The First Order

Chapter 1016: Was dismissed

Did you know that lazy politics and lazy politics play football, this is something that all the people criticize, "Wang Yuexi said:" But as long as everyone is concentrated here to set up an inspection team, this inspection team does not need to have many people, just Let those who hide behind the counter pretending to be uncles become conscientious. "

Ren Xiaosu glanced at Wang Yuexi, and said that he didn't expect this fat middle-aged man to be an aspiring person.

Wang Yuexi continued: "Of course, this is also a blessing with the 178 fortress. In the past, when the Zong clan was here, all the divisions were related households. Even if he didn't work well, you can't treat him like that. It is different now. , The assessment does not pass directly to dismiss. So Xiaomi, you remember, although you are recommended by me, do n’t do it indiscriminately, otherwise I will dismiss you personally. "

"Brother, don't worry, I am not wanton," Ren Xiaosu smiled.

"Well," Wang Yuexi nodded: "I heard that the leader of the inspection team is about to take office, and some people say that it is a harsher person who is envious of the bureaucracy. There are still some Zongs left in the administrative center. The skinny dog ​​is messing around, and when he comes, I am afraid he will be able to clean it up. "

Ren Xiaosu froze for a moment: "Who is so powerful?"

"I heard that it was called Ji Ziang," Wang Yuexi said. "This man is an extraordinary person. Zuo Yunshan also fought with the young marshal at that time. This is also a hero in the northwest of China. According to rumours, he said He was persecuted by Zhou ’s bureaucracy and his children, and he was always brought around after he was rescued by the young marshal. He is the confidant of the young marshal. The red man around this young marshal cannot do anything if he wants to dismiss those who live together Yes. This is a murderous player. Someone in the army said that his nickname is Qin Shihuang. I do n’t know why they gave him such a nickname. Maybe it ’s a respect for the legal system and it ’s stricter? ”

Wang Yuexi glanced at Ren Xiaosu, but found that Ren Xiaosu looked strange: "Don't worry, as long as you work hard, no one will treat you like that."

Is Wang Yuexi only afraid of being Xiao Su, but what Ren Xiao Su thinks is that Ji Ziang's nickname has been so widely spread?

And didn't it mean that Ji Ziang went to the 178 stronghold to reunite with his wife and children, why did he leave so quickly and come back to work.

In fact, according to the original plan, Ji Ziang was going to stay in the 178 stronghold, but after he went there, there were no people like Dahuyou, Wang Yun, and p5092 around him. He always felt a little uncomfortable and lacked a tacit partner!

Simply brought his wife and children to barrier 144.

I do n’t know when Ji Ziang will take office. When the other party comes to see him, oh, are n’t they handsome? How do you sit at the counter ...

That would be very interesting.

Ren Xiaosu thought, should he find an excuse to go back and rest for a while? Thinking of this, Ren Xiaosu had retreated in his heart.

After all, his leisure life with Yang Xiaojin is just beginning!

At this time, Wang Yuexi led Ren Xiaosu to the window of the Secretary of Civil Affairs, and he said to an elder sister inside, "Sister Li, I brought you a report. You look at allocating work to him. Just give it to him, don't worry about my face. If he doesn't do well, you can tell me immediately. "

Sister Li greeted Wang Yuexi enthusiastically: "Come on, I will arrange work for him."

At this time, it was already the office hours of the administrative center. The residents outside rushed in, and Wang Yuexi said when the business was coming, he greeted and left after a few words.

Sister Li brought the office to Ren Xiaosu and said: "We have nothing else here, that is to handle divorce registration and marriage registration. Originally, four people took turns. As a result, two people were pregnant and took maternity leave at the same time, so this requires a temporary Post. Let ’s wait at the counter. If someone gets married, you ’ll do it for me. If I get a divorce, I ’ll do it. After all, divorce is more complicated, so I ’ll deal with it better. Getting married is easy, fill them out, and then lead them Go to the house to take pictures and take an oath. "

A couple came during the speech, and shoved to the counter in cold voice: "Divorce."

Sister Li picked up the marriage certificate of the two of them and glanced at it, and then said, "Why did the two get divorced?"

"The days can't pass!" The woman said: "Marrying a ruin is a bad luck!"

Sister Li persuaded: "You two have been married for ten years, do you want to think about it?"

Ren Xiaosu looked aside and felt that everything was very fresh. It turned out that there was a certificate of divorce and marriage in the barriers. There was no such thing in the market town.

Sister Li kindly discouraged, but the couple insisted on divorce. Sister Li did not persuade her for a long time, but had to go through the divorce procedures for them.

After they finished, the two did not leave the administrative center, but walked towards it. Ren Xiaosu was strange: "What are they doing?"

"Oh, it must be the real estate division and transfer," Li said with emotion: "To say that the administrative center is really convenient, the civil affairs department and the real estate department are working together, and the divorce is done at the forefoot, and the house next door can be transferred to the property It ’s really efficient. "

Ren Xiaosu: "..."

Ren Xiaosu said that Wang Yuexi was afraid that he would have thought that someone would sigh the efficiency of the administrative center from this angle.

When thinking about it, several people came to the counter together, some divorced and some married.

Sister Li said to Ren Xiaosu: "You greet the couple to get married, and the others will come. Don't panic, you just learn what I did just now. Just talk to them, guide them to fill out the form, and then get back Take a photo oath in the room. "

Ren Xiaosu nodded, and then said to the couple: "Do the two handle the marriage registration? Here are the two forms to fill out."

Ren Xiaosu recalled this time, and how did Li explain? Yes, just a few words.

While the couple in front of the report, Ren Xiaosu asked curiously: "How does it feel to get married?"

The man smiled and said: "We have been in love for six years, and now we have finally made it to a positive result, and we can give her a home. Here, the form is filled out."

Ren Xiaosu took the form and began to learn the same process as sister Li: "That ... you two have been talking for six years, do you want to think about it?"

Couple: "???

Therefore, Ren Xiaosu was dismissed on the first day of work.

To be precise, it was dismissed after less than an hour of work.

Ren Xiaosu felt relieved, but it was a pity that Yang Xiaojin gave him his suit.

Back at home, Ren Xiaosu told Yang Xiaojin about it, Yang Xiaojin laughed for more than an hour, his hands were shaking when cooking ...

Later, Yang Xiaojin didn't cook anymore, so he laughed on the sofa and gave Ren Xiaosu a black face ...

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