The First Order

Chapter 1027: Acting for everyone

Friends who are willing to sign the letter of intent are friends who can stay and eat.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to sign a letter of intent. Northwest will not persecute anyone, but it is probably impossible to continue to eat this bowl of rice in Northwest.

Wang Fugui's attitude is very clear. He is helping Ren Xiaosu to relieve his urgency. Only by helping the younger friend can he continue to eat in a pot.

He is different from other businessmen. Wang Fugui regards Ren Xiaosu's future as more important than his own money. Ren Xiaosu is the top priority in everything.

Ren Xiaosu, the proprietor, said that Yunsu cannot take the opportunity to control the lifeline of the Northwest economy in this matter, and no lifeline will work.

Wang Fugui will do better. In the case of Daxing Northwest, he not only does not make money, he even has to pay for it.

In the future, the Northwest returned to Ren Xiaosu. What could the Northwest Chamber of Commerce be? The abacus in Wang Fugui's mind counted all this clearly.

This is not the only thing that talks to Qian Zhan about business today!

During this year, Wang Fugui worked hard to make Yunsu bigger and stronger, and even went to the post of president of the Northwest Chamber of Commerce, just to help Ren Xiaosu at this moment.

As he wished, this Northwest Chamber of Commerce had been twisted into a rope, and no one had the courage to disembark alone.

A boss from Northwest China signed a letter of intent on the spot, and Wang Fugui ’s assistant next to him even carried a red ink pad so that everyone could press the fingerprint ...

One of them said with emotion: "Chairman Wang, the commander-in-chief will help you, and the Northwest will inevitably flourish."

Wang Fugui put his hands in his sleeves and said with a smile: "Boss Li is polite, the young handsome is just me, this northwest can not flourish, but with everyone's help, it will be different.

After listening to it, everyone knew that there were a lot of mixed feelings in it, and I knew that Wang Fugui was so determined that he wanted to tie everyone on the scene to the young handsome chariot.

After everyone signed the letter of intent, Wang Fugui greeted the guys in the store to remove the scattered cold dishes on the table and put them in fine ingredients.

Wang Fugui got up and used everyone ’s chopsticks to sandwich a lamb chops for everyone: "Everyone is determined to make no money from this project. I will have talents who are good at engineering accounting to help the young handsome price. This is after all 144 Barriers to the financial expenditure of the money, there can not be half a mistake, otherwise let outsiders think that my family is handsome and profitable from taking cards, is it not beautiful? And I believe you are all kind people, absolutely not in engineering Will cut corners. "

This time, everyone also extinguished other thoughts of drilling holes.

But after Wang Fugui divided the lamb chops into everyone's plate, the words changed: "However, the 144 barriers of finance can't give you, I Yunsu can give it. From now on, the goods I Yunsu took from the Qings, Selling to everyone will be 10% lower than in the past, which is in return for your enthusiasm and help. "

As soon as this remark came out, all the businessmen looked up for joy. Their business spread over more than 20 barriers in the northwest, but only Yunsu could get the Qing's goods.

Wang Fugui's sentence already yielded Tianda's profits. In this way, if the project did not lose money, everyone would still make a profit.

Therefore, Yunsu is really at the cost of cutting his own profits to help the young masters to thrive in the northwest!

A younger businessman smiled and smiled: "Chairman Wang, why don't you say such good things early!"

Wang Fugui smiled and did not speak again, and did not answer this question, but raised his glass: "Respect the handsome, respect the northwest!"

Only those old deep-fried dough sticks in Chengfu knew that Wang Fugui didn't say that there was compensation in advance, and he bowed his head firmly according to them. When he made it clear, he wanted to stand up first, and wait until everyone had softened before giving sweet dates.

The other party should make everyone in the Northwest Chamber of Commerce understand that this jujube can not be given, but since it is given, everyone here must remember the handsomeness of the young master.

Someone felt emotion for a while. Some people said earlier that Commander Zhang was just a strong man. Today's young marshal may not be a marshal in the future. There have been many variables in decades.

But now it seems that the team of young marshals led by Wang Fugui can be described as talented, and there will be no more variables.

That evening, the banquet went away, and everyone left with satisfaction, and nothing unpleasant happened, as if nothing had happened according to the signing of the letter of intent.

On the second day, all the businessmen who attended the banquet ran to the administrative center to report, and the contracted project went.

Wang Yuexi stood in the administrative center a bit ignorant: I haven't come out with the water conservancy design drawings, why did you come to the door?

Businessmen: It's okay, we can wait. We also have professional construction engineers here, some of them are masters of large-scale projects, just use them casually.

