The First Order

Chapter 1019: The young man is actually living next door?

"The young handsome residence?" Wang Yue froze in place, even if he was unresponsive, he should have reacted to the identity of the young couple from next door.

No wonder Wang Fugui, as the president of the Northwest Chamber of Commerce, has to rush in such a fierce night.

No wonder Brigadier Zhang Xiaoman, who has never been in the city at night, will suddenly come to such a place.

Wang Yuexi, like everyone else, was curious about where he went after the young marshal attacked Zhou.

Hu Xiaobai and others are gossip, and even Wang Yuexi and their lords are in the policy research room, and they will discuss this topic in their spare time.

Some people say that the commander-in-chief is going to perform other more important tasks, while others say that the commander-in-chief does not like power, and may not want to succeed Commander Zhang, so he does not come back.

Anyway, there is everything, but no one guessed. In fact, Ren Xiaosu has returned to the northwest, and it is hidden under everyone's eyelids.

Hu Xiaobai was in a hurry at home, beckoning to Wang Yuexi: "Come back quickly, what are you doing together."

She didn't hear anything from the soldiers, but only worried that Wang Yuexi might be too close to those soldiers, what might happen.

Wang Yuexi walked back to his door and silently looked at the soldiers who were martial law around the house. Hu Xiaobai whispered: "Who are they, why come here in the middle of the night?"

"Young Master," Wang Yuexi whispered, "They came for the young master."

Hu Xiaobai suddenly raised his voice: "Young handsome? What is handsome?"

This voice, like a thunder, made all the neighbors hear it!

An older sister poked her head out: "Xiao Bai, I heard you say the young handsome? The young handsome came to us?"

Seeing such a large formation in the courtyard downstairs, more than ten military off-road vehicles were parked alone, and the Northwest Chamber of Commerce was parked. It was indeed a huge momentum.

Hu Xiaobai whispered to Wang Yuexi: "What the **** is going on, what do the soldiers say? I just saw Brigadier Zhang."

"It is indeed Zhang Xiaoman. These soldiers are also soldiers of the Sixth Combat Brigade. You can see their badges." Wang Yuexi said with emotion: "Just now I walked over, a soldier told me that the next door was the residence of the young handsome, I can't get close. Young handsome residence, do you understand what I mean? "

Wang Yuexi watched his wife's mouth slowly open, and quickly reached out to cover her mouth: "Don't shout, fearing that others don't know what's going on?"

Hu Xiaobai couldn't find a channel: "The next door is the young man? I said every day that the young man is delicious and lazy?"

Wang Yuexi said sullenly, "Isn't it? Now think about how to use the work of a handsome young man. The entire Yunsu is a business of others. Even if you spend a lifetime of money, you can't spend the money. You said Your mother-in-law is also true. Every day she says that the young master is a slacker, and he loves the little girl Xiaoren. Now, okay, the ghost knows if the young master will take this matter to heart. "

Hu Xiaobai looked at Wang Yuexi: "Don't talk about me, you still persuaded the young master to dismiss ..."

When Wang Yuexi heard this sentence, he felt that his liver started to hurt ...


At this time Hu Xiaobai muttered: "But they are so rich, why would they run to sell peaches and potatoes?"

"Isn't it possible for people to experience life," Wang Yuexi said: "Right, have you paid attention to what he is doing?"

"It's just reading, and reading books when I go to the vegetable market with Little Girl," Hu Xiaobai said: "But I don't seem to have read them in the past few days, I just wandered around in the vegetable market, and I listened to Aunt Liu."

"Wander around?" Wang Yuexi wondered.

"Well, every day I go to each household to ask about the vegetable price and the price of rice noodle oil, and nothing else is done," Hu Xiaobai said.

Wang Yuexi fell silent, and if he put it before, he also felt that this was really a slacker, but if he had determined the identity of the other party's young coach, he had to think a little deeper.

"It seems that the young commander has also noticed that the food price has changed," Wang Yuexi said firmly. "He is concerned about the food shortage problem that will appear in the northwest."

Hu Xiaobai said with a smile: "I'll just say, how can our Northwestern Marshal really be a slacker."

Wang Yue quietly looked at his wife, you did not say so before.

While thinking about it, the roar of the car came again on Anning East Road. All the melon-eating people looked in the direction of the sound and wanted to see who came again this time.

Tonight, Anning East Road is really not peaceful at all.

In the eyes of everyone, a team of black off-road vehicles was driving fast. Wang Yuexi saw the vehicle and recognized it: "It is a black market car, Zhou Yingxue is coming."

This team looks much tougher, each car is a full-size off-road vehicle, and the huge and wide front is fierce and unusual.

When the team stopped, Zhou Yingxue, wearing a purple cheongsam, stepped out of the car on high heels, and Wang Yuchi and eight other diamonds followed her.

The snowman Zhou Ying hasn't reached the door yet, the voice has already floated out: "Master!"

At this point, all the people who eat melons have confirmed that the house that lives in this house is indeed their young handsome in the northwest.

In an instant, Ren Xiaosu's delicious lazy and celebrity criticism suddenly changed, and everyone discussed it: the young handsome is really low-key ...

Zhou Yingxue raised her eyebrows when she heard the noisy discussion around her. She explained to Wang Yuchi and others: "Go, let them stop watching. Is this what they can watch?"

As soon as the big lady opened her mouth, a sturdy breath from the black market owl came into being.

She walked to Ren Xiaosu's residence. The soldiers of the Sixth Combat Brigade knew her, and no one stopped her.

As a result, she hadn't knocked on the door yet, but she heard Ren Xiaosu's voice inside: "You give me a good reflection outside the door!"

The big lady immediately turned black and stood up outside, getting mad, she whispered: "I came to see you in the middle of the night, you even let me fine the station! I made this black market for myself, not for Lord, the industry you laid! Really! "

During the speech, the grandma looked at Wang Yuexi and Hu Xiaobai, and then said to Yan Yuese: "You are his neighbor, when did he move in?"

"I moved here for about a month," Wang Yuexi replied.

Zhou Yingxue looked at Wang Yuexi: "Hey, how do I think you are so familiar?"

"I am Wang Yuexi of the Policy Research Office," Wang Yuexi introduced himself.

"Oh, I remembered. When the black market opened, you also sent flower baskets and had time to go to the black market to play," Zhou Yingxue smiled. "That, you two come over and tell me what he has done recently."

A sudden hustle and bustle completely disrupted the tranquility of the military division's family home. The news that the young commander was hiding in barrier 144 quickly spread to all corners of the barrier within ten minutes.

The young master is finally back!


There are two chapters at night

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