the Northwest for so long has not gone out to find a job, even letting a girl like you who is so watery sells peaches to support her family. Is this something a man should do? Girl, what a good man can't find, why did you like such a delicious lazy person who doesn't work ... "

Yang Xiaojin froze for a moment, then immediately pursed his lips and smiled: "Sister Hu, that's not the case."


Goodnight everybody

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