Wang Yuexi has another embarrassment: The project budget is very low and does not make money.

Businessmen: It's okay. What is the trivial matter of making money for the sake of the great northwest? In this way, we will ship all the engineering equipment in the first place, and wait for the construction to be started one day or the Daxing Northwest immediately!

Overnight, all the construction works under the 144th barrier stopped, and there is only one project left on this huge site: the construction of water conservancy.

Wang Fugui ran to Ren Xiaosu's courtyard. Ren Xiaosu asked with a smile: "I heard that you have a meeting with the Northwest Chamber of Commerce? Uncle Fu Gui thought of me ahead again."

Wang Fugui laughed happily and said: "Don't worry about the young master, it should be."

"Uncle Fugui just called me Xiaosu," Ren Xiaosu corrected.

Only Wang Fugui shook his head: "No, the rules must not be broken."

The progress of barrier 144 reform is faster than expected. Although the construction of water conservancy and the reclamation of wasteland will not alleviate the food shortage this year, but this is a matter of benefit for hundreds of years, everyone knows.

Over the 178 stronghold, Wang Fengyuan walked to Zhang Jinglin's office with a smile, still holding thick documents.

At this time, several senior generals in the office were already working on the report. Wang Fengyuan sat next to the door and did not speak.

Seeing him coming, Zhang Jinglin broke the report of interrupting work and asked Wang Fengyuan, "How is it?"

Wang Fengyuan said with a smile: "The progress is faster than expected. The work on the side of the barrier 144 is also more solid, and the multi-pronged approach looks very prosperous. Especially for the construction of water conservancy, Lao Qi had a headache before. I do n’t know how to start. Now it seems that in the hands of the young marshal, it ’s not a problem at all. Yunsu came out and solved it. ”

At this time, a senior general in the office wondered: "Yunsu? Isn't Yunsu a company, how can Yunsu come forward to solve it?"

Wang Fengyuan explained: "Because Yun Su's boss Wang Fugui is the president of the Northwest Chamber of Commerce, he is more influential in the business community. It is said that he summoned the merchants and let everyone participate in the construction of the Northwest. This solved the project. The problem of insufficient equipment. "

The senior general said softly: "But as far as I know, Yunsu is a privately owned industry. If he participates in such a large engineering project, there is nothing wrong with the intermediate process. Many people can be planted in the engineering project. "

This secretly pointed to Ren Xiaosu's profit for himself through the construction of water conservancy. All other senior generals in the office stopped talking and looked at Zhang Jinglin one after another.

And everyone is thinking that the general who questioned Ren Xiaosu, Yu Chuyao, was the parent of Commander Zhang. Why did he suddenly sing back against the commander and question Ren Xiaosu?

Is it that the wind has changed?

"Then check it out," Zhang Jinglin said with a smile: "Feng Yuan, after the investigation, we will announce it to everyone. If there is any problem, we will investigate and deal with it severely."

"Good to understand," Wang Fengyuan nodded and said, "I will let people follow up on this matter."

After the crowd left, many people began to pay attention to this matter, and everyone also wanted to see if the Northwest Commander would make a mistake in money.

In fact, some people discussed it privately a few days ago, but no one dared to talk to Commander Zhang. Now that someone is looking for a stubborn young man, then everyone just feels comfortable eating melon.

As a result, seven days later, Zhang Jinglin suddenly called all the generals in the northwest to hold a meeting. The subject of the meeting was Wang Fengyuan ’s investigation report.

In this survey report, Ren Xiaosu's private industry not only did not make profits during the reform of barrier 144, but also made a lot of concessions. It can be said that this is all about helping Ren Xiaosu carry out reforms.

This report was written by Wang Fengyuan, and the survey content is very detailed, so that everyone will be convinced to see it.

Some people laughed with a report: "The handsome young man is selfless, but it is admirable. Wang Fugui is also a talent. Integrating the Northwest Chamber of Commerce to contribute to the Northwest is a big deal."

At this time, everyone looked at the general who was the first to find fault, and they found that Yu Chuyao had a smile on his face, said nothing, and didn't mean to be beaten at all.

So there was an old fried dough stick suddenly. I was afraid that Commander Zhang also heard someone discussing the construction of water conservancy in private, so I simply asked Yu Chuyao to put it on the countertop and clarify it for everyone. Let everyone not worry that Ren Xiaosu will profit from it ...

Someone laughed bitterly. The commander was really painstaking in order to protect this successor. He even started to pull Yu Chuyao to show it to everyone!


Good night everyone, and ask for monthly tickets ~

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