The First Order

Chapter 1022: innovation

In the early morning, Yang Xiaojin walked across Anning East Road with a vegetable basket. It was almost summer, but a cooling down made Barrier No. 144 seem to return to the early spring season. The thin mist filled the air and the ground was a little wet.

It's just that today is different from the past. Yang Xiaojin found himself walking on the street, and the pedestrians on the road could not help but look at himself.

She knows why this is, there are people on the roadside whispering about the identity of unsuspecting people.

Yang Xiaojin smiled. Now that someone talks about her, I am afraid that the favorite keywords are the handsome and the handsome lady.

In the past, she was a frightening sniper and a very independent solo traveler. Now it is interesting to think of a prefix on the name.

Of course, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin are very clear that they are still independent individuals.

However, Yang Xiaojin soon couldn't laugh.

The physique of the transcendent destined her hearing to be stronger than ordinary people. Although not as powerful, it was enough to hear the sound of discussions five meters away.

All the way whispered: "You are watching her, who is she?"

Passers-by are a little puzzled. Although this girl with a peaked cap looks very good-looking, she can only see her nose and chin when she is facing her, so shouldn't everyone be attracted by beauty? It should be that the identity is a little special.

An informed passerby whispered: "Don't you know who she is, she is the legendary Western Queen ..."

Yang Xiaojin's face suddenly fell down, what a wonderful nickname, if you let her know the initiator of the nickname, I am afraid she will take out the black sniper ...

She did not expect that she would bear this nickname that she should not bear at a young age.

At this time, passers-by were still saying with great interest: "It's a bit tacky to call the young lady, but the young handsome will soon succeed Commander Zhang to become the king of our northwest. There is nothing wrong with calling the Queen Mother of the West. And you also look at the extraordinary little It ’s a book, and our Western Queen ’s fighting ability is also very tough. "

Yang Xiaojin took a deep breath and went straight to the vegetable market. She didn't plan to listen anymore.

Today in the Northwest Army, there are various nicknames such as Qin Shihuang and the emperor of the Jingtan, and today another Queen Mother is added.

At the vegetable market, all the stall owners who had greeted each other were silent. It was not that everyone was afraid of Yang Xiaojin or hated her, but everyone suddenly didn't know how to treat Yang Xiaoshan's new identity.

And everyone said secretly that Ren Xiaosu had a soft meal, but now it's a bit embarrassing to think of it.

It wasn't until Yang Xiaojin began to buy food as usual, that everyone slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Little Girl Girl was still that little girl girl.

When buying vegetables, several stall owners insisted on delivering food for free, but Yang Xiaojin said that he would only accept the money.

However, what Yang Xiaojin said to the stall owners was also very clear. I am afraid they would stay here for a while. If the stall owners do n’t collect money, she might not dare to buy food in the future. Ren Xiaosu will starve to death. .

This said to the stall owners who wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, so they had to accept the food.

After she bought the vegetables and walked out of the market, she was so tired that she sweated.

To be honest, ordinary fighting is not so strenuous.

Back at home, Yang Xiaojin complained a lot. She put the key on the shoe cabinet at the door and said, "I never thought you had such a high prestige in the northwest, and you can also give food for free. You have n’t been in the Northwest for so long, how can they support you so much. "

Ren Xiaosu chuckled and said, "Maybe I am the hero who liberated them from Zong's hands."

"Huh, if everyone knew you were with me, I was afraid that the matchmaker who introduced you to your wife would have to line up to get out of the mile," Yang Xiaoshan said.

In the morning, Wang Fugui, Zhang Xiaoman, Wang Yun and others came to Ren Xiaosu's residence early, and Wang Yuexi suddenly had a meeting with so many big people and began to become very nervous.

Ren Xiaosu told everyone in the living room: "The topic of today's meeting is mainly to discuss whether the household contract responsibility system is suitable for the Northwest."

"That ... young handsome, you first explain to us what is the household contract responsibility system?" Wang Fugui said.

Everyone in the audience, except Zhang Xiaoman, actually has a certain level of knowledge. Even Wang Fugui used to like reading and reading newspapers.

However, the production system before the catastrophe is a relatively uncommon thing.

After the consortium gradually emerged, some things related to emancipating the mind and the production system naturally became banned books. Some consortia directly destroyed them, while some consortia hid them and did not open their authority to the people.

Ren Xiaosu also saw this vocabulary in a book, and the professional books related to it may have been destroyed long ago. This book must be because the subject matter has become a fish in the net, otherwise he will not see the word.

Wang Yun searched the memory carefully: "I have read the entire library of Wang's. Seven of the books mentioned the household contract responsibility system. Its core goal is to increase the enthusiasm of production and make farmers willing to grow land. Rather than being forced to farm land. There is a slogan that says good, those who are in the country, who are left collective, and the rest are all their own. The key lies in the phrase "the rest is all their own". Has a very deep temptation. "

Especially in the current era, when all the people are farming for the consortium, this slogan may become a great force.

Wang Yue listened to all of this silently. He knew how charming this "privatization" process was, and how courageous the first person to do so would be in the presence of a consortium.

Originally, he thought that Ren Xiaosu's solution to the food shortage problem might be from the perspective of imports and exports, or from other perspectives, but he did not expect Ren Xiaosu to solve the root's institutional problems as soon as he started.

Land reform, this is something that everyone should treat with caution.

Ren Xiaosu calmly explained: "The problem we are facing now is that the Northwest is too free, everyone can go to business, everyone can go to the factory, they can choose whether to farm or not, and they can farm against them. It is obviously not attractive enough. Natural disasters in the northwest are one of the natural disasters, but human disasters ca n’t be ignored either. You can see that there are too many wastelands in the northwest. Why are they wild enough to cause Our thoughts. "

Wang Yuexi whispered: "Everyone present should be very clear about the meaning behind this system change, shall we discuss it with the commander first?"

This land reform is to overthrow some existing consortium rules.

As a result, Ren Xiaosu said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang said that no matter what the barrier 144 is, we will cut it first and then play it. Let's take the barrier 144 as a pilot. As for whether to implement the entire northwest, he will decide."

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